Ginzo Nakamori is the father of Aoko Nakamori, a member of the Intelligent Criminal Investigation Section 2 of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Nakamori Aoko is Kuroba Kaito’s childhood sweetheart. It can almost be said that Nakamori Ginzo is Kuroba Kaito’s future father-in-law. But it’s a pity that this time

Xiao Bai met this person in the Metropolitan Police Department. After seeing Xiao Bai, the other person saluted Xiao Bai:"Sir!"

"This time I want you to do something to capture Kaitou Kidd, but Kaitou Kidd is a person you know and has a very close relationship with you, so I want to ask clearly if you have this person. consciousness."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Nakamori Ginzo showed a look of disbelief on his face, followed by a determined expression:"Sir, please rest assured and leave it to me. I will never show mercy to criminals!"

Xiao Bai nodded slightly after hearing this, then looked at Nakamori Ginzo in front of him and said:"In that case, let's go, go see that Kaitou Kidd and ask him to escape from my hands. Aren't you happy to drop it?"

Nakamori Ginzo looked at Xiao Bai Jinzhong in front of him and sank slightly. The smile on Xiao Bai's face gave this police officer who had been a criminal police officer for decades a bad feeling.

Especially When Xiao Bai brought him to Kuroba's house, all the bad premonitions in Nakamori Ginzo's heart came true. Nakamori Ginzo looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of disbelief on his face, but Xiao Bai was right Nakamori Ginzo said:"Go knock on the door. Of course, if you care about personal affairs and want to send the other person away, I don't mind spending a lot of effort."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Nakamori Ginzo immediately retorted:"I am sworn in with sin."

Xiao Bai smiled when he heard this and didn't say much. Nakamori Ginzo took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. However, he never thought that the person who opened the door would be his daughter!

Nakamori Aoko looked at him standing there The father outside the door was also a little surprised in his eyes:"Dad, why are you here?

Nakamori Ginzo glanced at his daughter and said solemnly:"Aoko, why are you here!""

"I came here to watch Kaito, and Kaito accidentally fell before! Xiao

Bai said to Nakamori Aoko from behind Nakamori Ginzo:"Aren't you going to invite us in?""

"Ah, please come in."

Xiao Bai patted Nakamori Ginzo on the shoulder and said:"Let's go, the person you miss so much is actually always by your side!"

The look on Nakamori Ginzo's face was a little ugly, but Nakamori Ginzo must have no choice now.

With a bitter expression on his face, Nakamori Ginzo followed Xiao Bai in without saying anything, and then Xiao Bai When I walked into the living room, I found Kuroba Kaito lying down in the living room.

"Are you surprised to see me!"

The moment he saw Xiao Bai, Kuroba Kaito felt bad. Then Xiao Bai said to Nakamori Ginzo behind him:"This is the Kaitou Kid you have always wanted to hunt down. So what choice do you have to make now, whether to let the other person go for the sake of your daughter, or to arrest the other person completely!"

Nakamori Ginsan's eyes were a little tangled and struggling.

Kuroba Kaito obviously couldn't believe that Xiao Bai actually came over. How is this possible?

But the facts are already in front of him. What can Kuroba Kaito do if he doesn't believe it? ?

"I told you to run away, as long as you can bear the consequences. But if you don't listen to me, then be prepared to pay the price."

The expression on Kuroba Kaito's face is not much different from that of his dead mother. Looking at Xiao Bai's eyes, he is frightened and frightened. He didn't expect that Xiao Bai actually came to the door.

Nakamori Ginzo looked at Kuroba Kaito still didn't believe it, so he asked Kuroba Kaito:"Kaito, tell me, are you really Kaitou Kidd?"

Kuroba Kaito had a tangled look on his face. Should he deny it? After all, Xiao Bai didn't catch him with his own hands. He could definitely say that Xiao Bai was a false accusation.

However, after seeing Xiao Bai's expression, Kuroba quickly Dou knew that it was useless to deny it. Xiao Bai looked at him with this expression before. He didn't pay attention at that time, but now the other party came directly to the door with Nakamori Ginzo. Kuroba

Kaito The silent look was obviously acquiescence. Nakamori Ginzo looked at Kuroba Kaito in front of him with shock and anger in his eyes.

Nakamori Ginzo never expected that it would be like this. It was a pity.

Nakamori took a deep breath. Ginzo took out the handcuffs from his body and looked at Kuroba Kaito

"Dad, this must be a misunderstanding. How could Kaito be Kaito Kid!"

Nakamori Aoko looked at her father and started to defend, but Nakamori Ginzo replied:"If there is a misunderstanding, please go back to the police station with me first. Xiao

Bai continued on the side:"In addition to Kuroba Kaito, Kuroba Kaito's housekeeper is also his accomplice. By the way, even Officer Nakamori Ginzo and you, father and daughter, are also suspected!""

Ginzo Nakamori had nothing to say. The truth was just as Xiao Bai said.

Kuroba Kaito just looked at Xiao Bai and said,"I'm leaving with you. This matter has nothing to do with them. Don't embarrass them, Xiao Bai. Shiro looked at Kuroba Kaito in front of him with a half-smile but not a smile.

"I told you before that if you run away, you will be responsible for the consequences. Do you think I am joking with you? Since you have run away, you will naturally have to suffer the consequences.

Xiao Bai smiled and then in order to wave, Nakamori Ginzo stepped forward and put the handcuffs on Kuroba Kaito's hands.

"You can choose to continue running, but the consequences are uncertain and will involve Nakamori Ginzo. After all, it was he who put the handcuffs on you!"

Cold sweat suddenly fell from Kuroba Kaito's forehead. He looked at Xiao Bai in front of him as if he was looking at a devil. Xiao Bai did not say anything but said to Kuroba Kaito:"Young man is If you don't know how to seize opportunities, you have to hold on when I give you a chance. Since I give you a chance and you don't want it, don't blame me."

At this moment, Kuroba Kaito's eyes were full of regret. He shouldn't have run away. He was so confident in himself that such a situation happened. It's really ridiculous!

But now there is no regret medicine. After eating, he can't run away. If he runs away, the Zhongsen family will be implicated!

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