【Rgent Kobayashi: A bad guy!】

【Yukinoshita Haruno: Indeed, Yukino-chan is a good person, which means Xiao Bai is willing to accommodate you. Otherwise, according to Xiao Yukino, you would have been kicked away long ago. After all, Yukino-chan, you are really annoying. disappointment】

【Nangong Nayue: In the past, Yukino was indeed a little too kind, which made me think that sooner or later, Xiao Bai would suffer because of Yukino. 】

A black line appeared above Yukinoshita Yukino's head. Is she really that bad?

【Yae Kamiko: Oh, your words like this will damage the little girl’s confidence.】

【Leiden Zhen: Kindness is a good thing, but kindness has its own differences. We can be kind to the people around us, but we can never be kind to Xiao Bai and our enemies. This is the bottom line.】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: You are obviously not discussing my affairs now, aren't you discussing the war between Britain and the Iron Tower? Why did all the topics suddenly shift to me? 】

Yukinoshita Yukino felt aggrieved and suddenly all the topics turned to herself.

【Leticia: I can see that you have no intention of going with me to persuade Xiao Bai.】

【Bai Yuekui: Let me tell you directly. If Britain took the initiative to invade, then we might still be able to help. But now it is the Iron Tower Kingdom that took the initiative to invade, and then they were destroyed after the invasion. We have to help the invaders resist. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous, victim?】

【Sakayanagi Arisu: And the ones who were invaded were the people in the chat group. If we help those who invaded them, how will we face Morgan and the others in the chat group in the future?】

【Tushan Rongrong: There is no way to avoid war in the final Iron Tower Kingdom. As long as Xiao Bai is taught the legendary kitchen utensils, the war will naturally disappear. But ifThen I can only say that they deserved their death. If ordinary people want to blame, then they should blame those high-level figures! ]

Leticia is almost autistic, but Leticia also knows that it is impossible for her to ask people in the chat group to help her.

"Leticia, it’s better to leave this matter alone!"

Joan of Arc's voice suddenly appeared in Leticia's ears.


"Because the people in the chat group are right, if the Iron Tower Kingdom is willing to hand over the legendary kitchen utensils, then war can naturally be avoided. But if the people of the Iron Tower Kingdom are not willing, then the Thunder Emperor Vasi who will imitate the Mao Xiong will Lisa, after killing all the top leaders of the Iron Tower Kingdom, it will be up to you to lead the Iron Tower Kingdom, or to re-select the leader of the Iron Tower Kingdom!"

After hearing Joan of Arc's arrangement, Leticia gasped instantly!

"Do you want to do it like this?"

Laetitia was a little embarrassed, but Joan of Arc's words really calmed down Letitia:"We shouldn't just pray to Xiao Bai and Morgan, but look for it from ourselves. The problem is, it’s not that we don’t have ways to avoid war."

"You can talk about this idea with Xiao Bai. I believe Xiao Bai will definitely agree. What Xiao Bai wants is just legendary kitchen utensils. As for the war, it is just a means to obtain legendary kitchen utensils."

"Then should I go find Xiao Bai now?"

As soon as Laetitia's words came out, she really interrupted Leticia:"You have forgotten what Xiao Bai is doing now. Do you want to join Xiao Bai's carnival when you disturb Xiao Bai at this time?"

Laetitia instantly blushed.

Xiao Bai next door didn't know what he was thinking about. On the contrary, Charlotte looked at Xiao Bai in a daze, and facing Xiao Bai's profile, Charlotte's heart I couldn't help but think about it: He looks so handsome, but I always felt that he seemed to be very cold-blooded. Although it was said to be for the national interest,

Just when Charlotte was thinking wildly, a diary floating in the air suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Looking at the diary, Charlotte subconsciously wanted to exclaim, but the sound really couldn't come out of her mouth. Issued to.

The subsequent diary directly turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Charlotte's eyebrows. The next moment, Charlotte found that she could call out that diary at any time...

This kind of magical thing made Xia Xia Lott was a little surprised, looked at Xiao Bai carefully, and then Charlotte started to open the diary.

Copy of Chaubai's diary (exclusive to Charlotte De Noir).

As she read through the diary, Charlotte's eyes gradually widened!

After reading Xiao Bai's diary, Charlotte took a breath and looked at Xiao Bai who was thinking. Her heart was filled with shock. The Xiao Bai in front of her was actually the cruel and cold-blooded Emperor of the Holy Sect? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, everything Xiao Bai experienced was so colorful. At the same time, I felt sad for Xiao Bai’s childhood experience. Xiao Bai’s childhood experience was compared to It would be even more distressing to do it yourself.

This caused a sudden knock on the door. Xiao Bai frowned slightly, and then the next moment Xiao Bai came back to his senses and looked at Charlotte.

"Charlotte, go and open the door!"

With Xiao Bai's permission, Charlotte immediately opened the door, and then saw Leticia standing outside the door.

Seeing Leticia, Charlotte was a little at a loss, but Leticia But he said to Charlotte:"Don't worry, I didn't come to Xiao Bai to talk about the previous incident!"

Before, Leticia was a little curious and leaned against the wall to listen for 1.8 seconds, but she didn't hear anything after lying against the wall for a long time, so she judged that Xiao Bai and Charlotte didn't hear anything. I'm doing that kind of thing before I come here to bother you.

"Come in."

Xiao Bai's voice came out from the room, and then Letitia walked into the room and said to Xiao Bai:"I hope to make a deal with you. This deal involves legendary kitchenware. If the top brass of the Iron Tower Kingdom If you refuse to use the legendary kitchen utensils to exchange for peace with you, then I will make this deal with you. As long as I kill the top leaders of the Iron Tower Kingdom, and then I will lead the Iron Tower Country, I am willing to use the legendary kitchen utensils to exchange peace with you."

Xiao Bai looked at Leticia in surprise, narrowed his eyes and thought about what Leticia said.

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