After leaving a distance, Xiao Bai used any door to return to his home.

"Welcome back!"

Seeing Xiao Bai come back, Rem bowed slightly to Xiao Bai and then smiled on her face.

"I'm back Rem!"

Xiao Bai held Rem in his arms, and then buried his head in Rem's neck, smelling the girly fragrance coming from Rem!

Then Xiao Bai let go of Rem and looked at Charlotte on the side. Te asked:"Are you still used to living here?"

Charlotte smiled and nodded and then expressed her gratitude to Xiao Bai:"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to do anything."

After hearing what Charlotte said, Xiao Bai opened his hands and said to Charlotte:"In that case, how about giving me a kiss!"

Charlotte immediately after hearing Xiao Bai's"two, three, seven" words Her face turned red. Obviously Charlotte was not as shameless as Xiao Bai, and she didn't care at all in front of so many people!

It doesn't matter that Xiao Bai is thick-skinned, but Charlotte is not as shameless as Xiao Bai who can ignore other people. Therefore, Charlotte can only blush and say to Xiao Bai:"When no one is around, I will be there." Can I kiss you?"

After saying that, Charlotte ignored Xiao Bai and Tu Shan Fengqi looked at Xiao Bai and said,"She doesn't want to kiss you, but I am kissing you personally. Come here!"

Regarding Tu Shan Fengqi's words Xiao Bai naturally satisfied Tushan Fengqi with this kind of provocation!

"In this case, I won't be polite to you anymore, come on, come on!"

Xiao Bai walked over directly, hugged Tushan Fengqi, and kissed Tushan Fengqi directly.

Tushan Fengqi was not as straight as these little girls, and he kissed Xiao Bai directly and his hair was stretched.!

Everyone else who saw this scene was stunned. Good guy, he really didn’t care at all, right?

Xiao Bai kissed Tushan Fengqi until he couldn’t breathe, and then he looked at Tushan Fengqi. Tushan Fengqi looked at Xiao Bai with charming eyes and directly put his hands on Xiao Bai's neck:"There is a backflip fox in my room. Do you want to go and take a look?""

"Another day, I have important things to do now."

Xiao Bai waved his hand, and a Demonic Bronze Artifact appeared in his hand.

The surface of this Demonic Saint Bronze Artifact has turned gray at this time, simple and dull!

This Demonic Saint Bronze Artifact has almost no spirituality. It can be said that Xiao Bai didn't know how long he would have to wait if he wanted to restore the spirituality of this Demonic Holy Bronze Artifact.

Seeing that Xiao Bai did have serious business, Tu Shan Fengqi didn't bother anymore:"Then you can come at any time. Looking for me, my room is unlocked!"

Others had different expressions when they heard Tushan Fengqi's words. Some were shy like Charlotte, while others were cursing the fox in a low voice like Ram!

"I'm going to take a shower first and then go to the shrine!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he entered the bathroom directly.

When he saw Xiao Bai entering the bathroom, the eyes of those like Lamu and Tushan Fengqi began to roll.

Then Lamu Tu Shan and Feng Qi looked at each other, and then the expressions on their faces suddenly became ugly. It was obvious that both of them had guessed what the other was thinking, and both said that they were enemies in the same industry. Not just peers but love rivals


They each turned their heads and snorted coldly. However, in the end, both of them suffered a loss. No one was able to successfully sneak into the bathroom quietly. It was precisely because of this that the two people now dislike each other!

Xiao Bai didn't care. The two fought openly and secretly, and after solving the personal hygiene problem, Xiao Bai took out the random door and came to Narukami Taisha Shrine.

After seeing Raiden Shin and Raiden Shinko and the Yae Shenzi, Xiao Bai said:"I will go to the back mountain first. Legend has it that the kitchen utensils were handed over to Kikyo, and we would come back to chat later."

After that, Xiao Bai walked towards the back mountain. When he came to the creek in the back mountain, Xiao Bai saw Platycodon sat on a stone by the stream. A pair of white and tender feet were washed by the water in the stream.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Xiao Bai looked at Kikyo and said with some embarrassment.

"I don’t have anything to do anyway, it’s just a way to kill time!"

Xiao Bai smiled awkwardly when he heard this and then took out the Demon Holy Bronze Artifact.........

"These legendary kitchen utensils have lost their aura due to various reasons. Even if they have not completely lost their aura, they are not as good as they were in their heyday. I can only trouble you."

"Just a small thing!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but have a headache looking at Platycodon's indifferent appearance!

"If you have a little desire, I will be very happy, because in this way I can know how to compensate you, or how to reward you, but you don’t know anything and I don’t know how to thank you. You got Platycodon."

Jie Gong said nothing with a faint smile. Xiao Bai was a little helpless and had a headache.

When Kikyo heard Xiao Bai's words, he just shook his head.

"I don't need anything. Xiao

Bai:"Okay, you don't want me to want it!""

Platycodon blinked, Xiao Bai stepped forward and pulled Platycodon up into his arms:"Since you don't make your own choice, let me make the choice for you."

Looking at Xiao Bai and Platycodon platycodon in front of her, she seemed to understand what Xiao Bai meant. A blush appeared on her face, and a trace of panic appeared on her originally calm and beautiful face.

"me me me"

Platycodon was a little flustered and at a loss, but Xiao Bai looked at Platycodon directly and said:"Since you don't know how to choose 5.2, let me make this choice for you." Looking at

Platycodon in front of him, Xiao Bai looked calm. With an expression on his face, he said:"I've fallen in love with you, so now I'm going to find an excuse to snatch the beauty. If you're sensible, you will honestly be my man from now on. If you're not sensible, then don't blame me for threatening you." Now."

Kikyo looked at Xiao Bai in front of her:"Logically speaking, shouldn't you give me a chance to choose?"

"Logically speaking, it is like this, but you also said that it is logically speaking, so now I don't follow the logic! Platycodon looked at Xiao Bai and suddenly smiled:"I don't hate it, that's all. Please give me some advice for the rest of my life!""

Xiao Bai looked at Kikyo in surprise,"Why don't you resist?".

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