In the end, Xiao Bai gave Erina a kitchen knife. This kitchen knife was Melk's kitchen utensil that Xiao Bai rewarded in his diary. With this knife, Erina and Alice finally cut open the puffer whale. But it was the blink of an eye and the puffer whale turned purple and gave off an ominous aura.

Looking at the two girls who were panicking, Xiao Bai said to them:"It failed. The poison sac of the puffer whale was broken. Now the puffer whale has become highly poisonous!

Alice and Erina looked embarrassed, and their eyes changed. There was an expression of disbelief on his face. He was obviously careful, but why did he still let such a thing happen?

"Use this one to euthanize some people who want to die. At least he can taste such delicious food before they die. Then they will definitely thank Erina and Aisi."

Erina and Alice's faces turned dark instantly. They couldn't tell that what Xiao Bai, this bitch, said was sarcastic. Do you believe that we will kill you? Alice and Erina glared at Xiao Bai fiercely. His eyes revealed this fact

"It’s useless for you to look at me like this, what I say is the truth!"

"The venom sacs of each puffer whale are not in the same place, so as long as there is a difference of 0.01 millimeter, the puffer whale will fail to be processed. Why do you think puffer whales are so difficult to deal with? It is because puffer whales are not only more troublesome to capture. If it is slightly frightened, it will become poisonous. Even if it is captured, even if it is handled slightly wrong by 0.01 mm, it will become poisonous!"

Alice and Erina looked at Xiao Bai and almost pounced on him and bit Xiao Bai hard. Xiao Bai stepped forward and picked up the kitchen knife and started to handle the puffer whale in front of Alice and Erina. , exactly, and soon the puffer whale turned into a shining golden color

"If the treatment fails, the puffer whale will turn purple; if the treatment is successful, the puffer whale will turn gold!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he took the initiative to cut off a piece of puffer whale meat, put it in his mouth and chewed it. The meat was firm and firm, and at the same time an unparalleled umami taste exploded in his mouth. Xiao Bai faced Alice and Erina and the other two said:"You should also taste the deliciousness of this puffer whale!"

Alice and Erina picked up the butcher's knife and cut off a piece of fish fillet. They put it into their mouths without dipping and chewed it. The eyes of the two people immediately lit up. At this time, there was a sudden sound outside the kitchen door. There were footsteps, and then the door was kicked open with a bang, and Xiaolin Rgentian ran in from the outside.

"You guys are going too far. You don’t even call me when you eat puffer whales!"

After saying that, Xiaolin Rgentian rushed towards Xiao Bai directly. No, more accurately, it was the puffer whale behind Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but cover his forehead when he saw Xiaolin Rgentian's appearance, but Xiao Bai still gave up his position, allowing Kobayashi Gentian to taste the taste of puffer whale!

After tasting the puffer whale, the three of them said that they would no longer taste the taste of sashimi from now on. What kind of sashimi can be tasted? Isn't it better than the puffer whale?

Thinking about the deliciousness of the puffer whale, and thinking about other sashimi, how can people eat other sashimi? Thinking of these things, Alice also Erina and the others had bitter looks on their faces. It was obvious that they did not expect such a result. The last three people looked at Xiao Bai in unison and threw all the blame on Xiao Bai. Let Xiao Bai take the blame

"It's all this bastard Xiao Bai's fault!"

Anyway, if you don't take the blame for this, it's all Xiao Bai's fault. If it weren't for Xiao Bai, they wouldn't have eaten such delicious sashimi, emmmmm

"Do you have any conscience when you pick up your bowl to eat and put it down to scold your mother? Okay, blame me, right? Stop eating!"

After Xiao Bai said that, he took away these puffer whales.

Eat? Eat shit!

Since it's all my fault, then you all should stop eating!

Xiao Bai cursed and left.

Alice and Erina looked on stupidly. Did Xiao Bai who left make Xiao Bai angry?

That's not right!

Is he so easy to get angry?

There is no angry expression on Xiao Bai's face who left, and some are just smiles on his face, let alone The taste of puffer whale is really good, and the sashimi made from other fish is really not as good as the puffer whale. Xiao Bai plans to get some Kiyoshita sauce to match the remaining puffer whales later.

Liu Pleia Xing's mother in that life, Master Abe, was a sauce expert. The various sauces he made were first-class in taste and each had its own special effects. Of course, these so-called special effects were only for ordinary people, such as What about strengthening the body, like some appetizing and spleen-strengthening medicine.

Gradually, several girls in the kitchen also realized:"No, this bastard Xiao Bai wants to eat alone!""

Kobayashi Rgentian reacted and chased him out directly. But at this time, Xiao Bai could still be found anywhere. Seeing Xiao Bai disappear, Kobayashi Rgentian gritted his teeth:"Dog man, dog man, you eat alone, don't you? This one I have made a note of your hatred. If you have the ability, don't show up in front of me in the future. Otherwise, I will kill you in a matter of minutes!"

Xiaolin Ryu gnashed his teeth angrily and ate just one piece of puffer whale. As a result, Xiao Bai took away all the rest. This dog man doesn't know how to share at all. He's so angry!!! He was so angry that he jumped on his feet. Kobayashi Rgentan took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Bai, but obviously no one answered.

"Let’s stop calling and go directly to Xiao Bai!"

Erina and Alice had already arranged a car to go directly to Xiao Bai's house. This dog ate alone, and all the cows were picked up for him.

Alice and Erina each took a handful that Xiao Bai had given them before. There was a completely sinister smile on the kitchen knife's face!

Xiao Bai's home, after returning home, Xiao Bai took out the legendary kitchen utensil Rotating Dragon Pot, and then Xiao Bai started making Kikuxia sauce!

About a month later After about half an hour, Kobayashi Ringtong, Erina and Alice came to kill him!

However, when they saw Xiao Bai in the kitchen, they originally wanted to rush up and kill Xiao Bai, but who knows the result? The aroma of the sauce Xiao Bai was making immediately stopped them in their tracks. This aroma, this sauce, hiss!!!.

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