The moment Xiao Bai held the Garuda sword in his hand, a phoenix flew out from the blade of the Garuda sword, and then the phoenix fell back onto the blade of the Garuda sword. A phoenix pattern appeared on the blade of Lou Luo Dao.

However, Xiao Bai frowned while holding this Garuda sword. Although the Garuda sword was not contaminated, at this time, the Garuda sword had lost most of its spirituality and he wanted to use this sword. Then it is necessary to restore the spirituality of this sword. Fortunately, Xiao Bai knows how to restore the spirituality of this sword. If he wants to restore the connection with the Garuda sword, then Xiao Bai has to find someone.

Platycodon, the witch who purified the Jade Dragon Pot, it is not a big problem to let the other party restore the spirituality of the Garuda Sword.

【I finally found a complete piece of the legendary kitchen utensil. Unlike the Jade Dragon Pot, which comes as a set and is only equivalent to half a piece, the Garuda Knife is a complete legendary kitchen utensil. But unfortunately, the Garuda Knife Today's spirituality has been lost. If you want to restore your spirituality, you still need to find Platycodon grandiflorum.】

【I don’t know where I think I am now, so I’ll make a phone call first and ask. 】

Xiao Bai found Platycodon’s phone number from the cell phone. Don’t think that Platycodon, as a witch, doesn’t use a cell phone. That’s obviously impossible. After all, what’s the difference between a savage and a savage without a cell phone in today’s society? Even if Platycodon, a witch, was in the classical It’s also impossible not to use your phone.

The call was dialed quickly, and Xiao Bai learned from Platycodon that Platycodon had returned to his hometown village. Xiao Bai directly asked Platycodon to take a photo for himself, and then used any door to appear in front of Platycodon..

It was just a little embarrassing. Looking at Platycodon in the bath, Xiao Bai's mouth twitched slightly and said to Platycodon:"If I say I didn't mean it, would you believe me?" Platycodon glanced at

Xiao Bai and nodded lightly. He nodded and then said:"Then please go out first!"

Xiao Bai immediately opened the door and walked out. At the same time, he closed the door again. Not long after, Kikyo left with a little wet water droplets on his hair. come out.

Later, Kikyo said to Xiao Bai:"If you want to restore the spirituality of the legendary kitchen utensils, the best place is in the back mountain of Narukami Taisha Shrine. There is the largest spiritual vein in the entire Neon, and the mountain spring water flowing out there is the best, but Before that I want to ask you to do me a favor!"

"No problem, no matter what, there are very few things in this world that I can’t do!"

"Please come with me!"

After Platycodon finished speaking, she took Xiao Bai to a hillside. There was nothing else on the hillside, just green grass and a towering tree!

"Time tree!"

The moment Xiao Bai saw this tree, he thought of the tree where Platycodon sealed Inuyasha in the original plot.

【I didn't expect that Platycodon would lead me to the Time Tree, and I was really a little surprised and surprised. I actually felt the breath of time and space with this Time Tree, which means that this Time Tree may have the ability to travel back and forth. The ability of time and space, this damn thing】

【You can't tell Sona about this, otherwise Sona might do something stupid. Although the Time Tree says it's possible to travel through time and space, it's not certain which world you go to after you leave this world, so Before you are unsure, it is better not to tell Sona about this for the time being, and the era treeHe actually became a spirit. Didn't it say that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was not allowed to become a spirit? Is it possible that this era tree is from before the founding of the People's Republic of China? 】

This entry in Xiao Bai's diary has affected the hearts of many people. At least Chitori Cang's heart beat very fast. He would leave this world without damaging the Kyushu barrier, but Chitori quickly Sona fell silent again. Even if he left this world, if he could not return to the devil high school world, he might still be lost in other worlds, and the situation would be even worse than now.

So Shitori Aona could only suppress her own heartbeat.

【Try to see if you can communicate with this era tree. If not, cut it down. This era tree may bring monsters from the past to the present, so if the other party cannot communicate, for The era tree of world peace must be cut down! ]

Shitori Sona strongly suspected that Xiao Bai did such a thing in order to keep him by his side forever.

However, what Xiao Bai said made some sense, so even if he doubted Shitori Sona, he couldn't say anything.

Xiao Bai looked at the number of times in front of him but did not take action. Instead, he looked at Platycodon and asked:" platycodon, what do you want me to do to this tree?"

"This tree is over hundreds of years old, so I suspect it may have become a monster, so he wants to ask you how to deal with it so as not to cause trouble to the residents of the neighboring villages."

"It turns out that your question is not wrong. This tree has indeed become a spirit. However, I don’t know if this tree can communicate. If we can communicate with each other, we can keep the other party and it may be useful."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he stepped forward and reached out to touch the tree.

His spiritual will touched the tree, and the next moment Xiao Bai felt that his spiritual will was brought to a special space.

This It is a dark space, and the only concept in front of you is this tree of time that exudes a faint blue light. The light of this tree of time that exudes a faint blue light gradually converges to form a person. This person is exactly what Xiao Bai is familiar with. of Platycodon.

However, Xiao Bai did know that the other party was not Platycodon, but the tree of times who transformed into Platycodon.

"Since you have your own will, I will give you two choices. The first choice is to sign a contract with me and become my property. From now on, I will be the only one."

"The other option is for me to kill you now and make you disappear completely!"

"I choose the first one!"

Without any hesitation, the Time Tree directly chose the first one, and then a little blue light flew out from the Time Tree and turned into a tail ring the next moment.

Xiao Bai put on this one The tail ring immediately felt all the functions of the era tree.

The function of the era tree is very simple. It summons things that existed in the past to this era. What is summoned is not a real existence, but is equivalent to a phantom. Kind of.

And the one with the most strength summoned is only the original 800 million of the person being summoned.

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