When Xiao Bai heard that Xiao Lin Gentian was still unwilling to leave, he suddenly had a black line on his forehead and said to Xiao Lin Gentian:"You have to know that if I hadn't arrived in time this time, you would have died. Just wait a little longer." Then you'll be finished in a minute or two. Is this a place you can come to?"

Xiaobayashi Gentian was a little embarrassed when he was told that, but Xiaobayashi Gentian still said stubbornly:"No, I still have things that I haven't finished yet. I have to finish it, so I can't leave now!"

Xiao Bai, who saw Xiaobayashi Ringtong's appearance, also didn't know how to complain. Kobayashi Ringtong was simply looking for death. He didn't have any strength in his heart. Forced numbers?

"What on earth do you want to do on this island?"

Xiao Bai helplessly asked Xiaolin Gentian

"In fact, I just wanted to hunt a monster. This time I was in such a mess because of that monster. If it hadn't been for that monster, I wouldn't have almost died before!!

There was a trace of anger in Xiaolin Ringtong's eyes when he said this. It was obvious that he hated that monster to the core. Xiao Bai was helpless about it. Then Xiao Bai said to Xiaobayashi Rgentan:"Okay. , I will help you hunt, and we will leave after solving the problem!"


Xiao Lin Gentian's eyes lit up. If Xiao Bai was willing to help, then this matter would be much simpler.

"So now tell me what kind of monster you are talking about."

"It was an unprecedentedly huge crocodile. One of its teeth was bigger than my whole body!"

After Xiao Bai listened to what Xiaolin Gentian said, he immediately knew which one Xiaolin Gentian was talking about!

"Keira crocodile, the overlord of this island, you actually encountered Keira crocodile. You can run away. No matter how fast you are, I guess if you hadn't run away, now I would only be in the excrement of Keira crocodile. I'm looking for your remains~."

Keira Crocodile is at least insanely powerful according to this world's classification. It can be said that Kobayashi Ryuden was lucky enough to escape from the hands of Keira Crocodile. The corner of Kobayashi Ryuden's mouth twitched slightly, Can this guy Xiao Bai speak?

What does it mean to become the feces of the giant crocodile Keira? If you can’t speak, don’t talk!

Xiao Bai didn’t care what Kobayashi Rgentian thought, and said directly to Kobayashi Rgentian:"Okay. , then let’s go, now I will take you to kill the Kaila giant crocodile, and then go back quickly. Ning Ning is very worried about you. If it weren’t for Ning Ning’s call, I wouldn’t have known you were here.!"

By a strange combination of circumstances, Xiaolin Gendan asked Xiao Bai:"What about you, are you worried about me?"

Looking at Xiaolin Gentian, Xiao Bai was silent for a long time, and then said to Xiaolin Gentian:"Nervous!"

Rentant Kobayashi couldn't help but chewed a mouthful of silver teeth. This bastard Xiao Bai is really a straight man. Are you worried that you will die if you say anything at this time?

Rentant Kobayashi was angry and nodded. As he walked forward, Xiao Bai's words directly caused Xiaolin Gentian to break his defense:"Keira's giant crocodile is not on that side!"

Turning his head to look at Xiao Bai gritting his teeth, Xiaolin Ringtong couldn't help but ask Xiao Bai:"If it were Ning Ning at this time, would you still be like this?"

"Comparing yourself to this one is not a good thing for you, and the relationship between Ningning and I is not that kind of relationship either!"

Although there was some ambiguity between Xiao Bai and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning, it was far from the level that Kobayashi Ryodan said, so Xiao Bai directly rejected what Kobayashi Ryodan said. Kobayashi

Ryodan But it was half-smiling:"Do you think you are very humorous? You have an idea of ​​your relationship with Ning Ning. If it weren’t for you, how could Nian Ning Ning refuse the relatives of An in the family?"

"Ji Zhiguo also arranged a blind date for Ning Ning?"

"For your sake, Ning Ning refused the blind date arranged by her family. As a result, you didn't even know about this kind of thing. I really feel worthless for Ning Ning."

Xiao Bai looked at Xiaolin Gentian and didn't say anything, but his heart was already filled with turmoil.

【If it hadn't been for Kobayashi Gendan reminding me, I probably wouldn't have known that Ning Ning had refused a blind date at home because of me. Did Ning Ning just have a crush on me? Or are you just using me as a shield and excuse? 】

Xiaolin Ringtong looked at Xiao Bai and felt a little speechless. This guy was really hopeless.

Xiao Bai took Xiaolin Rgentian to a lake, and then Xiaolin Rgentian's expression became serious. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

".Is this lake where the crocodile lives?"

While Xiao Bai was speaking, a huge splash of water suddenly rose from the lake, and then a huge snake stood up from the water. But the next moment, its body suddenly hit the water surface hard, and most of its body fell. On the shore.

Looking at the huge snake-like creature that is more than two meters thick and dozens of meters long, Kobayashi Ringtong couldn't help but his eyelids twitched slightly. This thing is too big. If he had encountered this thing before, I'm afraid I can't even run away.

However, before Kobayashi Gentian could relax, a huge purple-red eight-legged crocodile crawled out of the water, and the next moment his eyes were fixed on this crocodile. Xiao Bai and Kobayashi Gentian.

Keira Crocodile remembered the food that Kobayashi Gentian escaped from his mouth. Now that the food has escaped again, Keira Crocodile will not be polite.

"Who gave you the courage!"

(The Great Xia Longque appeared in Xiao Bai's hand. Xiao Bai casually cut off the head of the giant Keira crocodile in an instant.

Seeing the Keira giant crocodile with its body and head separated, Rgent Kobayashi suddenly felt bad.

He almost became the crocodile's excrement, but in the end, Xiao Bai chopped off the crocodile with a knife. Xiaolin Ringtong suddenly felt that his whole body was not well.

"Okay, we can go back!"

Xiao Bai received a whole Kaila giant crocodile and a swamp snake into the storage space, and then said to Xiaolin Gentian

"There is one thing that needs to be explained before going back!"

Xiao Lin Gendan looked at Xiao Bai:"You have seen all of me before, right?"

Xiao Bai's eyelids twitched and he defended himself:"I did it to save you and give you a hemostatic clip."

"But you saw it, right?".

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