Xiao Bai and Yakumo Zi, who had wrapped themselves tightly, came to the place where Emperor Shengzong's tomb was located. Although Xiao Bai felt that it was a little weird to dig his own grave, Xiao Bai really couldn't help it now. Don't do it.

In order to solve the problem of Gensokyo, Xiao Bai had to do one thing, which was to dig up his own grave. However, it would definitely not sound good if he said this, so in order to avoid being discovered, Xiao Bai Bai Ye had no choice but to wrap himself up tightly.

Yakumo Zi looked at Xiao Bai and couldn't hide her smile from the corner of her eyes. Xiao Bai's appearance was simply different from hiding his ears and stealing bells.

People who are familiar with Xiao Bai can tell at a glance that this one is Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai glared at Yakumo Purple with his only exposed eyes, and the next two people quickly entered the Emperor Shengzong. 's mausoleum.

However, Xiao Bai and Yakumo Zi discovered that something was not right as soon as they came in. The reason was that there was a robbery hole in the mausoleum, and this robbery hole was dug out of the ground.

And judging from the fact that the soil humidity in that cave is 28 degrees, it is still very new. Some people are just one step ahead of Xiao Bai and others.

Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple looked at each other, and then Xiao Bai took Yakumo Purple directly into the mausoleum. It was amazing that someone wanted to get there first. If other people knew about it, I might not have done it on the spot. Laughing to death.

I went to dig my own tomb, but the tomb robbers beat me to it. Who are you going to laugh to death if you tell me this?

Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple came to the main tomb, and as expected, Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple saw another group of people here.

The other party was wrapped as tightly as Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple, but after seeing each other, both parties understood that they were not in the same group, so a conflict broke out like this, and soon this The gang took guns and shot at Xiao Bai and Yakumo Zi.

But the expressions of Xiao Pai and Ba Yinzi instantly turned black. Don't these idiots know that the sound of gunshots will attract those guards?

Suddenly, Xiao Bai and Yakumo Murasaki realized that they could not waste time and had to fight quickly.

The tomb of Emperor Shengzong stands on the dragon vein. According to the words of those Feng Shui masters, it is invincible. Any supernatural power in this tomb will disappear. The same goes for Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple. Relying on his physical strength, he was able to kill all these well-trained guys. However, not long after Xiao Bai and the others killed these people, the guardians outside the tomb had already rushed in.

Even a loud voice followed closely:"What kind of blind bitch dares to come to His Majesty's mausoleum and act recklessly!"

Li Dingguo, who arrived immediately, rushed in with anger and looked at Xiao Bai, who was wrapped tightly with only one pair of eyes exposed, suddenly showed an obvious look of astonishment on his face. Then he looked at the tomb robbers on the ground who were obviously not the same group as Xiao Bai and recognized them for three seconds. After a few minutes, Li Dingguo said:"Bring me back all the tomb robbers on the ground, and check all the eighteen generations of their ancestors. I want to know who these tomb robbers are." After Li Dingguo finished speaking

, As soon as he turned around and left, a voice asked Li Dingguo:"There are two more over there."

Li Dingguo directly saw a young man slap the opponent on the back of the head and knocked him unconscious:"Where are there more?" Who are they? All the tomb robbers are lying on the ground. Take them back quickly."

Xiao Bai naturally knew that he had been recognized and was filled with embarrassment, but he also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Li Dingguo did not reveal his identity. Otherwise, Xiao Bai would probably be embarrassed to death.

The other tomb guards seemed to understand something when they saw this scene, but none of them really obeyed Li Dingguo's orders.

Still looking at Xiao Bai and Yakumo Murasaki, one of the middle-aged men who should be the captain raised the gun in his hand:"Catch them, they dare to steal the tomb of Emperor Shengzong, none of these tomb robbers can do anything." If they want to run away, I don’t care what their identities are. I’ll catch them all and shoot them all!"

Xiao Bai looked at those people and could only say helplessly:"Knock them out and finish the work quickly and leave!"

Xiao Bai said to After Yakumo Zi finished speaking, she took action directly.

Not long after, these tomb keepers were lying on the ground just like the tomb robbers. The only difference was that the tomb robbers were all dead, while the tomb keepers were all unconscious.

Li Dingguo on the side looked at Xiao Bai helplessly when he saw this scene and said:"Your Majesty, what do you want to do when you stay up all night and come to your own mausoleum!"

"If I hadn't come here, would I have known that all these tomb robbers had come here?"

Li Dingguo was speechless for a moment. Xiao Bai looked at Li Dingguo and continued:"Find out the eighteenth generation of these tomb robbers for me, and then tell me what the situation is, and who is carrying these 070s now. Come out, I'll get something, and then I'll leave!"

Li Dingguo nodded and then took all the tombkeepers out.

Xiao Bai took Yakumo Zi and quickly opened the coffin.

"Where's the body?"

After opening the coffin, we didn't see the body, just some funerary objects and a dragon robe.

Xiao Bai ignored Yakumo Zi's inquiry and directly picked up what he wanted, which was also the purpose of coming here this time. The order.

A bright yellow scroll.

After taking it, Xiao Bai immediately pulled Yakumo Purple and left. Of course, Xiao Bai did not forget to close the coffin lid when leaving. After leaving the tomb, Yakumo Purple put on Xiao Bai and immediately He returned to Gensokyo.

After returning to Gensokyo, Xiao Bai looked at Lucoa and asked:"Then what should we do next? The current Imperial Order is a piece of waste paper."

Xiao Bai placed the bright yellow scroll in front of Lucaya. Lucaya just smiled and then tapped the Emperor's Edict directly with his finger.

Xiao Bai's eyes suddenly widened, Lukoya Yaze said with a smile:"Then please give me more advice in the future!"

Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple's faces were filled with astonishment.

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