Xiao Bai likes to be clean, so he was very dissatisfied with Sawamura Eiri's behavior of urinating everywhere, so Xiao Bai grabbed Eiri Sawamura's head and asked Eiri Sawamura to urinate all over her. After licking them all clean, he locked up Eiri Sawamura and waited for the skin on Eiri Sawamura to regenerate, and then repeated it over and over again until Eiri Sawamura became numb to this kind of pain.

After Eiri Sawamura becomes numb to this pain, Xiao Bai will think of another way. In a word, Eiri Sawamura, don't think about a good death!

Xiao Bai's hatred for Sawamura Eiri was completely ignited, especially when Sawamura Eiri laughed at Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai almost vomited blood, all because of her dog-licking personality!

However, no matter how much Eiri Sawamura laughed at him before, Xiao Bai now wants the other party to pay a price, otherwise how could he be worthy of Eiri Sawamura's ridicule.

Speaking of which, the Liu family was enjoying a big meal every day. Xiao Bai was thinking about whether to lock them together with Sawamura Eiri, but then Xiao Bai shook his head and rejected this idea. One idea is that locking them together may be an advantage for them. Therefore, Sawamura Eiri and the Liu family should be detained separately.

After washing away the smell of blood on his body, Xiao Bai came back and asked Yakumo Purple to send the others back. Sawamura Eiri had already been dealt with by Xiao Bai, so the rest were just a few insignificant things. As for Xiao Bai's ability to stay with those girls, he didn't need to worry about what danger those girls would encounter.

When I returned home, I unexpectedly found that Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji was the only one at home.

"Ning Ning, why are you alone? Are the others not here?"

Although Xiao Bai had some guesses in his heart, he didn't say it out loud. Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning glanced at Xiao Bai and then said lightly:"Senior Sister Rendan forced me to stay. Of course, I am also willing. I should have already told you, so I want to know what your attitude is!"

"You don't seem to care too much?"

The expression on Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's face doesn't look like she cares too much about this matter.

"If you are willing to accept it, then I will be yours from now on. If you are not willing and you don't like me, then I won't bother you. I will choose to accept the blind date arranged for me by my family."

Seeing the calm expression on Ji Zhiguo Ningning's face, Xiao Bai felt a little weird. The expression on Ji Zhiguo Ningning's face made Xiao Bai always feel that Ji Zhiguo Ningning was not talking about himself. things, but some unimportant passers-by

"I don’t have the habit of cuckolding myself. Since you like me and I don’t hate you, and you are so beautiful, I have no reason to reject you, right?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief as if he had let go of a big stone in his heart, and the expression on his face softened.

"But I'm curious, when did you like me?"

On the contrary, he was a little confused that his total age and contact with Kobayashi Ryoden were not that much, so Xiao Bai was very confused about the fact that they actually liked him.

"I don’t know, maybe it was the first time I met you, or maybe it was when you made Sishen Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns in front of me without caring."

"Is this what it looks like? Understood!"

Xiao Bai didn't intend to continue asking. Ji Zhiguo Ningning suddenly smelled a faint but very strong smell of blood.

"The smell of blood on you"

"It belongs to an enemy. I thought it had been washed clean, but I didn’t expect you to smell it!"

"Chefs have a better sense of smell than ordinary people, so they can smell it."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning knew very well that under normal circumstances it would be impossible for Xiao Bai to have such a thick smell of blood, but the presence of such a thick smell of blood on Xiao Bai's body can only mean one thing. What Xiao Bai did was extremely bloody.

Then based on speculation, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning quickly guessed who this person was, Sawamura Eiri!

Only Sawamura Eiri would do it for Xiao Bai personally. , other people can have this qualification.

It seems that this revenge that lasted for more than two years has finally come to an end. Sawamura Eiri finally fell into Xiao Bai's hands.

"By the way, where have they all gone?"

There is only one Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning left in the family. This makes Xiao Bai wonder where the others have gone.

"their words"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning saw Xiao Bai's eyes looking a little weird, which made Xiao Bai feel a little strange, what Ji Zhiguo Ningning was looking at him.

But what Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo said next made Xiao Bai understand what was going on.

It turned out that this group of people had all gone to Britain, and they were still going to attend the marriage of Arturia and Morgan. In order to see how Xiao Bai would embrace the beauty, the expression on Xiao Bai's face gradually changed. Gotta be weird.

No wonder what kind of expression Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji would have.

Are all these women so good at playing?

Xiao Bai glanced at Ji Zhiguo Ningning and subconsciously asked:"Isn't this matter suggested by Xiaobayashi Rgentan?"

"It was really Ryo-senpai who suggested it!"

The corners of Xiao Bai's mouth twitched and he was about to say something when the cell phone in his pocket rang. He picked up the cell phone and saw that it was Xiaolin Gentian calling. After answering the phone, he would wait for Xiao Bai (Dede Zhao). When Bai opened his mouth, an anxious voice came from Xiaolin Gentian's side:"Xiao Bai, help, the plane crashed.""

Xiao Bai's expression changed and the next moment a busy signal came from the phone!

Xiao Bai then quickly continued to dial, but the result was that the message was that he was no longer in the service area!

Xiao Bai's expression changed as he sensed the monsters he had left on these girls, but in the end, Xiao Bai was indeed unable to contact them at all.

His face finally turned gloomy, and his face was so gloomy that water dripped from his face.

"What happened to make you angry?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning saw the expression on Xiao Bai's face and asked worriedly.

"Gendan called and said it was a plane crash. When I called back later, I found that he was no longer in the service area. At the same time, the Warcraft I left on those girls also lost contact."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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