In the world of Teyvat, Qingun Hilde, the headquarters of the Knights of the West Wind, looked at the returning Youla with a relaxed expression on her face:"Welcome back Youla!"

Youla nodded and then gave her what she got from Xiao Bai. The information was handed over to Captain Qin:"This is the information I got from Xiao Bai. You can take a look at it first!"

Captain Qin picked up the information and read it, and then his expression gradually became serious:"The previous one I have already sent people to investigate. It is true that the Abyss Master of the Abyss Religion has appeared in the Wind Dragon Ruins. If nothing else happens, I am afraid that it is true as stated in the information. We must stop the Abyss Religion of the Abyss. The mage bewitches Lord Tevalin, Dragon of the East Wind"

"I personally suggest going to find that Wendy. After all, Mr. Tevalin is also his dependent!"

Captain Qin showed a trace of hesitation, and after a while, he nodded and agreed to the matter:"I will inform Lord Barbatos, but the blond traveler mentioned in the intelligence is still there. If you don't show up, we have no way to save Lord Tevalin for the time being."

"Prevent the Dragon Disaster from happening first, lest the group of giant babies in Mondstadt resent Lord Tvarin one by one."

"Giant, giant baby?"

Captain Qin looked at Youla with astonishment in her eyes, as if she couldn't understand why Youla called those people in Mondstadt like this!

"This title is very vivid, isn't it? Those giant babies can only blame others and call for help from the Knights of the West Wind if anything happens. You, the leader of the Knights of the West Wind, actually go looking for cats and dogs?"

Captain Qin was silent.

"You ask the ordinary people in Liyue, and then ask them to go to Liyue Qixing to help them find cats and dogs to see if their heads are torn off by him."

After finishing speaking, Youla looked at Captain Qin:"I will quit the Knights of the West Wind after I resolve the matter with Mr. Tevalin!"

Captain Qin suddenly stood up and asked with disbelief in his eyes:"Why?"

"Xiao Bai said that I should jump out of Mondstadt and take a good look at Teyvat. I think what Xiao Bai said makes sense, so I will travel with the travelers in the future. Anyway, the giant baby in Mondstadt doesn’t want to see me. Since If so, then I'll leave."

Captain Qin fell silent. How come the ordinary residents of Mondstadt knew very well about Commander Qin who brought Yura? Captain Qin also wanted to change this situation, but the result of the facts is that it cannot be changed at all. If If it had been effective, Yura's situation would have changed long ago.

"I'm sorry Yula, I tried to change your situation, but"

"There is no need to apologize to me, Xiao Bai is right, those giant babies are used to shouting at the Knights of the West Wind, and regard the Knights of the West Wind as their servants, and you seem to think this is normal, Xiao Bai said you are sick, but I was just as sick as you before!"

Captain Qin looked at the corners of Youla's mouth that couldn't help but twitch slightly. After Youla went out for a trip and came back, her whole body became a little sharp. Her mouth became more and more poisonous. What does it mean to be sick!

But the Qin Commander However, the commander could not refute, and Commander Qin began to reflect on himself.

"Xiao Bai told me that if Mondstadt continues to be like this, then there will be no way to escape the end of the knife. The knife is a tragedy. Now the winter is ready to take action, and the Fool Executives are spreading across the entire Teyvat continent in various ways. There is no doubt that their final goal is the god on Sky Island. When the war burns across Teyvat, who can Mondstadt rely on?"

"Barbatos, the wind god? Or Tevalin, the Dragon of the East Wind? Pray for their protection? Can the wind god Barbatos really protect Mondstadt?"

"This is how it is, Jean Gunhild, I have said everything that needs to be said, and now I propose to you to resign from the position of Knight of the Spray of the Knights of the West Wind!"

"You are right, we cannot place all our hopes on Lord Barbatos. If something like the dark disaster happens again, we, the Knights of the West Wind, must become stronger!"

"I don't approve your resignation. Come and help me, Yora, and let's change Mondstadt together."

Yura didn't agree to Captain Qin's invitation, but she didn't reject it immediately either.

"You say you want to change Mondstadt, so let me see your determination."

After Yula finished speaking, she left directly. Looking at Yula's leaving figure, Captain Qin picked up the information compiled by Yula and read it. The more he looked at it, the more serious his expression became!

Barbatos, the god of wind, was arrested in front of the West Wind Cathedral. The lady of the Fools took away the Heart of God. Even though it was Lord Barbatos who set off the attack, the Knights of the West Wind and the Cathedral of the West Wind did not notice that the Fools attacked the gods they believed in in front of the Cathedral of the West Wind in Mondstadt? Has Decheng actually fallen to such an extent?

The reform of Mondstadt City is imperative!

Later, we saw the rock god Morax in Liyue pretending to die to assess the abdication of Liyue Seven Stars, and then the rock god Morax also turned the god The gods of wind and rock actually let the fools take away their hearts of gods. Does this mean that they actually secretly support the Queen of Winter in provoking the war?

Then they looked at Inazuma, Sumi After watching the plot, Captain Qin felt like he was about to have a splitting headache.

".It seems that Mondstadt really cannot continue to be like this."

Making a decision in his heart, Captain Qin immediately called for Lisa, Kaia, and Diluc. At the same time, he also asked people to invite Barbatos, the god of wind, to come with him.

Captain Qin even invited Yura. After coming back and having a direct and frank conversation, Captain Qin announced to the people present:"I want to reform Mondstadt!"

After hearing what Captain Qin said, Diluc (Made Zhao) agreed:"Reforms should have been carried out long ago. It is not wrong at all to call the group of people in Mondstadt the giant babies."

Diluc has long been dissatisfied with those individuals in Mondstadt. The current leader Qin naturally agrees with Diluc's reform.

"So it’s decided, but before that, Yula, do you have any suggestions?"

"Xiao Bai gave me some suggestions when I came back. The first point is that the Knights of the West Wind no longer help people find cats and dogs. They are only responsible for public security and clearing away monsters. If the residents of Mondstadt need it, they can go to the Adventurer's Guild to issue tasks."

"Point 2: Organize the knights of the West Wind Knights to clean up the Qiuqiu tribe and slimes and other monsters, and conduct battles to improve their combat literacy."

"Point 3, form an alliance, send people to Liyue to exchange information, and form an alliance with Liyue for the price!"

"Fourth, save the Little Lucky Grass King and form an alliance with Xumi"

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