Charlotte's father, Camarón, approached Xiao Bai with a smile on his face, but Xiao Bai saw the word stupidity in his smile.

"We cannot accept the conditions of the Ming Dynasty. Our Iron Tower Country does not possess legendary kitchen utensils, so the Iron Tower Country cannot fulfill the requirements of the Ming Dynasty."

"In this case, there is no need to continue talking!"

Xiao Bai stood up and was about to leave:"Please wait a moment!"

"What else is going on?"

Xiao Bai could guess what the other party was thinking. It was just that Xiao Bai looked at the other party and didn't like him at all. He really didn't want to give it to him!

"If you want to use Charlotte to threaten me, then the best thing I advise you is to shut up!"

The smile on Camalon's face froze. He didn't expect that Xiao Bai would be so disrespectful.

"If you think that because I have a relationship with Charlotte, you can let me help the Tower Country for free, then I can only say that you are really out of your mind."

Xiao Bai's ruthless words were like a slap on Camarón's face.

"So please tell me if you have anything to say now! Camalon

's face turned green and green. Seeing the other party's appearance, Xiao Bai laughed and turned away. His voice came from far away:"Wait until the Ming Dynasty declares war on you!""

"Also, don’t think you can run away. You can’t run away. Do you think that even if the iron tower pot destroys the country, you can still take your assets to other countries and continue to enjoy them? The consistent principle of the Ming Dynasty is to eradicate the roots!"

Xiao Bai left. Camalon's forehead was covered with sweat. Camalon was very scared. The original reason why Camalon was so confident was because Xiao Bai's information had been completely investigated. Knowing that Xiao Bai What kind of person is he?

So these senior executives of the Iron Tower Country thought that Xiao Bai would definitely help the Iron Tower Country because of Charlotte, but they did not expect that Xiao Bai would say such words directly. The

Iron Tower Country guessed wrong In an instant, the senior executives who were watching in secret collapsed. Camalon immediately chased after him and tried to save Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai left without looking back.

When Xiao Bai left the Iron Tower Country, the senior officials With a look of death on their faces, all of a sudden, the top brass of the Iron Tower Country suddenly packed up and left without knowing what they were thinking of! The first thing these top brass of the Iron Tower Country thought of was to escape!

Escape from here, escape from the Iron Tower Country, As long as they have money, they can still work as capital and plutocrats in other countries. There is no need to follow the Iron Tower Country into the abyss.

After Xiao Bai left, he saw Laetitia not long after he left. Letitia was waiting. Xiao Bai

"Unfortunately, the top management of the Iron Tower Country rejected my proposal. They thought that with Charlotte, they could kidnap me and make me work for them~!"

Laeticia's face was slightly ugly, but she was helpless. Leticia had already guessed what these high-level officials of the Iron Tower Country would do, but when she really got the answer, she still had it in her heart. There is some unbearability and regret!

"Then I will hand over these personal information to you, and you will kill these people before they transfer their assets!"

Laetitia nodded silently.

"After you get rid of these individuals, activate your interpersonal relationships on the side of the Iron Tower Country and let your little fans push you out for election. After that, I will let some of the middle-class people in the Iron Tower Country who I bribed will replace you. When those things at the top are exposed, there is a high probability that you will be promoted to the head of the Tower Kingdom in the end. However, if someone intervenes in the middle, then solve the problem-causing people and sacrifice the few to save the many. This is your only choice now. choose"

"Don't worry, I'm already prepared for this!"

Laeticia had already made preparations like this when she proposed the deal. In order to avoid the occurrence of war, Leticia had already made all preparations.

"Then come on, I believe you will be fine. Letitia looked at Xiao Bai with a slightly resentful look:"Obviously I was the one who came first, but why was Charlotte the last one?""

Xiao Bai squinted at Letitia.I always feel like something is wrong. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Did you not take any medicine today, or did you take too much medicine today?"

Glancing at Xiao Bai fiercely, Leticia said angrily:"I don't like you!"

"It's okay to like me, but I don't really believe it when you say you like me. I'm more willing to believe that you want to take this opportunity to let me control and help you control the Iron Tower Kingdom. Leticia was so angry that she kicked Xiao Bai's calf hard:"In your heart, am I a girl who will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals?"!

"Who knows, after all, you and I have only met once, and our hearts are as deep as ours!"

Laetitia was very angry and wanted to hit someone. The best thing would be to beat Xiao Bai to death, but knowing that she was no match for Xiao Bai, Letitia glared at Xiao Bai fiercely.

"Goodbye, no, never see you again! Leticia left angrily. Charlotte hesitated and said to Xiao Bai:"You deliberately made Leticia angry, right?""

"Who knows!"

Xiao Bai smiled noncommittally, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Of course, Xiao Bai deliberately made Leticia angry, and Xiao Bai didn't deliberately make Leticia angry. How to do something unknown

"Charlotte, I'm afraid your father won't survive!"

As soon as Xiao Bai opened his mouth, Charlotte trembled.

"But as compensation, I can let your mother live!"

Charlotte's eyes lit up. Charlotte has no feelings for her father. She probably hasn't seen her father more than once or twice in a year, so she really doesn't care about her father's life or death, but if If she can save her mother, then Charlotte will not hesitate to abandon her father.

One is the mother who worked hard to raise her, and the other is the father who gives herself away as an object. How to choose between the two is basically No need for Charlotte to think about it..

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