"It’s really yours!"

Xiao Bai had mixed feelings when he saw this suggestion!

"Just say whether you are happy or not."

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and did not answer. Xiao Bai also really didn't expect Tifa to be able to do this.

"The relationship between Alice and I is already very good, so if the relationship between Alice and I can be further improved, it will naturally be better. On this side, there are always fewer companions to talk to, so what? I don't mind, and Alice doesn't refuse, so please stop being coy and pretentious."

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and said nothing more, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Xiao Bai had no intention of refusing anymore.

After Tifa finished speaking, she pushed Alice into Xiao Bai's arms:"Well, let's have some fun tonight. cheer up!"

Xiao Bai looked at Alice who was blushing in his arms. He didn't know it was because of the medicine given by Tifa.

"Is this considered a forced annihilation or a mysterious annihilation?"

Xiao Bai looked at 02 Alice and muttered. However, after hearing this, Alice suddenly turned over and pressed Xiao Bai under her and kissed him.

Tifa curled her lips when she heard the movement coming from Xiao Bai's room.


As a good best friend and good sister, how could Tifa not know Alice's thoughts? If she really refused, it would be impossible for Tifa to successfully administer the medicine, not even Tifa, so simply put it in one sentence. It's just that men are in love with each other intentionally and then they are showing off to each other.

On the second day, Tifa looked at Alice walking out of the room with a bit of teasing on her face.

"Where is that guy Xiao Bai?"

"He was interrupted by a phone call saying he would be back later in the evening! Tifa curled her lips:"What a scumbag. After playing, he puts on his pants and leaves. He is indeed a scumbag." Alice said nonchalantly:"It doesn't matter what happens to this kind of thing. Is there food or not? I'm starving to death. That guy is just a monster and doesn't know how to be tired?""

After listening to Alice's words, a teasing smile appeared on Duan's face:"I don't know for sure, maybe that guy is really a monster!"

When these two people were discussing whether Xiao Bai was a monster, Xiao Bai had already arrived in Hell's Kitchen where Jin Bing was.

After officially receiving a call from Jin Bing, Xiao Bai hurried out.

"The master has investigated clearly and can basically confirm that America was indeed searching for the legendary kitchen utensils secretly, and America has also found one of the legendary kitchen utensils."

"Have you found the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils?"

Now that it is confirmed that America once owned the legendary kitchen utensils, but now all of America's top executives are dead, no one knows where the legendary kitchen utensils are.

And now Jinpin is looking for those former Ami's The senior management of Lika and the senior management of those capitals!

The other party might know something.

I didn’t blame Jin Bin for this, the other party had already done a good job!

"Find the whereabouts of the legendary kitchenware as soon as possible!"


Xiao Bai was about to get up and leave, but Jinpin suddenly called out to Xiao Bai:"Master, please wait a moment!

Xiao Bai saw Jin Bin in front of him:"Is there anything else?""

"I have prepared a gift for you, Master, and please accept it!"

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that the other party would actually prepare a gift for him, but then he became interested.

"What a gift, take it out and let me see it!"

Soon Kingpin walked out. Not long after, a white woman was brought in by Kingpin!

"Master, this is my gift to you!

Xiao Bai frowned:"Are you using any means?""

"No, it’s clear. Don’t worry, the other party traded voluntarily. I gave the other party a large sum of money!"

When Xiao Bai looked at the white woman in front of him, he always felt that she seemed a little familiar!


"Wanda Django Maximoff!"

When Xiao Bai heard this name, another name immediately popped up in his mind, Scarlet Witch!

Looking at the Scarlet Witch in front of him, Xiao Bai looked more and more like it. Then he asked the other person:"Do you have another one? Brother Pietro?"

When Wanda heard Xiao Bai's words, her eyes showed shock and disbelief. Then she nodded, but he couldn't understand why Xiao Bai knew his brother's name.

Xiao Bai didn't answer this question either. Question: Looking at Wanda in front of him, he was thinking about the other party's Chaos Magic. This Chaos Magic seems to be very powerful in Marvel's setting!

But in Xiao Bai's perception, the other party is completely a Ordinary people do not have any extraordinary power! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

To be honest, Xiao Bai is a little over-extended on Chaos Magic. After all, according to the setting of Chaos Magic, it can modify reality including but not limited to converting matter. Modify cause and effect, create things out of thin air, distort space and time, create clones, create dimensions, modify physical rules, etc.!

Jin Bin withdrew directly with great discernment, and then Xiao Bai said to Wanda:"Come here!"

Wanda walked towards Xiao Bai. 850

Xiao Bai pulled Wanda into his arms and made her sit on his lap:"Can you tell me why you betrayed yourself? After hesitating for a moment, Wanda finally answered:"I need money. My brother had a car accident, so I need money to save him!""

"I can help your brother arrange the best doctor, and at the same time, I will also be responsible for all the treatment expenses for your brother, as well as the subsequent rehabilitation nutrition expenses, etc., and even let your brother live a life without worries about food and clothing, and I only have A request!"

"I'm yours!"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, Wanda said firmly. Wanda knew very well that all she had was herself.

"I not only want your body, I want your heart, I want you to fall in love with me!"

Wanda was a little dumbfounded. She looked at Xiao Bai and hesitated to speak.

"What's the problem?"

"Me, I don’t know how to fall in love with you?"

"Then let me fall in love with you first!"

Xiao Bai laughed and directly picked up Wanda and put Wanda on the desk.

A smile appeared on Jin Bin's face outside the office. He is a faceless man, but that doesn't mean he is a fool. Know how to please Xiao Bai..

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