In Britain, Eri Sawamura looked at the people in front of her with a gloomy expression and said:"Trash, you are all a bunch of trash. The Spencer family spent so much effort to train you, but you just repay the Spencer family like this.""Is that so?"

She silently endured Sawamura Eiri's scolding. After getting tired of scolding, Sawamura Eiri looked at the butler in front of her and said,"Get out!" The butler bowed slightly and left. He said with a gloomy expression:"Damn it, after this failure it will probably be difficult to find that thing from the tomb of Emperor Shengzong."

"Legend has it that Emperor Shengzong possessed two powerful treasures, one was the Human Emperor's Edict, and the other was the Human Emperor's Jade Seal. As long as he wrote down what he wanted to do on the Human Emperor's Edict and then stamped it with the Human Emperor's Jade Seal, Then this thing can be realized 100%, but in the end Emperor Shengzong did not do this and both treasures were handed down!"

The Imperial Edict was taken to the tomb by Emperor Shengzong as a funerary object. As for the Imperial Seal, it was preserved by the Ming Dynasty royal family. Even if the Ming Emperor wanted to take a look, he would not be allowed to see it. Only The Jade Seal of the Human Emperor is only displayed at a certain time of the year.

So Eiri Sawamura sent the elites of the Spencer family to rob the tomb to get the Imperial Edict from the coffin of Emperor Shengzong 760. Let's go, but who could have imagined that all the elites sent by the Spencer family would be wiped out.

The door to the room was pushed open, Artolis walked in from the outside and looked at the gloomy Eri Sawamura, who frowned slightly. Eyebrow:"Yinglili, your personality has changed a lot since you came back from Neon. I think this look is not good."

Eri Sawamura saw a hint of impatience flash in Artolis's eyes, but soon the gloomy expression on Eri Sawamura's face disappeared.

"I'm sorry, Artolis, but I can't accept it and calm down just thinking about what happened in Neon. I want revenge!"

Artolis was silent for a moment after hearing what Eiri Sawamura said. Thinking of the things that happened in Neon before, Artolis also felt that anyone else would be exactly the same as Eiri Sawamura now.

But Artolis Liss doesn't want Eiri Sawamura to fall into hatred, but it is obviously useless to say anything now. Eiri Sawamura has been blinded by hatred.

"The Ming Dynasty sent a message that they had captured a group of tomb robbers in the tomb of Emperor Shengzong. This group of tomb robbers came from the Spencer family."

Artolis looked directly at Eri Sawamura in front of him. Artolis naturally guessed that this girl did it.

"I heard before that Emperor Shengzong of the Ming Dynasty brought the Human Emperor's Order to his tomb for burial, so in order to obtain the Human Emperor's Order, I sent a team of elites from the Spencer family, but I didn't expect that those losers not only didn't After completing the task, his identity was revealed!"

Artolis opened his mouth, looked at Sawamura Eiri and wanted to say something, but in the end he suddenly sighed and then said to Sawamura Eiri:"This matter ends here. , don’t do anything outrageous, otherwise I won’t be able to protect you. Someone in the British royal family already has some opinions on you."

A sneer appeared on Sawamura Eiri's face!

"Do they dare those individuals from the British royal family? You are the future king and I am the future queen. What can they do to me!"

Eri Sawamura sneered. Even if the British royal family is tired of themselves, do they dare to do anything to themselves?

Only a few people know that Artolis is a woman, and Eri Sawamura Pear is one of them. Once Sawamura Eiri reveals this news, the British royal family will immediately experience an earthquake.

Now that she has the handle in her own hands, Sawamura Eiri is not worried about the British royal family at all, even if No matter how many opinions the British royal family has against them, they can only swallow this breath.

Artolis looked at Sawamura Eiri with disappointment in his eyes. The sight of Sawamura Eiri in front of him made Artolis Leith was very disappointed.

Artolis stopped talking and turned to leave.

The Ming Dynasty

"You said that these foreign devils, who were full and had nothing to do, went to dig up the tomb of Emperor Shengzong, and were stolen by Emperor Shengzong directly. How could there be such a thing in this world? stupid person"

"What I am more curious about is that according to the soldiers guarding the tomb of Emperor Shengzong, there were two tomb robbers that night, but General Li"

"The only one who can make General Li do this is probably Emperor Shengzong, but Emperor Shengzong digs his own grave?"

The elders present all had strange expressions on their faces. Did

Emperor Shengzong dig his own grave?

Good guy, after guessing this result, these people all looked at each other in disbelief. Emperor Shengzong Would you actually dig your own grave?

"By the way, have you ever heard of a legend? Before his death, Emperor Shengzong brought one of the two treasures he owned, the Imperial Edict, to be buried with him!"

The atmosphere suddenly became serious. As the idol of the whole people, all the legends of Emperor Shengzong are naturally known to everyone. How could these individuals not know this legend? (Read the Baoshuang novel, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Do you mean to say that those tomb robbers went to get the Emperor's order, and Emperor Shengzong also went to get the Emperor's order?"

"I think this is the only reason, otherwise all other reasons will not make sense at all!"

"What do you think Emperor Shengzong wanted to do with the Human Emperor's edict?"

"I understand what you want to ask. It is nothing more than worrying that Emperor Shengzong wants to be restored. But there is no need to worry about this issue at all. If Emperor Shengzong wanted to be restored, he would have been restored. Do you think that if Emperor Shengzong wanted to be restored? Who can stop it!"

"There is no need for us to discuss this now. Although Emperor Shengzong did not directly explain what to do, there is no doubt that this is a test for us. If this matter is not handled satisfactorily, then Emperor Shengzong may not really want to do it. Restoration!".

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