Xiao Bai almost laughed after hearing what Horikita Suzune said. The emotional Horikita Suzune just looked like she was asking Xiao Bai to avenge her. Unfortunately, Xiao Bai thought that Horikita Suzune was planning to take revenge on her own, but she failed. What he was thinking was that he wanted Xiao Bai to help him take revenge.

"I thought you were planning to take revenge on your own, but I didn’t expect that you actually asked me to take revenge for you. Your idea is really"

"Can you help or not?

"You can ask me to help you, but you can’t ask me to help you for no reason, right? Horikita Suzune looked at Xiao Bai:"

What do you want to do before you are willing to help me take revenge?""

Although Horikita Manabu is said to have been resurrected, in fact it is just that Xiao Bai used Warcraft to create an alternative existence and it is not a real life. Horikita Manabu has already fully told Horikita Suzune about this..

Xiao Bai didn't care what Horikita told Suzune. Even if Horikita was no longer a human being, at least Horikita could still run and jump. For Horikita Suzune, this was fine..

At least it is completely cool than Horikita Gakuen, at least 100 times or 1000 times more than just being able to see things and miss people, but even if she looks like this, it would be a lie to say that there is no resentment in Horikita Suzune's heart!

So Horikita Suzune now wants Xiao Bai to help take revenge, and wants to make the murderer who killed his brother pay the price.

After looking at the stubborn face, Horikita Suzune thought for a moment, Xiao Bai opened his mouth A book appeared in Xiao Bai's hand:"If you can practice successfully, then you might have a chance for revenge."

This is the training manual that Nangong gave to Xiao Bai that month to practice spiritual power. Now Xiao Bai gave it to Horikita Suzune. If Horikita Suzune can succeed in training, then Horikita Suzune will have revenge - I hope.

"OK, I want to practice!

Kushida Kikyo on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but said:"Can I practice together?""

After Kushida Kikyo finished speaking, she noticed Xiao Bai looking at Kushida Kikyo with a half-smile but not a smile:"Give me a reason!"

Kushida Kikyo glanced at Horikita Suzune and then said to Xiao Bai:"I can do what Horikita Suzune can do, and I can even do what Horikita Suzune can't do!"

Xiao Bai suddenly laughed. This inexplicable jealousy was true, but Xiao Bai did not refuse. He took out another book and threw it to Kushida Kikyo.

"Okay, then, let me see which of you will succeed in cultivation first. Whoever succeeds in cultivation first, I will give him a gift!"

Kushida Kikyo looked at Horikita Suzune with a look full of competition. No one can lose to Horikita Suzune. This is what Kushida Kikyo thinks in her heart. Xiao Bai doesn't even understand why Kushida Platycodon and Horikita Suzune were tit for tat.

However, Xiao Bai was also happy to watch the two girls tit for tat, snipe and clam competing for the fisherman's profit. Xiao Bai still knew this. Now Horikita Suzune and Kushichi The more fierce the fight between Tian Kikyo and Xiao Bai became, the happier Xiao Bai became.

Xiao Bai's cell phone rang and he glanced at it, then said to Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo:"Then work hard, I hope to see you next time When you are here, you have already started."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai kissed Ichinose Honami, then took out the random door and left this place.

Xiao Bai, who returned to the interrogation room, looked at Kudo Yusaku who was no longer human and still had the same scars on his side. Kudo Shinichi is tired.

But Kudo Shinichi’s current situation seems to be a little bad. For example, the protruding things on Kudo Shinichi’s body have been shaved off.

The last eunuch in history?

Looking at Kudo who has passed out Shinichi Xiao Bai inexplicably sympathized with the other party for a second, and then Xiao Bai looked at Kudo Yusaku

"So go ahead and tell me all you know!"

Kudo Yusaku glanced at Xiao Bai and then spoke feebly, telling everything he knew.

Kudo Yusaku is a retainer of Mouri Kogoro, or a retainer of the Maori clan!

And Kudo Yusaku's job is Looking around for potential allies to bring these current allies over.

Before, Kudo Yusaku was trying to win America's support on America's side, and he achieved certain results. Unfortunately, America later A biochemical virus broke out and then it fell apart.

0Please give me flowers0 (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After that, Kudo Yusaku had no choice but to return to Neon. Before that, Kudo Yusaku had been working for more than ten years. All the hard work was in vain.

As for the current whereabouts of Mouri Kogoro,

Kudo Yusaku himself does not know. Generally speaking, Kudo Yusaku must have confessed everything he can, but Xiao Bai did not believe it. Kudo Yusaku still Hidden some information

"Let's continue the interrogation, I believe he has something else to hide."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he put away the information casually. After reading the information, his jaw felt a little funny. Fujimine Yukiko is really unlucky.

Xiao Bai returned to Fei Yingli's house again. For Xiao Bai Fei Yingli was a little surprised and surprised by Bai's appearance. Xiao Bai handed Kudo Yusaku's interrogation report to Fei Yingli. Fei Yingli looked at the results with confusion.

The expression on Fei Yingli's face became extremely ugly, and after a while, Fei Yingli put away the documents in her hands!

"This document ends with me, don’t let Yukiko see it, otherwise"

"I don't care, but if you mean to hide it, then it's probably useless. Fujimine Yukiko is standing behind you now! Fei

Yingli immediately turned around and saw Yukiko Fujimine behind her. Then Yukiko Fujimine snatched the document from Fei Yingli's hand with lightning speed and started reading it. Wait and see After finishing it, the information in Fujimine Yukiko's hand fell to the ground!

Fei Yingli looked at Fujimine Yukiko's look and said helplessly:"I told you not to read it, but you still want to read it, now it's okay!" Fujimine

Yukiko looked at Xiao Bai and shouted in disapproval:"This is fake, you are lying to me!""

"stupid guy!

Xiao Bai glanced at Fujimine Yukiko and sneered. What a stupid woman!

Fei Yingli rolled her eyes at Xiao Bai:"Can you please speak nicely? Don't target Yukiko at every turn. You are such a cautious person for a grown man!"".

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