With everyone from the West Wind Knights, they looked at the residents of Mondstadt who were killed by the monsters from the highest point of Mondstadt City.

Yura had already closed her eyes and couldn't bear to continue reading.

But Xiao Bai's words made Youla's body tremble slightly.

"Looking at Youla, these people deserve to die."

Yora closed her eyes tightly, and her slightly trembling eyelids showed how unpeaceful she was in her heart at this moment.

"So now I want to ask you a question!"

"If you answer correctly, then this matter will end here. If you answer incorrectly, Mondstadt will completely become history.

Youla couldn't help but said to Xiao Bai:"Do you have to do this?" Do we really want to completely destroy Mondstadt?"

"As long as they answer correctly, Mond will still exist. If they answer wrong, then Mond has no need to exist."

Xiao Bai's cold words, but Youla couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"So let me ask you, is the most important thing in Mondstadt the people or the city of Mondstadt?"

Xiao Bai took the lead and looked at Barbatos:"As the god of wind that the people of Mondstadt believe in, why don't you take the lead and give me an answer."

Barbatos can answer nothing. Barbatos has been fishing as a god for thousands of years, and he can know a hammer.

Seeing Barbatos not answering, Xiao Bai looked at Captain Qin aside:"So, Qin? Leader, it’s up to you to tell me whether Mondstadt is more important as a city or as a population!"

Captain Qin replied without hesitation:"We can rebuild the city without it, so the more important thing is the residents. Xiao

Bai saw other people:"So your opinions are exactly the same as Captain Qin's? Do you think people are more important than Mondstadt?""

Lisa looked at Xiao Bai and said lightly:"Cities are more important than people!"

"What's the reason?"

Xiao Bai looked at Lisa, but Lisa replied plainly:"Isn't this the answer you want? Xiao

Bai smiled:"People can have as much as they want, but if there is no land of Mondstadt, then there will be no existence of Mondstadt at all.""

"If I remember correctly, Captain Qin, your ancestors immigrated from other countries, right?"

"So anyone who is willing to live here can be called a Mondlander!"

Captain Qin directly rejected it:"That's not the case!"

Xiao Bai ignored Captain Qin and looked at Barbatos:"Then you have to tell me Barbatos now, what is more important in Mondstadt is the people or the city."

Barbatos looked at Xiao Bai with cold eyes.

Tens of thousands of people in Mondchen have been killed and injured, and Barbatos is in no mood to argue with Xiao Bai now.

As the god of Mondstadt, Barbatos has several It seems that it has been fishing for thousands of years, but in the territory of Mondstadt, the wind that has been blowing is the authority of Barbatos.

And now the city of Mondstadt is almost about to be destroyed.

If it were not for the people who are still alive People, then Barbatos is already fighting Xiao Bai completely.

For the sake of those who are still alive, Barbatos cannot take action.

Although Barbatos hates and hates Xiao Bai in his heart, Barbatos no matter what No one can take action.

Once he takes action, the remaining people will also be killed by Xiao Bai

"So tell me your choice now. You only have one chance. As the god of Mondstadt, do you choose the people of Mondstadt or the land of Mondstadt? Facing Xiao Bai

's question, Barbatos looked at Xiao Bai calmly:"No matter what answer I give, it will be wrong, right?""

If Xiao Bai is not willing to let go of Mondstadt, then even if the answer is correct, it will be useless.

"You are wrong in saying this. At least I will not break my promise. If you answer correctly, then I will let the remaining people in Mondstadt go."

Xiao Bai snapped his fingers, and the ghost ninjas who were killing in Mondstadt City suddenly merged into the shadows on the ground.

"So now your answer is to let these people in Mondstadt continue to welcome death."

Seeing Xiao Bai withdrawing those ghost ninjas, Barbatos was slightly relieved.

But then Barbatos began to think crazily about what Xiao Bai's answer was.

Suddenly Barbatos thought of The answer Lisa gave before.

Xiao Bai said that this was the correct answer, but Barbatos could not say such a thing.

So Barbatos looked at Xiao Bai and said what he thought was correct:"Human, Monkey Moral talents are Mondstadt's most valuable asset"

"As long as there are people alive in Mondstadt, Mondstadt will not perish. Xiao

Bai sneered after hearing what Barbatos said:"There are still survivors in Kanria, but does Kanria still exist?""

"But forget it, in that case, these individuals will be given to you, but there is no need for Mondstadt to exist." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I think you should have no objection!"

Faced with Xiao Bai's question, Barbatos remained silent and did not answer, which was obviously acquiescing to what Xiao Bai said. The city of Mondstadt will be destroyed if it is destroyed. As long as the people of Mondstadt are still alive, the city can be rebuilt.

"I will give you one hour to take away the people who are still alive in Mondstadt. After one hour, I will completely destroy Mondstadt.

Barbatos glanced at Captain Qin and the others who were trying to struggle to get up and said,"Leave it to me, and you can have a good rest.""

After saying that, Barbatos set off a strong wind and took all the living Mondstadt people out of Mondstadt City.

It only took Barbatos about half an hour to complete this thing.

Xiao Bai seemed to Xiao Feixiao looked at Barbatos:"Take everyone away, right?"

Suddenly Captain Qin discovered something:"Where is Keli? Lord Barbatos, have you noticed Keli?"

Barbatos was stunned for a moment, and then he searched for it, but he did not find Keli's presence.

Xiao Bai beside him said to Barbatos:"There are still more than 20 minutes until one hour.."

Barbatos didn't say anything and immediately looked for Keli, but Keli was not found at all in Mondstadt.

"Yesterday, Keli went to fry fish again and was punished by me and locked up in a solitary room. Today, could it be that"

Captain Qin looked panicked. Enough people had died today, but even if he died, Captain Qin didn’t want anything to happen to Keli. Thinking that something might happen to Keli, Commander Qin almost Fainted..

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