"It’s really cold here at the Bear!"

Xiao Bai rubbed his arm and said. Although Xiao Bai is now completely unafraid of the cold, this kind of weather still makes Xiao Bai a little uncomfortable. Beside

Xiao Bai stood the official Mao Xiong, After hearing what Xiao Bai said, the other party immediately handed Xiao Bai a bottle of vodka and said to Xiao Bai:"Take a sip of vodka to warm yourself up and go away the cold!"

Xiao Bai took the vodka from the other party's hand. Xiao Bai took a sip and then asked:"It's not bad. I think I should have made an appointment with your Lei Emperor. I just don't know how to meet you at Reishi!""

After hearing the inquiry, the official's face showed an embarrassed look, but then he explained to Xiao Bai:"We have arranged the"750" arrangement as soon as possible for this matter, but when will His Majesty the Thunder Emperor His willingness to meet with you requires His Majesty the Thunder to make his own decision!"

Xiao Bai's eyelids twitched slightly when he heard this sentence. Good guy, this Thunder Emperor always feels as if he is above the Mao Xiong government!

"Mao Xiong official"

Xiao Bai didn't speak very clearly, but the Mao Xiong official immediately guessed what Xiao Bai wanted to say. An awkward smile appeared on his face, and then he whispered to Xiao Bai:"Your Majesty, the Thunder Emperor, is not only our Mao Xiong's youngest special chef has even concluded a contract with an incredible being, and she is also the goddaughter of our emperor!"

Xiao Bai showed a strange expression on his face and then looked at the Mao Xiong government employee in front of him. :"Goddaughter?"

Xiao Bai knew that sometimes goddaughter and goddaughter had different meanings. This furry bear emperor wouldn't have such a good time!

The person who was sent to replace Xiao Bai naturally also had a thorough understanding of Ming culture, so after seeing the look on Xiao Bai's face, he immediately knew that Xiao Bai had misunderstood.

Then he immediately explained:"Please don't have any misunderstanding, it's just the literal meaning."

Xiao Bai nodded and said nothing more. As for what he was thinking in his heart, naturally no one knew, and Xiao Bai did not continue on this issue. Instead of being entangled, he asked directly:"Then how long will it take to meet your Thunder Emperor?"

"We really can’t say this."

Xiao Bai saw the other party's appearance and knew that the other party had nothing to do with the Thunder Emperor. Fortunately, he nodded and did not continue to dwell on this issue and said:"Then please do it as soon as possible."

Then Xiao Bai stayed in a hotel arranged by the official under the arrangement of the other party. After the official arranged Xiao Bai, he immediately hurried to the food club to report to Lei Di.

"Your Majesty, the Thunder Emperor, has already arranged for Ming Dynasty’s official personnel to be in the hotel. I wonder what other instructions you have next!"

"You don't have to worry about what happens next, as long as you keep this person stable."

Xiao Bai's identity information, at least on the surface, has been completely placed in front of Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya. For Xiao Bai, the youngest special chef, Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya is slightly interested. After all, it is difficult for Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya not to care about someone younger than herself who became a special chef.


Naturally, this furry official did not dare to have any slights in regard to Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovo's orders.

This furry official had no regard for Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovo. Ya bowed slightly and then left. Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoy was holding Xiao Bai's information with a smile full of S on her face.

"Xiao Bai? Just let me see how much you weigh!"

The high temperature generated by the golden lightning in his hand gradually burned the photo bit by bit.

In the hotel,

Xiao Bai was thinking about how he would deal with Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya after meeting him. The other party took out the legendary kitchen utensils!

As for the original idea of ​​​​attacking Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya, Xiao Bai had already given up on it before Xiao Bai came.

Beauty trap or something. After all, it was not very good, and Xiao Bai wanted to lose face, so Xiao Bai rejected this beauty trick....

Therefore, since there is no more beauty trap, Xiao Bai must find another way to obtain this legendary kitchen utensil.

It's just that Xiao Bai doesn't have any good ideas for the time being and is ready to wait until he meets Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya before thinking of a solution.

It’s just that Xiao Bai didn’t expect that after he came to Mao Xiong, he didn’t see Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya at all.


Xiao Bai doesn't believe that the other party really just doesn't want to meet him. I'm afraid Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya also has other plans.

"Then I will wait and see what you will prepare to welcome me."

After Xiao Bai figured this out, he calmed down and was not in a hurry.

The other party also wanted to see him, so just wait.

Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya originally wanted to Xiao Bai wanted to wait until he couldn't bear it and then came to find her, but he never expected that Xiao Bai would turn a blind eye and spend the whole day just playing around and eating and drinking with public funds!

Vasily Sayuriyevna Mostovoya quickly realized that Xiao Bai must have seen through her plan, and there was a hint of danger in her eyes.

For Vasilisa Yuri, who has a strong personality As far as Yevna Mostovoya is concerned, Xiao Bai’s move is undoubtedly a provocation, so now Vasilisa

Yurievna Mostovoya knows that it is time for her to launch a hunt, but she just doesn’t know Should Xiao Bai be able to have some fun with this super chef who is younger than himself!

On the third day, Xiao Bai finally met Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya, red Wearing a red dress, long golden hair, and holding a black feather fan in her hand, the first feeling she gave people was that of arrogance!

When Xiao Bai looked at Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya Vasilisa Yurievna Mostovoya looked at Xiaobai in the same way.


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