Although there was a smile on Xiao Bai's face, Yola, who was familiar with Xiao Bai, understood that Xiao Bai was obviously preparing to kill people. The resident of Mondstadt in front of him heard Xiao Bai's question and started talking directly. What the Lawrence family did in the past.

After hearing this, Xiao Bai nodded with a smile and then asked the drunk Mondstadt in front of him:"Then what does what you said have to do with Yora Lawrence? Is it possible that Yora Lawrence's last name is Lawrence? So he is guilty?"

"Lawrence's surname is the biggest sin. Lord Barbatos actually forgave Lawrence and his group. According to what I said, Lawrence should all be sent to the gallows."

Yora kept giving the drunkard in Mondstadt a wink, but unfortunately the other party became more and more energetic as he talked and even looked at Yora and wanted to make a move.

Xiao Bai smiled and asked the drunkard at the door. :"So do you know what the gallows feels like?"

Yura looked at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai was completely indifferent. Xiao Bai hated these guys in Mondstadt. He started to hate them when he played the game, and now he hates them even more after seeing them, especially when they are in front of him. When his face was facing Youla,

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers and put a rope around the opponent's neck. Then Xiao Bai directly hung the Mondstad drunkard under the street lamp, allowing the opponent to experience being sent to the hospital. What does the gallows feel like?

Looking at the drunk man Xiao Bai from Mondstadt who was hung on the street lamp, he suddenly scratched his head, as if something was wrong. There seemed to be something wrong with the other party being hung from the street lamp and being sent to the gallows. no the same

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot, there is a difference between being hanged and being sent to the gallows, start over."

The smile on Xiao Bai's face made people feel like a spring breeze, but the meaning behind his words seemed as cold as winter.

The drunk man who was hung on the street lamp suddenly fell to the ground, still Before the other party could take a breath, another rope was put around the other party's neck, and then the two ends of the rope slowly tightened and contracted.

"It's enough to teach him a lesson, but killing him just because of his words is a bit too much."

A gust of wind blew by, and the next moment a cuckold appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

The wind god Barbatos, or Wendy, saw Xiao Bai's serious expression, and the cyan wind wrapped around the neck of the drunkard in Mondstadt. on the rope to help the other party resist the twisting force of the rope

"You can't save the people I want to kill."

Xiao Bai smiled. The next moment, the rope that often fell on the neck of the drunk man in Mondstadt slowly tightened. There was a clicking sound from the other person's neck, and then the body fell softly to the ground.

Xiao Bai looked at Barbatos in front of him:"Then you want to avenge this one of your followers?"

Barbatos's face showed an angry expression visible to the naked eye, and cyan wind was swirling around him. Xiao Bai stood there and watched Barbatos. As long as Barbatos took action, Xiao Bai would destroy the entire Mondstadt City. All the people were killed.

Even if Youla knew that Xiao Bai did it deliberately, Xiao Bai would be able to give himself a step up. Youla was anxious in her eyes and wanted to stop it, but she had no way to speak. , could only signal to Barbatos with his eyes, hoping that Barbatos could understand what he meant. Barbatos did not understand Yula's eye signals, but Barbatos endured it.

The wind told Barbatos Xiao Bai was very dangerous, so Barbatos endured it.

After suppressing the anger in his heart, Barbatos said to Xiao Bai:"You have killed the man, so you can leave now, Mondstadt You are not welcome!"

The corners of Xiao Bai's lips curved, with a playful look in his eyes.

"If I don't leave, can you drive me away?"

Barbatos's eyes were full of anger, but if Xiao Bai didn't leave, Barbatos couldn't drive Xiao Bai away. With a slight rise of malice towards Xiao Bai in his heart, Barbatos felt a knife at his fingertips. His own neck could be cut off at any time.

Barbatos glanced at Xiao Bai and then stopped at Yula.

"You don’t want Laura Lawrence to be sad because of this, right?"

"I guess Yora definitely wanted to leave Mondstadt, but she had to stay because of your request. Am I right? Since you kept Yora here, you should have considered the consequences. This is The price you paid for keeping Yura."

Barbatos's face was a little ugly. Yula wanted to leave Mondstadt after she resigned from the Knights of the West Wind, but she stayed in Mondstadt to guide Mondstadt's development because of Captain Qin's request. But who can Want to get it(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If I had known that this would be the result, I should not have continued to retain Youra at that time. Then there would be nothing like what happened today. Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now Well, Xiao Bai's arrival clearly means to cause trouble.

Xiao Bai directly killed people when they disagreed with each other, which made Wendy realize Xiao Bai's cruelty. Although Yola had already talked about Xiao Bai's character before, she had never really seen Xiao Bai's methods. Barbatos and the others simply Unexpectedly, Xiao Bai would directly kill people after a disagreement. This is worse than the fools.

"Okay, I won’t talk nonsense to you, disappear in front of me, or have a fight?"

Xiao Bai has no interest in confronting Barbatos here.

Barbatos's face turned blue and white, and finally said to Xiao Bai:"Don't go too far, otherwise I will never treat it as I didn't see it, and even if I am not your opponent, I will attract the other seven earthly rulers, and even the maintainer of heavenly law on Sky Island, and you will not end well."

Xiao Bai slapped Barbatos directly on the face.

"It seems like you haven't realized your situation yet. If you don't want to leave, then don't leave!"

Suddenly, Xiao Bai became filled with murderous intent.

Barbatos was obviously stunned. He didn't expect Xiao Bai to change his face as soon as he said it. By the time Barbatos tried to react again, it was already late.

A Daxia Dragon Bird appeared in his hand. Then the knife was slashed out. Barbatos was unable to dodge and one of his arms instantly fell to the ground. Cold sweat broke out on Barbatos' forehead as he covered the broken arm.

"Good night, Lord Barbatos!".

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