When Rias heard Xiao Bai's words, she showed a trace of yearning on her face. If she could possess a divine weapon, her strength would definitely change dramatically.

Therefore, Rias looked at Xiao Bai and asked directly:"Then what kind of artifact do you think is suitable for me?"

"The Cage of the Sekiryuutei, but now that Hyoudou Issei is not dead and has become a reincarnated demon, you cannot take action against Hyoudou Issei due to position issues, so it is more difficult to get a suitable artifact!"

Rias Gremory was speechless for a moment, but what Xiao Bai said was that he didn't like the ordinary artifact Rias, and Rias couldn't get a good artifact.

Rias felt bad for a moment. , looking at Xiao Bai with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Xiao Bai ignored Rias's emotions and continued:"So the only way now is to make artificial artifacts. Since there is no suitable one, then make it yourself."

"Azazel? You mean to go find Azazel!"

Rias has read light novels, so she knows that the only person other than the God of the Bible who can create artifacts is Azazel, and the artifact developed by Azazel can even reach the level of the Fallen Dragon's Flash Gun. Forbidden hands

"That's right, after the God of the Bible, the only one who can create artifacts is Azazel, so you can go to Azazel to customize an artifact. Judging from Azazel's character, he won't refuse.

Rias hesitated:"Then how can I pay back the favor I owe?""

"Why pay it back? Azazel should thank you. After all, if it weren't for you, how could Azazel see a pure-blooded demon using an artifact."

Rias was stunned. Xiao Bai's words not only made Azazel bleed, but also made Azazel feel grateful. How could this person say such shameless words?

However, Xiao Bai did take it for granted. Compared with these, Azazel will obviously care more about the fact that Rias, a pure-blood demon, can use artifacts.

If all pure-blood demons can use artifacts, then I am afraid that the pattern of the three major forces in the Bible will be different. Earth-shaking changes have taken place, so if Azazel knew this in advance, he would definitely be prepared.

Letting Azazel know this is already a great favor to Azazel.

Lili Yasi obviously didn't have the same kind of thinking as Xiao Bai. She looked a little confused and couldn't understand why Xiao Bai said this.

"You just need to know that this matter will be of great benefit to Azazel and the fallen angels."

Seeing Riasna's silly and cute look, Xiao Bai sighed and didn't explain too much in detail. There were too many explanations and Rias couldn't understand them at all, and it didn't make any sense.

"Okay, then I will go find Azazel, and then I have to ask Azazel if he is willing to make me an artificial artifact."

Rias was a little unsure, but she still told her brother about this matter and asked her brother to contact Azazel.

Sirzechs knew that it was Xiao Bai's suggestion and contacted Azazel directly without saying anything. Sachel, Azazel immediately became interested after hearing this. Can a pure-blooded demon use a divine weapon?

After knowing this, Azazel immediately rushed to Kuoh Academy.

Seeing Rias After that, Azazel suddenly became startled:"It's really strange, you actually broke through the barrier set by the old man!"

At the first sight of Rias, Azazel discovered something was wrong with Rias. Rias actually broke through the barriers set by the God of the Bible!

"Azazel, I originally wanted to make a deal with you this time and customize a divine weapon for Rias, and I will tell you how Rias broke through the will barrier set by the God of the Bible."

Rias originally thought that Azazel would definitely not agree, but she didn't expect that Azazel would agree without hesitation after hearing what Xiao Bai said.

"No problem, I agreed to this, so now tell me how Rias Gremory broke through the barriers set by the old man."

The next moment, a huge pressure instantly pressed on Azazel's body. Azazel's face suddenly changed. Only then did Hua Xiaobai's voice slowly come over:"This is Liya. The reason why silk can break through."

Azazel's eyes looked at Xiao Bai and his life was full of disbelief. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Speaking of Azazel, are you interested in helping me? I want to become the new God of the Bible. Some angels are ignorant, so do you want to help me?"

"If you come to help me, I can allow you to take away all the current angels and become fallen angels. I will re-create the angels that belong to me."

If he hadn't been sure that there was nothing wrong with his ears, Azazel would have definitely doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

What did the other party say? It would be too bold to want to become the new God of the Bible. Forget it.

He laughed dryly and then Azazel said to Xiao Bai:"I will not get involved in this kind of thing.

Then he immediately changed the subject:"Rias Gremory, right? What kind of artifact do you want?""

Looking at Azazel, Rias always felt that Azazel seemed to have given up. However, Rias ignored this matter and immediately told Azazel what she wanted. Sacred weapon.

Xiao Bai ordered Riasna to speak directly to the big brother.

After hearing Rias's words, Azazel fell silent instantly.

"None of the conditions you mentioned can be met by the God-killing Gear."

Rias looked at Xiao Bai. The previous Xiao Bai told Rias to just raise the conditions and he would take care of the rest.

Xiao Baixiao walked up with a smile and hugged Azazel:"You can do it. You got it right!

Azazel showed a bitter expression on his face:"I tried my best!""

I don't dare to refuse, I don't dare to refuse at all. The strength of Xiao Bai in front of me is definitely not something that I can resist. So since I can't resist, I just lie down. As for the other party's request, try your best. If it really doesn't work, then There's nothing I can do.

It's just that Azazel didn't expect Xiao Bai to want to be the new God of the Bible. Is it a demon or... big...

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