To be honest, when Xiao Bai wanted to commit massacre and genocide just now, the holders of copies of the diary were all trembling in their hearts. What if Xiao Bai really lost his mind and did such a thing.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Bai gave up the next moment, which made the holders of these diary copies begin to doubt Xiao Bai's mental state. Is Xiao Bai's mental state really okay?

【I originally thought that catching one Yanagisawa Kantaro would be a harvest, but I didn’t expect that catching one Yanagisawa Kantaro would not be the whole harvest at all. Instead, the big fish took the bait one after another.】

【The person behind the reincarnation of Tokugawa Iemitsu turned out to be a so-called god. This really opened my eyes. What other gods are there in this world?】

【Just this time, I was asked to meet"One Four Seven" to find out what this so-called god is, and kill a god for fun! 】

Killing God?

All the diary copy holders couldn't help but fell silent. Is Xiao Bai playing so high-end now?

Killing gods is actually just for fun, so for Xiao Bai, what is worthy of seriousness?

Xiao Bai is a little too inflated, right?

【Hey, I’m just kidding. You should be a little more serious when facing a god. It would be embarrassing if the car overturns. After all, it is a god.】

【Moreover, I have never heard of any gods in this world, and they are able to help Tokugawa Iemitsu reincarnate. What does this mean? This shows that the other party has some great abilities, so I have to be careful in dealing with them.】

【It's better to be careful than to make a big mistake! 】

Seeing that Xiao Bai was not really drifting away from the others, they breathed a sigh of relief.

【But even if I drift away now, it doesn't matter. My strength has reached the level of a single universe. I can kill all the gods with just a backhand. I have to sigh once again. A thousand years of practice is not as good as cheating once. As long as If I'm open enough, there won't be any difficulty in catching me.】

【Before I mentioned it, I was still wondering why Nikko Toshogu was chosen as the headquarters of the Restoration Society. It was all because of Tokugawa Iemitsu.】

【Hetui~ What a piece of shit, I wasn’t even deified into a god and worshiped. That piece of shit Tokugawa Ieyasu still had such treatment. After that, he dug up the ancestral graves of the Tokugawa family. Wait, it seems that the Tokugawa family saw it. I have already dug up your ancestral graves, so that’s okay】

【Hey, stop talking, it’s time to get to work! 】

Not recording the diary, Xiao Bai looked at the girl in front of him:"Are you that kind of Gouhachi god who keeps helping Tokugawa Iemitsu reincarnate?"

"it's me!"

"What is the reason for doing this?"

"in order to survive"

"It's really a good reason, but it's not the reason why I can let you go, so if you want to live, then think of another reason to convince me, otherwise you will have no choice but to die."

"I can help you!"

"So first talk about what you can do!"


Xiao Bai didn't say anything. He just looked at the girl in front of him and fell into thinking. After a while, he said:"Name!"

"Kotoko Iwanaga!"

Sure enough, it was her. She pointed her finger at Kotoko Iwanaga's heart and immediately planted the egg of the black goat. Then Xiao Bai called Yakumo Purple.

"I leave this guy to you, watch him and don't let him cause trouble for me, and he should have a good compatibility with you monsters, I believe you can handle it."

Yakumo Purple:"Can I refuse?"

You can tell at a glance that Iwanaga Kotoko is a troublesome guy. Yakumo Purple doesn't want to cause such trouble for herself.

"Obviously not."

He directly rejected Yakumo Purple, and then Xiao Bai gave Iwanaga Kotoko to Yakumo Purple.

"Then this lovely girl will be left to you from now on."

Yakumo Purple's face was expressionless. Iwanaga Kotoko was definitely a trouble, and it was still a huge trouble, but Xiao Bai just handed this guy over to him again, not even giving him a chance to refuse.

"Please give me more advice in the future, and don’t worry, I won’t cause you any trouble!"

"You better be, or I'll show you what cruelty is."

After Yakumo Zi finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Bai:"Don't give me such trouble next time!"

"Maybe she will be useful in the future!"

"Haha, if she were a boy, would you keep her?"

Xiao Bai shrugged and didn't care what Yakumo Zi said. If this was a man, he would have chopped it into pieces and fed it to the dogs....

Iwanaga Kotoko was silent and didn't speak, but she was thinking about how to solve this matter. Yakumo Purple's opinion of her would make it difficult for her, so the next thing to do is to solve Yakumo Purple's opinion of her as soon as possible. Opinion.

Iwanaga Kotoko was thinking silently in her heart, but Xiao Bai warned Iwanaga Kotoko:"The reason why I don't kill you now is because you are valuable. Once you are worthless, you will have no reason to live. Remember Live what I say!"

Nodding silently, Kotoko Iwanaga said that she understood that there was no need to seek death when she could live, and why take shortcuts when the journey of life is still long.

Although Kotoko Iwanaga left, Xiao Bai still had things to do. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are a lot of monsters and ghosts around Iwanaga Kotoko, so I took this opportunity to clean them all away.

A pack of wolves the size of calves emerged from Xiao Bai's shadow.

According to the wolves created by the Greedy Wolves under the authority of Marquis Vauban, each wolf in 3.1 has the strength of the top demon in the DXD world.

Soon the monsters gathered under Iwanaga Kotoko were torn into pieces by the wolves created by Xiao Bai!

"Done and call it a day!"

The wolves burrowed back into the shadow at Xiao Bai's feet.

Taking out any door and returning home, Xiao Bai suddenly realized that something seemed not quite right.

"What happened? Shitori

Sona glanced at Xiao Bai and said,"Let me tell you, we found the way back!""

Xiao Bai fell silent for a moment and looked at Shitori Sona:"So you want to go back?"

Shitocang's silence was obviously acquiescing that she wanted to go back.

Xiao Bai then looked at Youla:"What about you, you want to go back too?"

Yura was also silent.

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