Fei Yingli only felt as if she was a small boat in the violent storm that was constantly being destroyed by the violent storm, until finally the small boat was completely destroyed in the violent storm.

After who knows how long, Fei Yingli regained consciousness, looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"Is this the end?"

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and said to Fei Yingli,"It's early, what you need is the essence of life. Rather than this kind of physical satisfaction, you see."

Fei Yingli:

Thinking about the last time she dislocated her jaw and barely managed to get the essence of life this time, Fei Yingli couldn't help but cover her forehead.

In the end, Xiao Bai and Fei Yingli stayed in the hotel for more than 4 hours before they walked out of the hotel. However, Xiao Bai and Fei Yingli just walked out of the hotel and saw people waiting outside the hotel. Maorilan.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xiao Bai's face when he saw Mao Lilan. Fei Yingli also didn't expect to see Mao Lilan outside the hotel, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face, but then Fei Yingli looked at this Xiao Bai said:"You go first, Xiaolan and I will explain!"

Xiao Bai nodded and at this moment he really should leave first, so as not to embarrass Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli who were left behind.

So Xiao Bai left first, and Mao Lilan did not stay. After Xiao Bai left, Mao Lilan looked at Fei Yingli:"Mom"

"As you can see, Xiao Bai and I are in a relationship."

Mao Lilan's eyes finally showed a look of disbelief, and the look in Fei Yingli's eyes was even more shocking to the point of being unbearable.

Fei Yingli also smiled bitterly when she saw Mao Lilan's look, and then she said Looking at Mao Lilan, he said:"Let's go, let's have a good talk!"

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, she pulled Mao Lilan away. Mao Lilan could only leave with Fei Yingli.

After the two came to a coffee shop, Fei Yingli said to Mao Lilan:"Originally, I didn't want to I’m telling you so quickly, but the previous time on the cruise ship when Kaito Kidd pretended to be you and got too close to Xiao Bai, it made me think of this kind of thing, so I might as well tell you directly now~.

Mao Lilan looked at her mother:"Why?""

I can't understand why my mother and Xiao Bai, who is about the same age as me, are walking together.

"This kind of thing is difficult to explain clearly, and I am with Xiao Bai partly because of some reasons, and because of some reasons now I need to be with Xiao Bai."

Mao Lilan looked at her mother as if she were looking at a stranger. Mao Lilan couldn't understand why her mother became like this.

"Xiaolan, since you know the relationship between me and Xiao Bai, you should stay away from Xiao Bai in the future. I don’t want anything to happen between you and Xiao Bai!"

Mao Lilan looked at her mother's complicated expression and said:"I didn't have any feelings for Xiao Bai at first. At most, I thought Xiao Bai was a good person.

Concubine Yingli laughed directly after hearing Mao Lilan's evaluation:"Do you think Xiao Baibai is good?" That means you don’t understand Xiao Bai at all. This look is pretty good!"

After reading the diary, Fei Yingli knew how cruel Xiao Bai was. The blood in his hands was enough to turn into a sea of ​​blood and drown the entire neon. However, a person like this was actually evaluated by Mao Lilan as a cruel person. Not bad?

But now Xiao Bai has restrained himself because he has these girls he likes. Otherwise, Mao Lilan would be scared to death, and the entire Neon would have been killed by Xiao Bai.

I think. Thinking about the murderous intention in Xiao Bai's diary, in order to completely eliminate the Guangfu Society, he wanted to massacre the entire Neon. Such a person was actually called a good person. Fei Yingli's ideal felt a little funny. Watching it. Fei Yingli, a silly daughter of hers, smiled and said:"Don't have any prejudice against Xiao Bai in the future. I know you have always wanted to bring me and Mao Li together, but there are some things about Xiaolan that you don't know, so don't keep fooling around. It’s done."

Mao Lilan nodded bitterly. Now that things are like this, what else can Mao Lilan do!

Her mother and Xiao Bai are together. Is it possible to break up her mother?

This kind of situation is not good for her mother. How unfair it is. Mao Lilan hopes that her parents can get back together, but she does not want any of her parents to suffer unfairness.

If her father found another female Mao Lilan The same thing would not happen.

Originally, she had always wanted to bring her father and mother together to remarry because they were both single. Now that her mother has a new boyfriend, Mao Lilan, she will naturally no longer have such an idea.

Looking at Mao Lilan, Fei Yingli said to Mao Lilan:"'Are you still in love with Kudo Shinichi and still looking for Kudo Shinichi?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mao Lilan looked at Fei Yingli and opened her mouth to say something but couldn't.

Fei Yingli had told Mao Lilan to stay away from Kudo Shinichi before, but As a result, Mao Lilan didn't listen at all. Kudo Shinichi has been looking for Kudo Shinichi since he disappeared.

Seeing Mao Lilan's appearance, Fei Yingli couldn't help but shook her head:"Xiaolan, if I I told you that Edogawa Conan is Kudo Shinichi, do you believe it?"

Mao Lilan's eyes suddenly widened and looked at Fei Yingli in disbelief.

"Kudo Shinichi was given a poison by a mysterious organization. This poison failed to kill Kudo Shinichi but instead made Kudo Shinichi rejuvenate and become Edogawa Conan. Haven't you noticed a little bit? ? Some of Edogawa Conan's actions are completely unlike that of an elementary school student, and he runs wherever there is a murder. Don't you think he is exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi's character?"

Mao Lilan suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning, and his mind kept replaying some scenes of Kudo Shinichi, and then gradually these scenes were completely integrated with the scenes of Edogawa Conan.

"You know why I object to letting Edogawa Conan live in the Mori family, it's because I don't want him to bring you any danger!"

Fei Yingli looked at Mao Lilan and said seriously, Kudou Shinichi's cub had better stay away from my daughter!.

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