Fei Yingli looked at Xiao Bai in front of her, and her eyes clearly regarded Xiao Bai as a liar who cheated money and sex. The words Xiao Bai said were not as good as those low-handed liars.

To actually say something like this in this way, he really regarded Fei Yingli as a fool. Who would agree to such a ridiculous thing.

Fei Yingli, who was facing Xiao Bai, just shrugged her shoulders and said nothing. She sat down and waited silently. Xiao Bai believed that sooner or later, Yog-Sothoth would come out to find him.

It is impossible for the other party to trap him here. He wants to trap him here forever. This is clearly impossible. Sooner or later, the other party will come to find him.

Seeing Xiao Bai sit down and close his eyes to rest, Concubine Yingli became a little restless.

Fei Yingli knew her current situation very well. To put it mildly, some unpredictable things might happen to her current situation at any time.

However, as time went by, Fei Yingli gradually calmed down, and Fei Yingli gradually gave up her doubts about what Xiao Bai said. If Xiao Bai wanted to do something to her, she would not be able to resist, so she would not do it at all. Deception is needed.

But Fei Yingli still had some headaches. Fei Yingli suddenly felt bad when she thought of Xiao Bai's method. After all, this was no joke.

Although he and Kogoro Mouri are divorced, there is still some disconnect between the two.

But now, if she had a relationship with Xiao Bai, Fei Yingli would not be able to pass the psychological test.

Xiao Bai could also guess what Xiao Bai was thinking about Fei Yingli, but Xiao Bai did not force it, and Xiao Bai felt that Fei Yingli might have been a trap set by Yog-Sothoth for him, so now Xiao Bai Bai still wanted to be more cautious.

Even if this Fei Yingli is real, there is no guarantee that the other party will not be taken advantage of.

So just in case, Xiao Bai thought it would be better to control his lower body.

Fei Yingli, who was constantly doing various self-adjustments in her heart, didn't know that Xiao Bai didn't have that kind of idea in her heart at all. Even if Fei Yingli herself was willing, Xiao Bai might not be willing.

Xiao Bai is not the kind of person who can't control himself.

"If, I mean if, can we use some special methods, for example, it may not be necessary`"

Fei Yingli spoke to Xiao Bai with some embarrassment, but Xiao Bai naturally knew what Fei Yingli was talking about. He glanced at Fei Yingli and nodded:"I understand what you said, but I think I can be a little more careful now." Wait a minute, I think he can't bear it anymore, and lawyer Fei, you can rest assured that although you are beautiful, I have no intention of taking advantage of you."

Fei Yingli's cheeks twitched slightly, but she didn't know in her heart. What should I say? There is always a feeling that she seems to be underestimated by the other party, so Fei Yingli can't help but say:"If you don't let the other party get what they want, then what if the other party is still unwilling to show up?" What to do, instead of doing this, it is better to let the other party get what they want and see what the other party wants to do!"

Xiao Bai looked at Fei Yingli with a strange look in his eyes, are you serious?

Xiao Bai's eyes revealed such a meaning, Fei Yingli also felt that she was really lost and crazy, and it was so shameless to say such words.

"I’m not telling you, Lawyer Fei Yingli, you’re not feeling quite right right now, etc.Not only you, but I was also led to that direction without knowing it."

【It’s really amazing. It actually made me think in that direction without knowing it. But something is wrong. He is not the one. Why would I think in this direction? Why is it possible? Is it possible that he also has the authority of the black goat? As the husband of a black goat, it seems reasonable to have the authority of a black goat, but】

Looking at Fei Yingli in front of him, Xiao Bai suddenly said:"Perhaps we have all been fooled. The other party may have deliberately wanted to lead us in this direction, so I don't think we can let the other party get what they want."

The moment Xiao Bai finished speaking, a line of text appeared in the void:"You can only continue according to my rules of the game. Once you refuse, you will be trapped here forever, whether it is you or the woman beside you. Or maybe it's the children in this place"

"What you do will only make me think that you are nothing more than that, a bit dirty, and I have no interest in performing for you."

"'I don't care about other people's eyes, and I am also not interested in human reproduction. Your union is the beginning of the game, just like the last time. Unless you pass my test, this place will always be the same. Time is passing outside the enclosure, but time here will stop forever and you will stay here forever."

"And I can answer you, your method is completely correct. You still have half an hour. After half an hour, the changes in this woman will be irreversible, so how do you choose all this?"

The words in the void gradually disappeared, and Xiao Bai did not speak:"It's really yours! Fei

Yingli looked at Xiao Bai:"If we don't do that kind of thing, won't we be able to leave here?""

"I haven't thought of a way to leave for the time being."

If there was a way to leave, Xiao Bai would have left a long time ago and would have to wait until now. But Xiao (Li Hao) Bai couldn't figure out how the other party did it. He actually imprisoned himself here and couldn't leave, and he also forced him to leave. Do you want to have sex with your concubine Yingli yourself? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Are you thinking about cheating?

But now Xiao Bai has no choice but to follow the rules of Yog-Sothoth, and half After a few hours, Fei Yingli's transformation into Cthulhu will be irreversible.

"What's your choice?"

Xiao Bai looked at Fei Yingli. Fei Yingli showed a little embarrassment on her face, and then asked Xiao Bai:"Can it be used in other places?

Xiao Bai looked at Fei Yingli and shook his head and said,"I don't know if I haven't tried it!""

"Otherwise give it a try!"

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, she almost found a crack in the ground and crawled in. It was simply embarrassing for her to say such words to a boy who was about the same age as her own daughter.

"If you can, then give it a try!".

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