Looking at the messy room, Xiao Bai couldn't help but take a breath. Thinking about the silver party held yesterday, Xiao Bai said that he was very firm in rejecting these female goblins at the beginning, but these female goblins do not follow martial ethics. Last

"One less seraphur, otherwise it would have been perfect."

Xiao Bai lazily walked into the bathroom. When Xiao Bai came out after taking a bath, he saw that the three girls were already awake.

"I like this gift of yours very much. For the sake of this gift, I will forgive your previous doubts about me."

"But there won’t be a next time."

After warning Rias and Shitori Sona, Xiao Bai looked at Himejima Akeno. Xiao Bai was basically sure that this plan was proposed by Himejima Akeno.

Whether it was Rias Neither Shitori Sona nor the others had the courage to even think of having a party. When Akeno Himejima heard this, she smiled:"Do you still like it?"

"It's missing a seraphur, otherwise I would have liked it better."

Regarding Xiao Bai's unabashed words, Himejima Akeno really smiled and said:"You have to ask President Sona to see if President Sona can arrange this. I don't mind doing it again. Silver lying."

Shitori Sona looked at Xiao Bai's eyes and covered his face helplessly, sighing and saying:"I will think of a way and let you know when the time comes!"

Xiao Bai laughed and hugged Cang Na and kissed her directly.

Rias looked at Xiao Bai:"You didn't miss Gulefiya!"

Xiao Bai is speechless. This matter can't be overcome, can it?"

"Now that Gulefia and Sirzechs are divorcing, at least you should give an explanation. Even if you didn't do this, at least it was because of you. If it weren't for your words, it wouldn't have happened. caused such misunderstanding.

Xiao Bai sighed:"Then what do you want?""

"Anyway, Gulefia has divorced my brother now, and it is completely impossible for them to remarry, so"

"It’s better to give you an advantage!"

Rias looked at Xiao Bai and gritted her teeth.

Xiao Bai said:"Zun Du Fake Du Oo?"

Rias looked at Xiao Bai and said with a dark face:"Are you happy? Do you like Gurefia that much?"

Rias couldn't help but grit her teeth. Does this bastard Xiao Bai like wives that much?

"We have all been wronged. If that's the case, why don't I just take the blame? Rias looked at Xiao Bai:"

I believe you, you are obviously greedy for Lefiya's body, you are despicable!""

Xiao Bai spread his hands and expressed his helplessness about what Rias said.

He has already said what he should say. It is their business to believe it or not. Anyway, Xiao Bai believed it himself.

Suddenly Xiao Bai Bai's face changed slightly, and then Xiao Bai said to Shitori Sona, Rias, and Himejima Akeno:"I'm going out!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai disappeared instantly. Shitori Cangna looked at Xiao Bai disappearing with a solemn expression:"It seems like something happened."

"I hope it has nothing to do with the devil."

At this time, Xiao Bai has already appeared on the battlefield with the angels in Northern Europe.

The situation of the angels at this time is not very good. The gods of Olympus mythology, Asan mythology, and the three forces of Nordic mythology have joined forces to encircle and suppress the angels. Seeing this scene, Xiao Baibai smiled and waved his hand. In an instant, thousands of monsters emerged from Xiao Bai's shadow and rushed towards the gods in mythology.

Facing Xiao Bai and these A magical beast suddenly appeared, and those gods were caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

Gabriel saw a trace of joy on his face when he saw Xiao Bai's arrival.

Xiao Bai ignored Gabriel's gaze and looked towards him. The dragon-god-level monster that was held back by Shiva

"It just so happens that you are all together, which saves me the trouble of looking for you."

Three dragons came out of Xiao Bai's shadow, the Shadow of the Dragon!

They are Lucoa, Ophis, and the Red Dragon God Emperor, or their shadows.

Although they have not reached the level of a single universe, they have surpassed it. He has reached the Dragon God level!

As the three dragon shadows entered the battlefield, it was simply a massacre. Not many gods from the three myths were killed, and not much was left.

Seeing this scene, these people The eyes of the gods were full of hatred.

However, Xiao Bai's eyes had a hint of ridicule.

"Doesn't it work like this? Then you are really weak!"

Xiao Kai's words were like a slap on the faces of these mythical gods.

".Two choices, death or surrender!"

Xiao Bai glanced lightly at the gods present.

Looking behind Xiao Bai, these gods subconsciously avoided Xiao Bai's eyes and did not dare to look at Xiao Bai. The corner of his mouth raised a hint of curvature:"You are really useless. What's the use of you if you don't even dare to look at me?" If that's the case, then let's kill them all."

Xiao Bai raised his hand and was about to kill all these people.

But the next moment

"I am willing to surrender."

Shiva shouted directly to Xiao Bai. Although Shiva said he liked fighting and destruction, his brain was not diseased. He knew that he would only die if he continued to fight, so he directly chose to surrender. Xiao Bai would not accept it even if he surrendered. As for having to kill himself again.

With this thought, Shiva was immediately frightened.

The other gods looked at Shiva with disdain, and then each one was angry (good Li) for fear that others would shout faster than him. They also surrendered.

Seeing these individuals surrendering, Xiao Bai looked at Gabriel and said,"The matters here are left to you."

After saying that, Xiao Bai left directly.

After obtaining the person of God, Xiao Bai can reach any place instantly in this dxd world.

It can be regarded as one of the privileges of the person of God.

Return to the place where he temporarily lives. When he saw Xiao Bai coming back to Zhi Cang Na, he asked:"What happened?"

"The angel side was fighting everywhere, but they were indeed ambushed, so I just went to save people."

When Xiao Bai said this, Shitori Sona breathed a sigh of relief, and so did Rias. As long as she is not a demon and has nothing to do with demons, it will be fine!

"Then continue the party?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Akeno Himejima smiled seductively at Xiao Bai, just like a succubus.

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