Morgan put down the mobile phone in his hand and looked at Xiao Bai with a solemn expression on his face and said:"Eiri Sawamura colluded with the evil gods from outside the world to control Britain. Now it is Sawamura Eiri who is giving orders in all of Britain!"

Xiao Bai heard this. After saying this, Xiao Bai showed a clear look of surprise, but then Xiao Bai started laughing.

"Hahaha, Hahaha, Sawamura Eiri really surprised me. I didn’t expect Sawamura Eiri to grow to such an extent! Morgan looked at Xiao Bai worriedly:"Then what do you want to do? Artolis called me just now. I can feel that Artolis's aura is unstable, and he is very likely to be injured." Xiao

Bai looked at Morgan:"Don't you hate this sister?" Why do you seem to care now? Morgan

's expression froze slightly and then he said with quibbles:"I'm not caring about Artolis, I'm just caring about Britain. After all, I am the future queen of Britain. If Britain is destroyed, then whose queen will I be!"

Xiao Bai saw that his whole body was soft but his mouth was hard. Morgan curled his lips, he really had a hard mouth!

Then Xiao Bai began to think about his next action, save Britain and help Britain bring order to chaos?

Are you kidding me? Xiao Bai is so kind to go to that group of pirates to bring order to things?

As for Morgan's mood, it's even simpler. After destroying Britain, re-establish one on Britain's homeland - Britain!

Xiao Bai, who had already made a decision in his heart, looked at Morgan and said,"Let's just wait and see what happens!"

Morgan's expression suddenly changed. Xiao Bai's words were undoubtedly saying that he wanted to watch Artoli helplessly. Die and watch Britain be destroyed!

Morgan obviously couldn't accept this outcome. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of him, he wanted to plead, but he didn't know how to speak.

Then Morgan gritted his teeth and said to Xiao Bai:"Send me there, even if Artolis is going to die, he can only die in my hands!"

Xiao Bai looked at the dead duck and the stiff-mouthed Morgan shook his head and was thinking When he wanted to refuse, Morgan said:"If you don't take me there, then I will go there by myself."

Xiao Bai was speechless and then shook his head helplessly:"Okay!"

Then Xiao Bai took Morgan to sign the contract. Britain.

In the end, Morgan saw a pale Artolis in a safe house. At this time, blood was still coming out of the bandage on Artolis's body.

When Morgan saw Artoris's look, a trace of anger suddenly flashed in his eyes. He clenched his fists tightly and his nails pierced into his flesh, but he felt no pain at all.

"You are such a waste. A mere Eiri Sawamura actually caused you such serious injuries. What else can you do."

Artolis, who was scolded by Morgan, was not angry at all. Instead, he looked at Morgan with a smile on his face.

"Sister Wang, you are caring about me!"

Morgan was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his hair suddenly became furious.

"Fart, who cares about you anymore, you just lost the royal face."

Looking at Morgan's tough-tongued look, Xiao Bai smiled and then said to Morgan:"Since you have seen Artolis now, let's do it now. Didn't you say that even if Artolis is... Do I have to die in your hands? Then kill Artolis now! Morgan

's expression stiffened instantly, and then he glared at Xiao Bai fiercely, and finally said with a cold face:"I will not take advantage of others' danger. I will wait until Artolis is well before I take action!""

Xiao Bai shrugged and said nothing, but the look in his eyes made Morgan want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Artolis smiled, looking at Morgan, the Queen's eyes, full of tenderness.

Although he didn’t know what caused this sister who hated him so much to change his attitude, there was no doubt that Artolis liked the current Morgan.

After two dry coughs, Artolis looked at Xiao Bai said seriously:"The last time you took me to that place, I felt the same breath in Sawamura Eiri. Xiao

Bai's brows twitched slightly and he looked at Artolis in front of him:"Are you sure?""

"I can confirm that when the other party hurt me, there was extreme evil and chaos. Originally, Yinglili was just a girl with no power, but now the other party really defeated me easily."

"I couldn't even protect myself in the hands of Eri Sawamura. If I hadn't used the Holy Sword to forcefully break out in the end, I should be dead now!"

Xiao Bai's expression was slightly serious, and then Xiao Bai squinted his eyes and said,"Then did you bring out the legendary kitchen utensils?"

A look of shame appeared on Artolis's face. It was obvious that Artolis had not been able to bring out the legendary kitchen utensils.

Seeing this, Xiao Bai stopped asking.

Artolis then looked at Xiao Bai Bai:"Xiao Bai, please help Britain bring order to the chaos. I can give up the throne to Sister Wang!"

Morgan frowned and looked at Artolis and said,"Are you looking down on me?" If I want the throne, I will take it myself without you giving it to me!"

"Sister Wang, this is not pity for you but the best choice. Only with this condition can Xiao Bai take action to save Britain!"

Xiao Bai looked at Artolis and chuckled:"I don't need this kind of Britain. If I want, I can rebuild a Britain on the ruins and give it to Morgan."

Artolis's face changed slightly.

On the other hand, Morgan snorted coldly:"Instead of using the throne in exchange for Britain, it would be better for you to become Xiao Bai's woman and use yourself as a condition in exchange for Xiao Bai's help.."

Xiao Bai and Artolis were both stunned. They didn't expect Morgan to say such a thing. However, Xiao Bai did suddenly fall into thinking. It didn't seem impossible.

Artolis looked at Looking at Xiao Bai, a look of hesitation appeared on his face and then turned into determination:"If this can save Britain, then I am willing to die.""

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