After several days of training, Kushida Kikyo now gnashes her teeth in hatred for Horikita Suzune. Why is this damn woman like Horikita Suzune so stubborn? Can't you give up?

Because Horikita Suzune didn't give up, Kushida Kikyo also continued to fight. However, is this fight so easy?

After this period of hard work, Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo can barely hold on under the waterfall for nearly an hour, but just one hour is not enough.

But as a price, Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo were washed unconscious under the waterfall every day, and Kushida Kikyo had cursed her countless times in her heart.

Why does Horikita Suzune, a bitch like Aichi, have to be so stubborn and make herself suffer too!

Kikyo knew exactly what Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo thought about. First of all, Horikita Suzune was very stubborn in order to avenge her brother.

As for Kushida Kikyo, it's very simple that I won't retreat until Horikita retreats. I just can't lose to Horikita Suzune, and she is determined to be better than Horikita Suzune.

It was this mentality that Kikyo caught. In just a few days, Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo had grown to this point.

According to strength, the current Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo have at least reached the wolf level. Don't think that reaching the wolf level is easy. At least after reaching this level, the strength of the two people is already comparable under normal circumstances. the power of self-preservation

"These two girls are really interesting. Both of them are very stubborn. Especially this one, Kushida Kikyo, makes me find it particularly interesting."

Yae Shenzi appeared behind Kikyo - and said to Kikyo.

Kikyo didn't answer, silently picked up the teacup and took a sip, then exhaled.

"Eight Great Palace Priests, if you continue to behave like this, don’t regret it later when you are targeted!"

"What words, what words is this? What did I do? I didn’t do anything."

Looking at the appearance of Yae Shenzi, Kikyo shook his head and said nothing more. If Yae Shenzi looked like this, other people would definitely not let Yae Shenzi go so easily. Let alone

Kushida Kikyo. A guy with a twisted personality to the point of death. If Tianjie senses the Eightfold God Son, he will laugh at his jokes.

Thinking about Kushida Kikyo's appearance, Kikyo suddenly felt a little funny. This girl also named Kikyo had such a character that even Kikyo didn't know what to say!

Yae Kamiko held her chin and thought for a while before saying:"Since you said such a bad thing, I have to do something in response, lest this Kushida Kikyo really stabs me in the back. , you say so!"

Kikyo looked at Yae Shenzi without speaking, but the meaning in her eyes was self-evident.



Tifa was using her connections to investigate those black farm tools, but she spent a long time investigating and found nothing. This made Tifa couldn't help but wonder who actually had such power.

Xiao Bai?

Such an idea popped up in Tifa's mind for the first time, but this idea only appeared for a moment and was extinguished by Tifa!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible to be Xiao Bai!"

It's very clear how much Xiao Bai hates black farm tools. What's more, if Xiao Bai wants to get rid of these black farm tools, there is no need to go to such trouble and directly let people slaughter the black farm tools. That’s it, why waste so much time.

So if it’s not Xiao Bai, then there must be someone else. The person who can do this must have a lot of power in America.

The second suspicion The target is Jin Bin. As a black farm tool, Jin Bin may be able to do this, but the main reason for this possibility is very small. Xiao Bai transformed Jin Bin into a faceless man, so for Xiao Bai Bai Jinbin is a loyal dog and cannot go against Xiao Bai's wishes. Therefore, the person behind these things cannot be Jinbin. In other words, there are other people behind the scenes who are using these black farm tools to achieve some purpose.

0 Asking for flowers,

Tifa continued to think along the lines of the huge snobbery in America, and soon Tifa locked in on a target, and the target was indeed very likely to make those black farm tools obedient. (Read Baoshuang novels. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Perlo Chicken, the original speaker of America's House of Representatives, an old witch who advocates ZZ's correctness.

If it is the other party, then maybe it is very possible.

After all, that old witch has always been Holding the stinky feet of those black farm tools.

Maybe the other party is still alive?

Tifa informed Xiao Bai of this idea. After listening to it, Tifa immediately praised Tifa.

Then in Jin Bin's Under the influence, it was easy to find the hidden Pelo chicken. This chicken was actually alive. They say that good people don’t live long, but I didn’t expect that this scourge was still alive.

But it’s good to know that the other person is alive because of his identity. The whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils!

When Kingpin kicked open the door of Loki's house, the chicken was being played with three black farm tools!

Kingpin couldn't help but see this scene. Some were dumbfounded:"What a joke!"

After cursing, Jin Bin directly asked the black farm tools to be slaughtered. After some questioning, it turned out that the previous actions were all planned by this chicken.

Jin Bin also successfully obtained information from the chicken's mouth. Inquiry revealed the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils

"Bringing back the legendary kitchenware!"

Xiao Bai just said this lightly after receiving Jin Bin's report!

Bringing the legendary kitchen utensils back, everything else has no meaning. Xiao Bai doesn't care, let alone not care!

There is a Pelo chicken that will be sold quickly. He then brought the legend certificate back to Xiao Bai. When he saw the Dragon Turning Pot, Xiao Bai finally showed a smile on his face.

"It’s great that there are only two pieces left now. It’s time to collect all the legendary kitchen utensils!"

Seeing this another piece of legend coming out, Xiao Bai had a smile on his face. A matter that was troubling him will soon be solved, and all the legendary kitchen utensils will be returned to his hands.

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