Yukinoshita Harano's advice was not able to change Madam Yukinoshita's mind. On the contrary, Madam Yukinoshita looked at Yukinoshita Harano's confident expression:"The more this look is, the more it shows that Xiao Bai deserves our care, as long as we can capture Xiao Bai, the Xuexia family will be extremely brilliant in the future!"

Looking at the woman in front of him who seemed to be mentally retarded, Yukinoshita Yono suddenly felt what Yukinoshita Yukino felt before. , I really want to open this idiot woman’s head to see if all the brains inside have been eaten by zombies!

"Okay, I won’t talk nonsense with you and just give you the answer. The best thing you can do is tell me the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils honestly. Otherwise, there will be no need for the Yukinoshita family to exist."

Yukinoshita Harano waved her hand with a cold face and looked at Mrs. Yukinoshita's threat in front of her!

Mrs. Yukinoshita didn't care:"As long as I am still in the Yukinoshita family, I will exist, so even if you destroy the Yukinoshita family so what."

Yunoshita Yono glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino and spread her hands:"There is no other way. This stupid woman is really hopeless. My personal suggestion is to delete his memory directly. If that doesn't work, let him Xiao Bai opened this woman's brain and read all the memories."

Yukinoshita Yukino was speechless. Isn't it a little bad to look like this?

But after seeing Mrs. Yukinoshita's face that now looks a bit hateful, Yukinoshita Yukinoshita Yono said the same thing. Not unreasonable

"I think it's ok, how about giving it a try?"

"Then give it a try!"

Facing her two rebellious daughters, Mrs. Yukinoshita immediately panicked. Do these two incompetent people really intend to treat her like this?

Yukinoshita Harano looked at her mother with a smile:" So now make a choice, tell us the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils or let us completely delete your memory."

"Of course, we will read as much of your memory as possible before deleting it, which means that whether you tell us or not, we may know information about the legendary kitchen utensils from your memory."

Mrs. Yukinoshita looked at her two daughters in front of her with some emotion:"You two unfilial daughters!!!"

Yukinoshita Yukino smiled, not taking her mother's appearance into consideration at all. Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt a sense of revenge. The appearance of Mrs. Yukinoshita before made Yukinoshita Yukino I was so angry that it was finally my turn.

Yukinoshita Yono smiled and said:"So you should take the initiative to explain where the news about the legendary kitchen utensils is. This is also a good thing for you. At least this piece of news can get you something you want, such as the glory of the Yukinoshita family!"

As for her old mother Yukinoshita Yono, she is also helpless. If she just uses the legendary kitchen utensils to make a deal with Xiao Bai, Mrs. Yukinoshita can have whatever she wants. As long as it is not too much, Xiao Bai can satisfy Yukinoshita. Madam.

But in the end, what did this stupid woman do?


Xiao Bai picked up the phone and looked at the text message sent on the phone and felt relieved. Fortunately, Yukinoshita Yukino did not disappoint. After realizing that Yukinoshita Yukino probably couldn't handle Mrs. Yukinoshita, Xiao Bai He notified Yukinoshita Yono and asked Yukinoshita Yono to go over and help Yukinoshita Yukino. As far as the result was concerned, Xiao Bai did everything right.

Xiao Bai did not expect that the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensil that Mrs. Yukinoshita knew would actually be in America. In other words, Xiao Bai would have to make another trip to America.

He picked up his cell phone and made a call to Tifa, telling the other party that he was going to visit America. Then he took out any door and showed up at Tifa's house.

But unfortunately, when Xiao Bai called Tifa, Tifa was not at home but on a mission outside.

When he came to America, Xiaobai contacted Kingpin and used Kingpin to confirm the information provided by Mrs. Yukinoshita.

Mrs. Yukinoshita once accidentally discovered something, that is, before America was disintegrated, she had secretly searched for the legendary kitchen utensils, so it is very possible that America had it in her hands. Legendary kitchenware.

0 Asking for flowers 0

It is not clear whether he owns it or not. Xiao Bai passed the news to Jin Bing and asked Jin Bing to confirm the news as soon as possible. Xiao Bai needed to know whether the news was true or false as soon as possible..

Jin did not disappoint Xiao Bai, and soon got a definite answer. America was indeed secretly looking for the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils before the disintegration.

As for whether this has been found, there is no conclusion yet and it will take some time to verify, but if nothing unexpected happens, it should not be a big problem.

Xiao Bai asked Jin Bing to check as soon as possible and then ended the call with Jin Bing.

Then Xiao Bai began to prepare the dinner for himself and Tifa. After seeing each other for a long time, Xiao Bai naturally hoped to spend a pleasant night with the place, and girls should like candlelight dinner! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, after preparing dinner, Xiao Bai will pick up Tifa. As for the mission Tifa mentioned, what is it?

Isn't this just a joke?

Xiao Bai guessed that Tifa must have been on the way back, but what Xiao Bai didn't guess was that it was not only Tifa who came back, but also other people!

He hugged Xiao Bai and kissed Tifa before introducing him to Xiao Bai:"This is my colleague Alice, Alice Gainsborough!"

Xiao Bai glanced at the other party lightly, and then nodded as a greeting. , Xiao Bai is naturally no stranger to this heroine who is as much a Final Fantasy as the place.

Seeing Xiao Bai's indifferent attitude, Tifa and othersHe pinched Xiao Bai

"Alice helped me a lot this time. If it hadn't been for Alice, I might not have been able to come back so quickly!"

"What a crappy job, just resign!"

Rolling her eyes, Tifa said that she didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Bai, and then she pulled Alice into the living room.

Looking at the candlelight dinner arrangement in the living room, Tifa suddenly understood why Xiao Bai He would be so indifferent to bringing Alice back to him.

He kissed Xiao Bai directly:"Okay, I will make it up to you when I take my vacation!"".

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