Still by the mountain spring, Platycodon grandiflorum looked at Xiao Bai walking towards him and frowned slightly:"You have a strong murderous aura. What happened?" As if holding a knife to his neck, Kikyo really couldn't figure out what happened to make Xiao Bai so angry.

"It's just being fooled, it's not a big deal. I can just find someone to vent my anger on later. It just so happened that the pink fox of Yae Shenzi offended me, so I will vent my anger on this pink fox next time!

Platycodon smiled when he heard this and then said to Xiao Bai:"Come here!""

Xiao Bai walked up to Platycodon platycodon and patted his thigh:"Lie down!"

Xiao Bai wanted to refuse, but Platycodon looked at Xiao Bai with paranoia."Four, seven, three," Xiao Bai said, but platycodon could only lie on platycodon's legs. After that, he gently massaged Xiao Bai with his palms..I don’t know what happened, but Xiao Bai unexpectedly felt that the anger in his heart was gradually calming down, and finally he regained his composure!

"Get better!"

Hearing Platycodon's question, Xiao Bai nodded. It has to be said that Platycodon really surprised Xiao Bai. He actually used massage to help Xiao Bai regain his composure and eliminate the anger in Xiao Bai's heart.

"If you feel bad in the future, you can come to me. Maybe I can provide you with some trivial help! Xiao Bai smiled when he heard this:"

Okay, I will trouble you when the time comes!""

Platycodon suddenly lowered her head and kissed Xiao Bai on the face. Then platycodon blushed and said to Xiao Bai:"Okay, put down the Yongling knife, and then go do whatever you need to do!"

Xiao Bai didn't just let platycodon go and kissed her back!

After kissing platycodon until her face turned red, she let platycodon go.

"I'm coming to find you tonight!"

Platycodon's ears suddenly turned red, but he did not object to what Xiao Bai said.

Xiao Bai listened to Platycodon again before returning to the shrine. After that, Xiao Bai just returned to the shrine and saw the pink-furred fox making a fool of himself. , I want to use the thunder movie to make Xiao Bai angry.

"Yae Shenzi, you little fox, are you itchy? Hearing Xiao

Bai's voice, Yae Shenzi was immediately startled. Then Yae Shenzi looked at Xiao Bai and said,"What are you doing? What are you doing? Didn't you see that Aying and I are talking?" Are you trying to scare me to death? After scaring me to death, can you go out and find other women?"

Xiao Bai looked at Yae Shenzi with interest but did not speak, as if to tell you to continue!

Lei Qianqing suddenly grabbed Yae Shenzi and then faced Xiao Bai:"I caught this fox, now It's up to you what you want to do with this fox, even if you pluck all the fur from the fox!

Yae Shenzi suddenly became furious:"Ray Movie, do you want to listen to what you are saying? I am your dependent, and you are treating me like this. Do you know how sad I am when you are like this?" Do you know how much your appearance hurts me?"

Lei Qianqian looked at Yae Shenzi with an expressionless face:"Why didn't you tell me about the good things you did when you wanted to trick me into making Xiao Bai angry? Now you still have the nerve to say to me, you Yae Shenzi is a What kind of person do you think you don’t have any ideas in your heart? Do you really think I'm that stupid for watching movies?"

Yae Kamiko's eyes were filled with disbelief as he looked at the thunder movie. This is impossible, how is this possible!

My silly boy has actually become smarter?

No more love!

Suddenly Yaegamiko looked desperate. It was as if his life had lost its light. Xiao Bai laughed when he saw the appearance of Yae Shenzi and found it a little funny.

This appearance of Yae Shenzi was deliberately pretended to show to Xiao Bai. The pressure in the soul has disappeared, which means that Xiao Bai has returned to normal now, so there is no need to worry.

But Yae Shenzi forgot one thing. Now Xiao Bai has indeed returned to normal, but this does not mean that this Xiao Bai will deal with the scumbag of the Eight-Level God Son, and the punishment that needs to be done will still have to be done!

Xiao Bai waved his hand, and the Eight-Level God Son immediately flew towards Xiao Bai, and at the same time, his figure was still slowly shrinking, and he fell down. When it fell into Xiao Bai's hand, it had turned into a small pink-furred fox.....

"Bastard, change me back!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The pink-furred fox, who was being grabbed by the scruff of the neck by Xiao Bai, bared his teeth and claws at Xiao Bai.

"If you don't want your tail hair to be bald, then the best thing I advise you is to be obedient."

Xiao Bai's words suddenly seemed as if the petrification spell had been applied to the Yae Shenzi. The entire fox was petrified. Now he dared not move.

Xiao Bai meant what he said. If his tail was bald, then It’s so embarrassing, so this thing is absolutely not okay!

Damn man, why are there such people in this world? How could someone do such an outrageous thing to a beautiful Grand Priest like himself?

Ignore Yae Regarding the resentment of the Son of God, Xiao Bai said to the thunder movie next to him:"Leave it to you. The seal I gave him can last for a week. This week will allow this pink-furred fox to reflect on his mistakes. If If this fox still doesn't understand, then let his sentence continue to increase!"

Lei Jianqiang nodded, looking at the appearance of the Eight-Level God Son, he just felt funny in his heart. You are called the Eight-Level God Son, aren't you? You, the Eight-Level God Son, are awesome, aren't you? You, the Eight-Level God Son, can deceive people, aren't you? Now look at you Are you still cheating?

I mentioned the 4.4 Yae Shenzi, and looking at Yae Shenzi's helpless look, Lei Qiying also had a playful smile on his face.

Look at me rubbing my dog's head angrily.

Being rubbed angrily by Lei Qiuqi The dog-headed Yae Shenzi looked so helpless, but for some reason, Xiao Bai felt the urge to laugh after seeing it.

Yae Shenzi with this look was really interesting.

"Well, I have something else to do first!"

Xiao Bai opened the door and left the shrine directly. Next, Xiao Bai still has some people from the Restoration Society to deal with!

Mouri Kogoro has handed over all the lists. What Xiao Bai has to do now is to let People on the screening list!.

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