Xiao Bai spread his hands to express his resentment towards Rias:"This matter really has nothing to do with me. It's just that your brother is overthinking it. It's too much for you to accuse me unjustly like this. I'm very sorry." It's innocent, I'm very sad."

Bitch, looking at Xiao Bai's coy look, Rias gritted her teeth with hatred.

Shitori Sona couldn't stand it anymore, so she patted Xiao Bai and said,"Whether you did it or not, anyway, because you are now divorced between Gurefia and Sirzechs, you should at least give an explanation.""

"Then how do you want me to explain it? I told you that Da Zet can be made up by themselves. What can I do?"

It's impossible for Xiao Bai to admit that he did something good anyway.

"At least you have to promise us that you will never take action against the evil"880" demons in the future."

Chitori Cangna said, thinking about Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai spread his hands and did not answer. All the beliefs in this world need to belong to Xiao Bai. If those demons refuse, will Xiao Bai still let them go? This is unclear. Nonsense.

It is obviously impossible for Xiao Bai to agree to something like Rias and Shitori Sona.

Seeing Xiao Bai not agreeing to it, Rias was about to cry:"What else do you want from a devil to make you happy?""

"As long as the devil honestly treats me like an angel, then I promise that I will never target the devil for no reason."

It won't be for no reason, which means that if the devil does something, he will still be targeted.

The two people stared at Xiao Bai hoping that Xiao Bai would change his mind, but Xiao Bai just smiled.

Rias looked at Xiao Bai His face was gloomy:"What exactly do you want!"

"You have to know that you are begging me now, not me begging you, that is for Cang Na's sake. Otherwise, would your attitude be like begging for help?"

Rias clenched her fists tightly. It was clear that Xiao Bai had taken advantage of her, but now Xiao Bai actually complained first.

Looking at Rias' angry and aggrieved look, Xiao Bai just looked at it calmly. Rias

"First of all, I need an obedient group of demons who won't cause trouble for me. Secondly, don't think too badly of me. As long as I'm not stupid enough to do something that I absolutely shouldn't do, I won't do anything to the demons."

"The most that can be done is to clean up those demon nobles as well. Those like Theodora deserve to die, don't they?"

"As for your brother, haha, I have never targeted him."

Rias wanted to say something else, but Shitori Sona had already stopped Rias.

"Then it's settled like this."

After saying that, Shitori Sona pulled Rias and left. Rias was still reluctant when she was pulled away. It wasn't until after she left that Shitori Sona said to Rias:"This look is enough. , if Bai only intends to target the devil."

Compared to Rias, Chitori Cangna is much more understanding. Chitori Cangna knows very well what Xiao Bai came to this world to do.

So it is precisely because of this that Chitori Cangna has no intention of stopping Xiao Bai. The idea of ​​​​cannot be stopped. As for the matter of Sirzechs and Gurefia, Chisana can only say that maybe they really thought too much.

But now the deal is done, and Sirzechs and Gurefia have no choice. Maybe we can get back together again, so this matter will just go away like this.

"Rias, you need to understand one thing. From beginning to end, it is us who are begging Xiao Bai, not Xiao Bai who is begging us."

"You are angry that Xiao Bai took advantage of you, but didn't you know about this from the beginning? Rias looked gloomy:"

I didn't know that Xiao Bai actually used me to plot against my brother and Gulefiya.""

"What if it's really like what Xiao Bai said, and it's just your brothers and the others who think too much that something like this happened?"

Although Chitori Sona was a little suspicious of Xiao Bai at the beginning, now Chitori Sona has no doubts anymore. The reason is because Chitori Sona read Xiao Bai's diary.

Xiao Bai did not deliberately plot against Gu Lei. Fia and Sirzechs, Sirzechs and Gulefia are all overthinking it.

Although Shitori Sona said it was a little unbelievable, Xiao Bai should not lie to himself about this matter....

So in other words, Xiao Bai really doesn't have that kind of idea. It's just Sirzechs and Gurefia who think too much, and it's the fault of smart people.

Rias looked at Shitori Sona with some doubts, and couldn't understand why Shitori Sona suddenly believed Xiao Bai's words.

However, just when Rias was about to ask, a diary fell in front of Rias. Looking at this diary, Shitori Sona said to Rias:"The answer you want is all in it." Yes!"

Rias glanced at Shitori Sona in confusion, then picked up the diary and started reading it. After Rias read the diary, the expression on her face relaxed slightly.

Rias looked at Shitori Sona:"So you also have a diary?"

"Of course, after reading the diary, I believe you now know that Xiao Bai did not deliberately set up your brother and Gulefia. It was just that your brother and Gulefia thought too much, which led to this mess. The dragon incident occurred."

Rias has no doubts about the things recorded in the diary. It is impossible for Xiao Bai to lie to himself in the diary.

"Even if it wasn't Xiao Bai's plan, if it weren't for what Xiao Bai said to Gurefia before, my brother and Gurefiya would never have had this happen because of 8."

Looking at Rias who was still arrogant, Shitori Sona shook her head:"Rias, don't be arrogant. We don't care about this matter, but we have misunderstood Xiao Bai."

After sighing, Shitori Sona said to Rias:"You are also aware, Xiao Bai's attitude towards us has changed. Now Xiao Bai's opinion of you and me has dropped a lot."

Rias was silent for a moment.

How could Rias not know what Shitori Sona said? Rias had behaved aggressively before, and even Shitori Sona didn't trust Xiao Bai's words. This made her Xiao Bai's attitude towards Rias and Shitori Sona also changed obviously.

Rias couldn't help but regret it when she thought about her previous attitude.

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