Xiao Lin Gentian was entertained by Xiao Bai with delicious food and drinks. However, at this moment, Xiao Lin Gentian was still thinking about another thing, that is, Xiao Bai seemed to come out to find the puffer whale this time. Knowing how delicious the puffer whale is, when I think of the puffer whale Ringtong Kobayashi, I feel like my mouth is constantly secreting saliva.

Even though she was eating delicious food in her mouth, Xiao Linglong's Wanshun appetite still made Xiaolin Ringtong daydream about other delicacies.

"When do we go in search of good food?"

"Wait a minute, I won’t be able to leave if things here are not resolved, and how can I be at ease if I venture to an unknown place without being prepared!"

Puffer whales are deep in the Caribbean Sea. The reefs there are rugged and covered with various reefs. Large ships cannot enter. If you want to enter there, you can only rely on small boats. However, Xiao Bai knows very well where they are. There is not enough preparation for the planting place. I am afraid I don’t know how I will die by then.

And more importantly, hereXiao Bai felt the aura of Cthulhu. Xiao Bai was not sure which evil god of Cthulhu was here. If the other party was malicious towards him, it would be difficult for Xiao Bai to deal with him.

The most important thing is to take Xiaolin Rgentian with him. Xiao Bai is not worried about the safety of Xiaobayashi Rgentian, so if Xiao Bai wants to go in, he must be fully prepared to ensure that nothing goes wrong before he goes in.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai has Nayako as a tool, and Nayako is there to investigate. When the time comes, he only needs to determine which evil god it is. If the two parties can negotiate at that time, they can negotiate. If they can't negotiate, then they can solve it by hand.

"So how long do we have to wait here?"

Xiao Lin Ringtong ate and drank without caring, and at the same time asked Xiao Bai, curious in his heart, when Xiao Bai planned to take action.

"It depends on when Naiyako can come back with the news, and then I will negotiate with the other party. After the negotiation, if the other party has a good attitude, then we can enter. If the other party has a bad attitude, then we have to fight first!"

Kobayashi Rgentan was speechless:"Okay, okay, it looks like I have to stay in this hotel for a long time again!"

Rentant Kobayashi can understand Xiao Bai's purpose, but understanding is understanding. Rentant Kobayashi still can't help but want to taste the taste of puffer whale as soon as possible.

"There’s so much food to eat that I can’t stop your mouth!"

Xiao Bai looked at the speechless expression on Xiaobayashi Rgentian's face. In order to block Xiaobayashi Rgentian's gluttonous stomach, Xiao Bai took out a lot of gourmet ingredients for Xiaobayashi Rgentian. In the end, Xiaobayashi Rgentian ate it. The people in the bowl looked at the ones in the pot, and after eating the ingredients Xiao Bai gave them, they were still thinking about the puffer whale. It was so crazy!

It seemed that he was also aware of his greed, and an awkward smile appeared on Xiaolin Ringtong's face.

"I strongly doubt that you came out with me this time just to feed me."

Xiao Bai looked at the Xiaolin Rgentian in front of him and shook his head and said helplessly.

Xiaolin Rgentian immediately put down the food in his hand and said dissatisfied:"What are you talking about? Do you want to listen to what you said? , I only eat such a small amount of your food and you despise me, don’t you? Do you think that I am too edible? Do you despise me?"

Xiao Bai covered his face, glanced at Xiaolin Gentian in front of him and said,"I haven't eaten it for you. Just keep eating. I can support you no matter how much you eat!""

These women really can't talk about it and they are still in a hurry with you. Xiaolin Ringtong angrily said to Xiao Bai:"I won't eat it!"

"Really don't want to eat? Then I'll put it away!"

Seeing that Xiao Bai was about to collect Xiaolin Gentian, he slapped the table:"You said you don't dislike me, don't you know that girls want it even if they say they don't want it? Xiao

Bai rolled his eyes at Xiaolin Gentian and then said:"Then do you want to eat daddy?""

"You're the one eating daddy, you bastard!"

Xiao Lin Long Dan didn't know what Xiao Bai meant. He glared at Xiao Bai and gritted his teeth!

Xiao Bai chuckled, and then Xiao Lin Long Dan said:"Okay, don't do it either. If you get angry, even if you get mad, it's your own fault!"

Kobayashi Ryodan looked at Xiao Bai with a dark face, which was a vicious look, but even if it was more vicious to Xiao Bai, it didn't matter at all. Xiao Bai didn't care much anyway.

Xiaobayashi Ryodan immediately saw that his deterrence had no effect. He rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to Xiao Bai anymore!

"Tell me, how many ingredients have you shown off to me in the past few days? You act like I've wronged you, do you still have any conscience?"

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Kobayashi Rgentian was a little embarrassed. It is true that Kobayashi Rgentian has been eating and drinking all these days. If it were other people who would be bankrupted by Kobayashi Rgentian, they might not be able to come up with so much. The food ingredients are wasted by Xiaobai Ringtong like this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Although Xiaobayashi Ringtong said that he thinks Xiao Bai’s words have some truth, isn’t it very shameful for Xiaobayashi Ringtong to look like this


When Ringtong Kobayashi was thinking about how he could earn back this face, Nayako appeared in the room. Looking at Nayako who appeared, Xiao Bai asked directly:"`

~How is the situation!

Pointing to the bruised and swollen face on her face, Nayako said with a sad and angry look:"Master, don't you understand when you look at me like this?""

Xiao Bai looked at Nayako's bruised nose and swollen face and inexplicably raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. It was a bit funny, but Xiao Bai had to hold back and couldn't laugh.

Nayako jumped in anger when he saw Xiao Bai like this.

"Okay, tell me what happened (Li Zhao), I will avenge you!"

Hearing that he wanted to avenge himself, Nayako immediately gritted his teeth:"This is what happened."

As Nayako told Xiao Bai, it turned out that the person in Pirates of the Caribbean was not the evil god of Cthulhu, but a false god made by humans who worshiped Cthulhu, so the other party carried the Cthulhu mythology. breath.

Then this time when Nayako went to find the other party, not only did he fail to make the other party surrender, but he even thought about swallowing Nayako, which was so audacious.

Xiao Bai was a little surprised that the opponent's dog was so brave. Even if Nayako was just a clone, it was definitely not a clone that could be used by cats and dogs.

"What's the name of that goddess!"

"Cory Busso, used to be a pirate bitch here in the Caribbean!".

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