"This succubus secret method is really terrifying!"

There was a trace of fear in Shitori Cangna's eyes after she regained consciousness. The feeling as if her whole person was immersed in bliss made Shitori Cangna unable to control herself at all.

She just wanted to be immersed in this. In a state of extreme happiness, Shitori Sona was unwilling to think about anything. Even at that moment, Shitori Sona even had the terrible thought of simply not returning to his own world.

Shitori Sona was sure that if Xiao If Bai takes one to deal with Morgan, I will definitely not be able to withstand it, but the problem is that Xiao Bai seems to be unable to withstand it!

Although Xiao Bai is better than me, Shitori Sona understands that women have an advantage in this kind of thing, and Xiao Bai Bai was at a disadvantage, and once Xiao Bai failed to withstand it, it would not be Xiao Bai who conquered Morgan, but Xiao Bai who would be conquered by Morgan.

"Otherwise, forget it, we use other methods to obtain that legendary kitchen utensil. At most, it will only take more time and there is no need to take risks."

Chitori Cangna finally chose to give up. After all, if Xiao Bai didn't withstand 743, then the fun would be great. In addition, this proposal was made by himself. Chitori Cangna knew very well that if there really was a Whatever the problem is, you will be the one to take the blame.

"I'll think about it again!"

Zhizhi Cangna didn't say anything more about what Xiao Bai said to consider!

But in the end, Xiao Bai still made a choice, that is, use. Some small risks are still worth taking, and more importantly, Xiao Bai Bai believed in his own will.

When Xiao Bai told the others about his decision, the others did not stop Xiao Bai. They just said calmly:"If you disappoint us by then, then we will personally go and deal with it." Catch you!"

"This won't happen!"

Xiao Bai then ended his communication with others and took out any door to go to Morgan.

"So next, let me take a look, whether it is me who conquers you, or you who conquer me!"

Morgan looked at Xiao Bai with eyes full of fighting spirit. She felt that she had a huge chance of winning and it was absolutely impossible to lose! (bcdd) Unfortunately, Morgan lost in the end, and the loss was a complete defeat. This wrestling match with Morgan finally ended Xiao Bai still won

"If you win, everything I have belongs to you."

Morgan lay in Xiao Bai's arms and said to Xiao Bai with a complicated expression. Morgan is an arrogant person. This time, Xiao Bai has to compete fairly with her. Since he loses, Morgan will not default on his debt. If he loses, he loses. Morgan can afford to lose and admit defeat, so now Morgan follows Xiao Bai without any grievances

"Make an appointment with Artolis for me. I want to meet Artolis."

"What did you see her do?"

Morgan suddenly became a little nervous. He looked at Xiao Bai pitifully, fearing that Xiao Bai would choose Artolis and abandon him.

"Don't worry, I just want him to help me take out the legendary kitchen utensils!"

"Have you figured out how to get Artolis to get the legendary kitchen utensil?"

Morgan's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at Xiao Bai. Morgan would be happy to do anything that could put Artolis in trouble.

So now Morgan is looking forward to Xiao Bai being able to deal with Artolis ruthlessly.

"Just help me get Artolis out!"

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Morgan looked at Xiao Bai with eyes full of excitement. He didn't have any affection for the android sister Morgan, but only deep disgust.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but glance at Morgan in front of him.

【Sure enough, the Morgan of this world is a pirated one. The real Morgan is also the King Chef, but the Artolis of this world is also a pirated one. When I get Morgan's Spiritual Ki one day, Leave it to Morgan to experience the sisterly love between the real Morgan and King Arthur! ]

Morgan looked at the text recorded by Xiao Bai with a look of disdain on his face. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

How could Morgan be the king's chef? Xiao Bai must be talking nonsense.

This look in Morgan's heart confirmed it!

With Morgan's help, Xiao Bai quickly met Artolis.

The other party was obviously surprised when he saw Xiao Bai, but Artolis soon realized that Xiao Bai must be in cahoots with Morgan.

"Sister Wang, have you colluded with such a villain?"

Artolis looked at Xiao Bai and then looked at Morgan, but Morgan didn't pay attention to Artolis's meaning at all.

"Please take a seat first. We can have a good talk today."

"I have nothing to talk about with a villain like you!"

After saying this, Artolis will leave.

"You can leave, but countless people will die because of you!"

Artoris, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Xiao Bai angrily. But Xiao Bai calmly drank the coffee made by Morgan and saw Artoris's angry look. The appearance is full of joy!

"Sister Wang, you would rather cooperate with such a person for the sake of the throne. Aren't you worried that Britain will eventually be destroyed by the other party?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can get revenge on you, it doesn't matter, Artolis!"

Morgan looked at Artolis and said calmly, but there was unconcealable hatred hidden in his tone!

"It was supposed to belong to me, but it was taken away by you, and you didn't even give me a chance. In this case, what's the point of ruining it."

Looking at Morgan's distorted face, Artolis fell into silence.

It was her who caused his sister Wang to look like this, but she really didn't want to be like this. She has always been Artolis, who demanded herself to be a perfect knight, fell silent.

She didn't want to hurt Morgan, but as Morgan said, she became the person who hurt Morgan the most.

"Sister Wang, I'm sorry for hurting you invisibly, but I never wanted to hurt you!"

Artolis apologized to Morgan, but it was useless at this time. Morgan didn't care at all.

She only cared about getting revenge on Artolis.

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