Just when Tianquan Ningguang was still worried about Xiao Bai, as Liyue's Prince Yan, Morax had already come to visit.

Morax knew more about what Xiao Bai did in Mondstadt than Ningguang did.

The friendship between Morax and Barbatos is pretty good. When Xiao Bai went to Liyue, Barbatos had already told Morax the details and reminded Morax.

"What is your purpose in coming to Liyue!"

Morax didn't play charades with Xiao Bai and asked straight to the point.

"For the sake of the Heart of God and Liyue, the ultimate goal is to go to Sky Island to replace Heavenly Law and make this world the nursery of my faith."

Morax was greatly shocked. Not only did Xiao Bai want to seize the Heart of God and Liyue, he actually wanted to board Sky Island to replace Tianli.

"As for Liyue, I can wait until I successfully land on Sky Island to replace Tianli. As for the Heart of God, leave it to me now."

Morax fell into silence, and then an earthy-colored Heart of God appeared in Morax's hand. 920

Morax handed the Heart of God to Xiao Bai

"This is what you want"

"I can promise you that Liyue will be the same as it was before, as long as Liyue doesn't look like those annoying giant babies in Mondstadt."

"I am quite easy to talk to, and I have no interest in governance and management. In addition, for some reasons, I have a slight liking for Liyue, so you don’t need to worry that I will treat Liyue like Mondstadt."

"That's good!"

Morax felt a little relieved that Xiao Bai would not deceive him, which meant that Xiao Bai really had no intention of taking action against Liyue.

"As a proof of friendship, this thing should be regarded as a gift, which can restore the little yaksha upstairs to his original state and no longer need to be troubled by the grudge of the devil."

Xiao Bai pulled out a ball of light from the Heart of God, and then condensed the ball of light into a pill.

The power of faith can be transformed into any attribute you want or need as long as you have the means. And Xiao Bai just has the means to transform this power of faith into the power of purification, which is used to purify the hatred of the demon gods in the body of the Great Sage.

Morax grasped this pill and instantly I understand the function of this pill

"Thank you!"

Understanding how useful this pill is to the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, Morax expressed his gratitude to Xiao Bai and then shouted:"Mandrill!"

The black wind entwined in the blue moment hung up, and then a 1.5-meter-meter immortal appeared, and Morax handed the pill in his hand to him.

"You also heard what the other party said. If you want to believe it, then take this pill!"

After Mandrill heard what Morax said, he directly took the pill in Morax's palm and ate it. As the pill entered his stomach, Mandrill's body suddenly filled with black mist, and the black mist that followed dissipate in the air

"Thank you!"

The demon's hatred that had been bothering Mandrill completely disappeared, which made Mandrill feel grateful to Xiao Bai, but because he was not good at expressing it, he only used the words"Thank you" to express his gratitude.

"You are Welcome!"

Morax looked at Xiao Bai at this time and said:"The scenery here in Liyue is pretty good. If you have free time, you might as well visit it."


Xiao Bai naturally would not refuse, and simply agreed.

Morax and Mandrill said goodbye and left. Yula looked at the leaving Morax with surprise:"Is it solved like this? Rock God Mo (ceag) Lux is so easy to talk to?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Naturally, there is some calculation involved, but all you need to know is that Morax has long wanted to retire.

Youla looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"Then what do you want the heart of God for?""

"The Heart of God can absorb faith and transform it into elemental power, but this is not what I want. My purpose is just the power of faith stored in the Heart of God!"

Yola seemed to understand but did not continue to ask. Anyway, as long as he knew that Xiao Bai did not intend to cause trouble like he did in Mondstadt, as for other things, I would like to talk about it.


Above Qunyu Pavilion

"The emperor personally came out to entertain and even reached a certain deal?"

After receiving the information from Wangshu Inn, Ningguang's expression became a little solemn, and then his brows relaxed.

"Now that the emperor has reached a deal with the other party, the other party should not be tempted to do anything to Liyue."

The trust in Emperor Yan Wang made Ningguang put down his worries about Xiao Bai directly, but he was still vigilant.

After all, Xiao Bai destroyed the entire existence of Mondstadt. Even if Ningguang trusted Emperor Yan, he still remained vigilant. There was no way he could completely let go of his vigilance against Xiao Bai.

At this moment, a person hurriedly walked in outside Qunyu Pavilion.

"Ningguang, you should have received information about Mondstadt City!"

Looking at the visitor, Ning Guang had a slight smile on his face:"This is natural. After all, that person has already arrived in Liyue. If I still don't have this bit of information, then what? Guardian of Liyue"

"So do you have any way to deal with it? If the other party wants to do evil to Liyue, how should Liyue deal with it?"

"You can rest assured about this, Yuhengxing. The emperor has already personally come forward to reach an agreement with the other party. From now on, we just need not to offend that one."

"Has the emperor come forward again?"

There was a complicated expression on Keqing's face. If possible, Keqing hoped that this matter would be solved by humans themselves, not Morax, the Rock Prince.

"I know that Yuhengxing does not want to rely on the power of gods and immortals. It wants to rely on human beings' own power to protect Liyue. Human beings cannot do it now. Unless you have the power to rival demons and immortals, Mondstadt City is a lesson learned from the past. , I will never allow Liyue to become a ruin like Mondstadt."

"You don’t need to say more about this, I know it very well, but you said that person has come to Liyue, so how should we treat him?"

Keqing naturally knows that human beings are far from having the strength to fight against the devil, let alone the devil who is so arrogant.

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