Kushida Kikyo and Ichinose Honami probably understood what Xiao Bai and Horikita Suzune were talking about just now, but it was precisely because of their understanding that Kushida Kikyo was afraid.

This damn ghost has been following me every day for a week. How can I not be scared?

Xiao Bai glanced at Kushida Kikyo and said:"You don't need to worry. Today's Horikita Academy is completely an irrational ghost, and Horikita Academy can only follow you from a distance but cannot approach you. It's just that As time goes by, the existence of Horikita Manabu will cause your yang energy to decrease. It will probably take another 10 days and a half for Horikita Manabu to possess you!"

Kushida Kikyo's face His expression instantly became ferocious. What kind of hook was this Horikoku Gakut? He actually wanted to harm himself. Kushida Kikyo’s eyes suddenly became dark. Kushida Kikyo didn’t care what kind of thing this Horikita Gakuen was. , since the other party wants to harm me, then if possible, kill Horikita Manabu!

Xiao Bai glanced at Kushida Kikyo, knowing full well that Kushida Kikyo was madly thinking about how to kill Horikoku Manabu, but Kushida Kikyo's last gaze rested on Xiao Bai.

If you want to kill Horikita Manabu, you need Xiao Bai's help, so how to get Xiao Bai's help becomes a problem!

Horikita Suzune asked Xiao Bai:"Why does my brother follow Kushida Kikyo!"

"Probably because I can get into Kushida Kikyo’s body and convey some news to you, that’s what I think!"

Kushida Kikyo's face looked as ugly as if she had eaten a fruit. She was completely in trouble. Horikita learned this shit and so many people picked on her without looking for it. Do you think she is easy to bully? Then... Kushida Kikyo was silent again. He was really easy to bully. If he was not easy to bully, would Horikita dare to come to him? He would inhumanely destroy Horikita immediately!

To be honest, he was too easy to bully. , so easy to bully that he asked Horikita Manabu, a dead man, to look for him when no one else was looking for him.

Xiao Bai saw the gloomy change in Kushida Kikyo’s face, and an expression of interest appeared on his face. Is this girl Kushida Kikyo really interesting?

Kushida Tian Kikyo looked at Xiao Bai:"How can we eliminate the ghost of Horikita Manabu!"

I stopped pretending to show off and asked Xiao Bai in front of Horikita Suzune how he was going to kill Horikita Manabu!

Upon hearing this, Horikita Suzune glared angrily and looked at Kushida Kikyo even more. He asked directly:"Kushida Kikyo, what do you mean!"

"What's the meaning? This is not simple, I just want to kill Horikita Manabu, who let Horikita Manabu, this piece of shit, come to me instead of looking for other people!"

Kushida Kikyo looked at Horikita Suzune with a gloomy expression. Sure enough, for this guy Horikita Suzune, both Horikita Manabu and Horikita Suzune made Kushida Kikyo very unhappy!

Xiao Bai glanced at Kushida Kikyo His expression became a little playful!

"It's very simple. The current situation of Horikita Gakushu basically disappears as soon as the wind blows. As long as you wear Horikita Gakushu and walk under the sun more, then Horikita Gakushu will melt like snow when it meets the sun. Lose."

Kushida Kikyo had a malicious smile on her face. Horikita Suzune looked at Xiao Bai and Kushida Kikyo with clenched fists and eyes that were almost killing people.

Ichinose Honami stood still at this moment. He came out:"Okay, okay, stop joking, this kind of thing is almost fine, Xiao Bai was just joking!""

After that, Ichinose Honami looked at Xiao Bai and asked:"Does Horikita-senpai want to convey any message through Kushida-san?"

"If nothing else, it should look like this!"

"So do you have a way to get Horikita-senpai to convey the message you want to convey to Suzune?"

Horikita Suzune also looked at Xiao Bai, wanting to know whether the elimination method could help her brother convey the last thing he wanted to convey!

"It’s not a big problem, it’s not even a problem to bring Horikita back to life!"

Horikita Suzune's eyes instantly turned fiery when she looked at Xiao Bai, but Ichinose Honami asked Xiao Bai:"Resurrection shouldn't come without a price, right?"

"Of course, after the resurrection, Horikita Manabu is just a puppet with his own consciousness in a sense. When the time comes, I will let Horikita Manabu die and Horikita Manabu will die honestly. Horikita

Suzune said to Xiao Bai without any hesitation:"Please help me resurrect my brother, no matter what the price is!""

However, just as Horikita Suzune finished speaking, Kushida Kikyo said the next moment:"As long as I don't resurrect Horikita Manabu, I can do whatever you ask me to do!"

Horikita Suzune glared at Kushida Kikyo in an instant. Seeing the two people in the same situation, Xiao Bai just smiled and said:"You two are really interesting, but you two are like this, so what should I do? Which one is better to choose? Otherwise, if you two have a fight, who will win and who will choose?

Ichinose Sanbo pinched Xiao Bai and said,"Stop being so angry!""

Then Ichinose Honami looked at Kushida Kikyo and said:"Kikyou, I know that what happened to Horikita-senpai made you a little angry, but this has nothing to do with Suzune!"

"And although it has caused some shock to you, you have not suffered any substantial harm. Is it okay to ask Horikita-senpai to apologize to you later?"

Kushida (the one who got money) Kikyo looked a little gloomy, and naturally he wanted to say no in his heart, but the relationship between Xiao Bai and Ichinose Honami, I don't want to give Ichinose Honami face like this, Xiao Bai also How could he give himself a good look?

So even though he wanted Horikita Manabu and Horikita Suzune to die quickly, Kushida Kikyo still chose to acquiesce to what Ichinose Honami said.

Xiaobai said Looking at Ichinose Honami, I don’t know if Ichinose Honami has noticed Kushida Kikyo’s true identity. It would be interesting if he did.

"As long as you can resurrect my brother, I will agree even if you want me to be your mistress!"

Horikita Suzune spoke to Xiao Bai again, her charming eyes full of prayer.

Not to mention, Xiao Bai had a little heartbeat. The woman Horikita Suzune has grown up in Xiao Bai's body. XP is clicked...

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