"Isn’t the Ming side worried that we will perish together with them?"

Looking at these frustrated bureaucrats, Vasilisa silently looked at the individuals present. The ugly and embarrassing looks of these people simply made Vasilisa feel funny!

Die together?

Indeed, if it weren't for Xiao Bai, it might still be possible. Die together, but Xiao Bai's existence is like a sea-fixing needle, which directly makes the option of die together completely disappear. The existence of the Void Skeleton makes the threat of the Tsar Bomb completely a joke. The second road is simply a dead end. , Vasilisa did not make any choice, she just stood there and watched like a bystander. The emperor noticed this.

"Vasilisa, what do you think we should do?"

Faced with this question, Vasilisa just replied calmly:"I will choose the first one to use your heads to calm the other party's anger."

After hearing Vasilisa's words, everyone looked at Vasilisa in shock. Is this the same Thunder Emperor they knew?


The Emperor looked at Vasilisa's calm question and did not feel any anger or anger because of Vasilisa's words!

"If you ask me, the reason is very simple, because even using the Tsar Bomb cannot threaten Xiao Bai, so it is worth using your lives to exchange for the safety of Mao Xiong.

The emperor asked curiously:"Is Xiao Bai that powerful?""

"If the other party is not so powerful, why would you take the risk of using a nuclear bomb to destroy Xiao Bai? I never believe that you are using a nuclear bomb just to get back the legendary kitchen utensils."

This question surprised everyone except the emperor.

Indeed, if the other party just took away the legendary kitchen utensils, then the emperor seemed to have no reason to use nuclear bombs.

"You guessed it right. I noticed this person very early. Two years ago, according to the news from the red house, Xiao Bai used some kind of biochemical virus to destroy several cities in the Ming Dynasty. Now this Xiao Bai was recruited by Ming Dynasty, so in order to prevent this from happening to Mao Xiong, I wanted to destroy Xiao Bai, but unfortunately I underestimated Xiao Bai too much, or I didn't think of Xiao Bai. Can actually withstand a nuclear bomb.!"

After hearing what the emperor said, these fussy officials realized that Xiao Bai was so dangerous. At the same time, they were shocked by the emperor's foresight, but then there was silence.

The emperor looked at Vasilisa and asked:"Is there no hope?"

"This is the other party's only condition!"

Vasilisa's words are undoubtedly telling everyone here that there is no other choice.

"It seems that I made a wrong decision, and this decision is likely to lead to the destruction of the bear. Vasilisa, I will leave it to you to lead the bear in the future."

The other bureaucrats present heard what the emperor said and their eyes widened in disbelief. Is the emperor explaining the funeral arrangements?

"Don't worry, leave it to me. Although I can't aspire to the top of the world, I will lead the furry bear to continue to exist."

"So please, you should have had this idea since you came back this time, so let's do it."

This made other bureaucrats seem to understand something, and there was a look of horror in their eyes, but Vasilisa showed no mercy at all. She quickly killed all the bureaucrats except the emperor, and then Vasilisa said to The emperor said:"Then farewell, I will protect the bear."

The emperor nodded happily, and then Vasilisa instantly penetrated the emperor's heart.

Finally, Vasilisa chopped off everyone's heads and then took these heads directly to where Xiao Bai was.

When Xiao Bai saw Vasilisa throwing out the heads of these individuals, his mind went blank. Xiao Bai never thought that Vasilisa would do such a thing.

But in the end, when Vasilisa After bringing the heads, Xiao Bai became Spartan. Looking at Xiao Bai's dull eyes, Vasilisa said to Xiao Bai:"I brought everyone's heads according to your conditions!"

Listening to what Vasilisa said, Xiao Bai didn't know how he should answer this matter. Before, Xiao Bai was just talking nonsense and said something that was impossible to do. But who knows the result of Vasilisa? Sha actually did it, damn it(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Unless Xiao Bai directly breaks his promise and gets fat, Xiao Bai can really only change this story.

But it was impossible for Xiao Bai to break his promise and gain weight, so Xiao Bai took a deep breath and looked at Vasilisa and said,"You impressed me." The green wind wall gradually disappeared, but Vasilisa relaxed. After taking a breath, Vasilisa said to Xiao Bai:"I want to have a fight with you. If you win, then the whole bear and I will belong to you, but if you lose, I want you to stay." Playing for the Bears in the Bears!"

"I don't think I need to bet with you!"

Xiao Bai said this while looking at Vasilisa in front of him!

"You have a legendary kitchen utensil that you want, and I happen to know the whereabouts of another legendary kitchen utensil. If you win, I will tell you the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensil, so you have a reason to have a fight with me."

Xiao Bai was not surprised that Vasilisa knew that she wanted the legendary kitchen utensil. What surprised Shan Xiaobai was that Vasilisa actually knew the whereabouts of another legendary kitchen utensil!

"Are you sure you know the whereabouts of the legendary kitchenware?"

"Sure, even if I am not 100% sure, I am 80% sure of the approximate location of the legendary kitchen utensil! Xiao

Bai looked at Vasilisa:"Okay, then I will fight with you, let's do it!""

Standing in front of Vasilisa, Xiao Bai said casually.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky for a moment, and golden thunder beat in the clouds. Then the golden thunder fell to the ground and turned into... Lions and thunderbirds

"This move is really cool, but it's a pity that I can't learn it. I don't have the ability to control thunder and lightning now. I can try it in the future, but it's a bit flashy."

The Daxia Dragon Bird appeared in Xiao Bai's hand, and Xiao Bai simply chopped it out with a knife!"

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