Returning with Urla Lawrence, Xiao Bai told Urla Lawrence about the space-time communicator, and then borrowed the space-time communicator from Shitori Sona to let Urla Lawrence get in touch with the West Wind Knights of Teyvat Continent..

Yora Lawrence definitely did not imagine that there are tools that can communicate with other worlds. Especially after she really contacted Captain Qin, Yura Lawrence was even more surprised.

"Captain Qin!"

"Yora, where are you now? We received news that you are missing. What kind of tool is this and why can I contact you in this way?"

"I'm sorry, Captain Qin, I don't know what this thing is, and I don't know where I am now, but what is certain is that I am not in Teyvat now."

Then Yura Lawrence told Captain Qin about herself. Captain Qin fell into silence after listening. Finally, Captain Qin asked Yura Lawrence to take care of herself, and he would find a way to get her back as soon as possible. - Yora Lawrence.

After ending the communication, Xiao Bai looked at Yora Lawrence and said:"You can choose to join our battle sequence now, or you can choose to be an ordinary person in this world. I don't require you to do it. Something, but only if you don’t cause us any trouble!"

Yora Lawrence looked at Xiao Bai in front of her with a trace of shame and annoyance in her eyes:"Damn it, I have recorded this grudge. Don't treat me as an ordinary person. I can help you, but I ask for corresponding treatment!"

Then Yula Lawrence's stomach made a growl. Xiao Bai suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, while Yula Lawrence was so shy that her white and tender face turned red.

"No problem, it’s an honor to be helped by the famous Wave Rider Yora Lawrence."

Then Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Sona and said,"Then I'll leave it to you first. After all, we are from other worlds like you. You two should have some common topics."

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Cangna and said, Shitori Cangna nodded and glanced at Yula, then a smile appeared on Lawrence's face:"Then I will take you to change clothes first, otherwise you will be wearing your current clothes. It looks like Xiao Bai will have a hard time enduring it!"

Yola Lawrence's face turned red, and she glared at Xiao Bai fiercely:"I will remember this grudge!"

"As expected, she is the vengeful knight of the Mondstadt Zephyr Knights, Yora Lawrence!"

Xiao Bai smiled and then walked out, while Yola Lawrence looked annoyed. After all, Xiao Bai laughed at this look, and Yola Lawrence was also very shy.

Especially at this time, Yura Lawrence noticed The clothes on her body were torn in many places, which made her feel embarrassed. At the same time, Yora Lawrence also understood how seductive she was in her current appearance. No wonder Yora Lawrence always felt that there was something wrong with the way Xiao Bai looked at her. , emotional because of this reason.

Thinking that she had been taken advantage of so much by Xiao Bai before, Laura Lawrence looked at Xiao Bai and became a little unhappy.

"That's not what I wanted to see on purpose. It was your clothes that turned into tatters and a sentimental look. I didn't say you seduced me, I was already giving you face!"

Yura Lawrence looked in disbelief when she heard what she said. Xiao Bai actually said that she seduced him. Does this man have any sense of shame?

Shitori Sona laughed directly and then pulled him away. Yola Lawrence:"If you continue to stand here, then you will really let Xiao Bai take advantage of you."

"I will remember this grudge!"

He glared at Xiao Bai fiercely, and then Yulalansi and Shitori Sona left.

"This also allows you to hold grudges, and it has nothing to do with me. It’s clearly your fault for letting me see it!"

Being taken to the bathroom by Shitori Sona, after washing herself, Yula Lawrence felt a little more relaxed.

Then Yula Lawrence asked Shitori Sona:"Are you also a descendant of other worlds?"


Shitori Sona looked at Yula Lawrence in confusion. In our world, other worlds often come, so we call those individuals descendants!

Shitori Sona understood, and then nodded:"Yes, me too. People from other worlds!"

"So have you found your way back?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If I had found it, I wouldn't be here now, but I'm not too worried about this. It shouldn't be a big problem. I believe Xiao Bai will be able to take me back in the future!"

Although I don't understand why Shitori Sona has such confidence, Yura Lawrence doesn't throw cold water on it either!

"What kind of person is that man!"

After a moment of hesitation, Urla Lawrence asked Shitori Sona about Xiao Bai. Urla Lawrence wanted to know what kind of person Xiao Bai was!

"A slightly horny pervert!"

Shitori Sona thought for a moment and then answered to Yula Lawrence, and then looked at Yula Lawrence with a strange look:"If it were you, I think there is a high probability that you will not be able to escape!"

Yura Lawrence's eyes widened!

"Do you mean that the pervert has already set his sights on me?"

"That's right, after all, he couldn't take his eyes off your appearance before!"

Thinking of her battle-damaged appearance before, Yura Lawrence's face suddenly turned red. Being stared at by that guy like this, she suffered a big loss.

I will remember this grudge!

Shitori Sona looked at Yura La suddenly felt envious of her figure:"No wonder his Xiao Bai will always stare at you. His figure is so good. If you add more points, you will look more muscular, and if you add less points, you will look thinner!"

After speaking, Shitori Sona looked at Yura's chest, which was bigger than hers.

Shitori Sona looked down and saw the instep of her feet. She was so angry!!!

When will I be able to grow up too ?

"I don’t want that guy to look at me, it’s just that guy looking at me for his own sake!"

Yora Lawrence was obviously a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, we don't care!".

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