It can be said that Youla used 12 points of strength to at least make her defeat not so ugly, but it was a pity that it was useless. As for the group of barbarians in Mondstadt, what skills can you expect them to have?

If it were to be Morax from Liyue, Xiao Bai would definitely have to look high at him. As for the group of people in Mondstadt, what else would they do besides being powerful and powerful?

There is no skill at all, but today Xiao Bai will use his skills to make Youla understand what is the gap between strengths and what is the distance between heaven and earth!

However, Xiao Bai was not in a hurry to defeat Youla. Instead, he would pat Youla's butt from time to time, or take other advantages.

Youla blushed and glared at Xiao Bai, wishing that Xiao Bai would be praised on the spot, but unfortunately the gap in strength meant that Youla was unable to do this.

"Give up, if you continue, I think your butt will be swollen by me. Liyue's skills are okay, but Mondstadt's skills are terrible. In addition to relying on absolute strength, There is no skill at all, it’s just a simple chop back and forth!"

Xiao Bai's words once again touched Youla's sore feet. She was obviously very angry, but she had to show that she was not angry. She was very calm and could not let the other party know that she was angry.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but feel a little 480. He wanted to laugh, but Xiao Bai politely held back his laughter!

"Solid ice, cut off deep hatred!!!"

I couldn't bear it any longer. I directly activated the elemental power and caught Xiao Bai off guard. Unfortunately, it only made Xiao Bai stunned for a moment.

Then Xiao Bai's will directly wrapped around the blade. Daxia Longque slashed out the big sword in Yula's hand and was instantly knocked away.

"My poor Miss Laura Lawrence, do you want to continue what you are doing now? I don't mind if you want to continue!"

Xiao Bai's words made Youla stomp her feet angrily. This bastard, even if he wins, he still has to say something to make her angry. It's simply hateful.

"you win."

Youra said these words expressionlessly, turned around and left.

Looking at Youla leaving, Xiao Bai suddenly laughed and couldn't help it. The leaving Youla heard Xiao Bai His laughter made his whole body tremble with anger, but as a loser, he was not even qualified to refute.

Looking at Youla who left quickly, Xiao Bai (bbdb) smiled and then put away the Daxia Longque in his hand and pinched it. He thought about another thing on his chin.

There are still a few members of the Liberation Association who have not been uncovered. Although the so-called locusts in the Liberation Association have been uncovered and cut to pieces, the remaining people have not yet been investigated. Xiao Bai was quite helpless when he found out the identity of the other party.

The members of the Restoration Society all did their own things and basically did not interfere with others. They did not know their respective identities, so even if Xiao Bai Bai pulled out the so-called Locust behind the scenes, but still failed to find the remaining people. It was not because Xiao Bai was incompetent but because he just couldn't do it. Can he create some magical beasts to specifically target these people? What a thing?

But then Xiao Bai shook his head again. Unless Xiao Bai could create a conceptual Warcraft, otherwise Xiao Bai would not be able to find out those individuals. Suddenly Xiao Bai seemed to notice something and his expression changed. Then Xiao Bai Bai immediately took out any door, then entered any door and disappeared. The next moment, Xiao Bai appeared in Menqiu Middle School.

Seeing that the situation was not at all what he expected, Xiao Bai couldn't help but sigh. Mao Yefeng still Instead of following Xiao Bai's request, Xiao Bai asked Mao Yefeng to call him when Yanagisawa Kutaro appeared. The result was not what Xiao Bai thought. Mao Yefeng was still overwhelmed by hatred. He only thought about revenge!

Xiao Bai did not take action immediately. Since Mao Yefeng wanted revenge, he should give Mao Yefeng a chance and see if Mao Yefeng could seize this opportunity.

If Mao Yefeng could not seize this opportunity, If there is a chance, then you can't blame Xiao Bai. Jihui was given to Xiao Bai but Kayo Yefeng couldn't catch it. Who can be blamed?

If Kayo Yefeng is not allowed to vent the hatred in his heart, then sooner or later this will become Kayo Yefeng. A thorn in the heart.

So it is better to give Mao Yefeng a chance, but if Mao Yefeng cannot seize the opportunity, then don't blame Xiao Bai.

But it is obvious that Mao Yefeng is not strong enough to attack for a long time, and the final fear It won’t take long for him to be completely decadent.

Mao Yefeng couldn’t kill the enemy who killed his sister with his own hands. He was angry but helpless. Suddenly, Mao Yefeng saw a person in the corner of his eyes. Xiao Bai was standing not far away. Waiting for himself.

Kayo Yefeng suddenly had an idea in his mind. If Xiao Bai took action, he would definitely be able to defeat the opponent easily. All he had to do was kill the opponent.

But while being distracted, Kayo Yefeng suddenly realized that he had been negligent. , seeing that the opponent's attack was about to fall on him, the monster Xiao Bai arranged next to Kayo Kaede appeared, and instantly protected Kayo Kaede and at the same time completely subdued Yanagisawa Kantaro. (It's so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Kanagitarou Yanagisawa being subdued so easily, Kayano Kaede's mood was a little complicated for a moment.

Xiao Bai came over and looked at Mao Yefeng and said,"I told you back then that you would notify me when he showed up."

Mao Yefeng had a complicated expression on his face, and then apologized to Xiao Bai:"I'm sorry!" It was very obvious! Mao Yefeng knew that this time he almost got into trouble again, but thinking that Xiao Bai arranged for his back-up man, Mao Yefeng's mood was a little complicated.

Mao Yefeng never thought that Xiao Bai would secretly arrange a backup plan. Xiao Bai's ability to appear here so quickly must have not only arranged for himself, but also arranged for other people.

"Okay, I will ask some questions next. After asking, Yanagisawa Koutarou's life will be handed over to you."

Xiao Bai stepped forward and transformed Yanagisawa Koutaro into a faceless man.

"So now tell me everything you know."

Xiao Bai said to Yanagisawa Kantaro indifferently.

As Yanagisawa Kantaro told, it was basically the same as what Xiao Bai knew, but what really benefited Xiao Bai was Yanagisawa Kantaro saying a name. Xiao Bai was surprised by the name..

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