"Is this the answer you gave?"

Taking the latest information from the interrogation, Xiao Bai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows! What Kudo Yusaku explained can no longer be said to be intelligence, but fantasy. Let 's see what Kudo Yusaku explained?

When the stars come, they have to give a thumbs up and shout 666!

Xiao Bai can't understand these so-called plans. Xiao Bai wonders if these little devils are making up the fantasy!

Don't worry about anything else. Let’s talk about this global pollution plan. For example, the nuclear wastewater produced by the nuclear bomb secretly researched by the Liberation Society is prepared to be quietly discharged into the sea to pollute the whole world!

No, it shouldn’t be called nuclear wastewater. , should be said to be nuclear sewage. The little devils from the Liberation Association wanted to use this method to mutate people all over the world. Xiao Bai was immediately shocked!

How stupid must one be to come up with such a plan?

And the other party is not just planning, but actually intends to do this. Even the nuclear sewage has been prepared and is waiting for the time to be discharged into the sea! The purpose is simply to take revenge on the Ming Dynasty. North Korea, and those neon people who knelt before the Ming Dynasty, all deserve to die!

"Go and verify it and see if these little devils are really this crazy!"

It didn't take long for Xiao Bai to receive the report!

"It's actually true? These Liberation Society people are really crazy!"

A trace of disgust flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes. Does this member of the Guangfuhui not want to live anymore, so he drags the whole world to die with him?

"Continue the interrogation and pry out everything Kudo Yusaku knows!"


Xiao Bai found Nangong Nayue with this piece of information, and then handed the information to Nangong Nayue!


Nangong slapped the table angrily after reading that month. These little devils are really crazy. They can even do such a thing.

"I have already asked someone to investigate, and if nothing else happens, the results will probably come out soon!

Nangong Nayue couldn't help but said:"These little devils are simply crazy!""

"Didn’t we already know this? It is precisely for this reason that we are committed to cracking down on the people of the Liberation Society."

"Are you not worried at all? Once those people of the Guangfuhui really did it, it would cause huge damage to Neon and the ecological environment of the Ming Dynasty!"

"This is not simple at all, just create a Warcraft to deal with this one specifically!"

Nangong Nayue:""

If there is nothing else, it will be like this. The rest of the matter will be left to you to deal with. If it can be solved in advance, solve it in advance. If it cannot be solved in advance, then wait until I come back and find a solution!

"Why are you going?"

Seeing that Xiao Bai seemed to have something going on, Nangong Nayue asked curiously!

"Naturally, I went to pay homage to those people who should have died long ago!"

"Have you found Mouri Kogoro?"

"Not yet, but don’t I have Moori Kogoro’s genealogy in my hands?"

Xiao Bai smiled, and Nangong immediately understood what Xiao Bai was going to do that month. Xiao Bai was going to kill someone, the kind that would implicate the nine tribes!

"Don't make the noise too big to be worthwhile!"

"Don’t worry, I’m measured!"

Nangong Nayue rolled her eyes at the measured ghost. If Xiao Bai was measured, then there would be no unmeasured person.


Xiao Bai crossed out a name on the list with his bloody fingers, and then threw the list to the ground!

"Everyone on the list is dead, so there seems to be no one else next!"

"But Mouri Kogoro can do it too. I didn't expect Moori Kogoro to be really indifferent. I killed all the people in the family tree and he didn't do anything?"

"Maybe, Mao Lilan"

Xiao Bai wanted to bet whether Maori Kogoro would come out if he wanted to kill Mao Lilan, but Fei Yingli would definitely not agree with Xiao Bai taking action against Mao Lilan.

"Or quietly?"

【Mouri Kogoro is so ruthless. I killed all the nine tribes and he didn't show up. Is it possible that he wants me to take action against Maori Lan? It's not impossible, but Yingli's side will definitely not agree to this, or else quietly find an opportunity to trick Mao Lilan out? 】

When Fei Yingli saw this entry in the diary, her whole body became furious!

Xiao Bai actually wanted to take action against Mao Lilan. This bastard was simply

【As long as I don't really intend to kill Mao Lilan and take advantage of Mao Lilan, Yingli won't blame me. After all, what I do is much more normal than what Maori Kogoro and the others do. Look at Maori Kogoro and the others. What are you doing? You actually want to discharge water and sewage into the sea. What kind of crazy person would you have to do this kind of thing? You just want to drag people all over the world into the abyss. It's like Crazy people like them should directly implicate the Nine Clans. 】

A call came to Xiao Bai's mobile phone, and then Xiao Bai looked at the strange call and answered the phone directly. Then a girl came from the other end of the phone, which sounded familiar.

"I'm Belmode!"

Belmod's voice came from the other end of the phone, and Xiao Bai suddenly realized that it was this woman.

"Something's wrong?"

"I know where Maori Kogoro is, and I can tell you (Li Qianhao), but you must ensure that you will never hurt Maori Lan!"

"Do you know where Moori Kogoro is?"

"Yes, I know where Mouri Kogoro is. As long as you promise not to attack Mourilan, I can tell you where Mouri Kogoro is."

"Okay, I agree to your request!"

Mao Lilan is not important to Xiao Bai. The top priority is to catch Maori Kogoro, and then take out the information he needs from Maori Kogoro's mouth.

Apart from that, other things can be put aside later..Although

Xiao Bai was a little curious about how Belmode knew the whereabouts of Mouri Kogoro, compared to these insignificant things, Xiao Bai still wanted to know where Moori Kogoro was now.

"I will send the address to your mobile phone. You promise me that you will not hurt Mao Lilan!".

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