Returning to Qunyu Pavilion, Ningguang saw Ke Qing waiting for her return above Qunyu Pavilion.

"Ningguang, what will be the result if you test that guy?"

Looking at the impatient Ke Qing, Ningguang laughed and then Ningguang said to Ke Qing:"The results are not bad. Generally speaking, the results are good, but the specifics will depend on the next development."

Ke Qing looked at the condensed light in front of her with a hint of weirdness in her eyes. The condensed light in front of her eyes had undergone some changes, but Ke Qing couldn't tell what the change was.

"So what exactly is the result?"

If you don't understand, don't think about it and ask directly.

"To put it simply, I know that his intentions are evil, and he knows that I am being reserved."

Ke Qing was stunned and looked at Ning Guang in disbelief:"Are you really planning to do this?"

Keqing obviously understood what Ningguang said, but what Keqing didn't expect was that Ningguang actually made such a sacrifice.

"In the past, the reason why I was not interested in men was because there was no one I could like, and the ones I could like were not interested in me. This time, I happened to meet a man who I liked, and he also liked me. My, isn't this a match made in heaven?"


Keqing's little face was tangled, but Ningguang said to Keqing:"This matter is my own choice and has nothing to do with you. You don't need to think too much."

Although Ningguang said this, Keqing still felt that Ningguang Just this is sacrificing yourself for Liyue

"Ning Guang, actually you don’t have to look like this."

"Yuhengxing, this is my choice, and I will not regret my choice."

Ningguang's words left Keqing speechless, but there was always a trace of unwillingness in his heart.

Ningguang noticed Keqing's unwillingness and warned Keqing.

"Yu Hengxing, I know you are young and energetic, but I hope you will not interfere in this matter. The lessons learned from Mondstadt City are right in front of you."

Ke Qing's face darkened and then she assured Ning Guang:"You don't need to remind me about this, I know how to do it!"

"So the best!"

As for Xiao Bai on the other side, he has already taken Youla to other places. After eating, it is natural for him to go for a walk.

Youla proposed to take a look at the sea of ​​clouds in Liyue. Xiao Baibian from the room accompanied Youla to Jueyunjian.

On the top of the mountain in Jueyunjian

"You said that if I look like this and you accompany me, will it disturb your date with Ningguang? Xiao

Bai looked at Youla speechlessly:"Are you still jealous?" How long has it been, and it’s just that Ningguang and I had a tacit understanding, so what’s the matter with you?"


Youla snorted.

She was quite jealous of the tacit understanding between Xiao Bai and Ningguang.

She and Xiao Bai had known each other earlier, but the result was not as good as the tacit understanding between Ningguang and Xiao Bai. This One thing made Yula jealous

"If you stay like this, I won't be polite to you!"

When Youla heard that Xiao Bai actually threatened her, her eyes suddenly widened.

The next moment, Youla found that Xiao Bai actually kissed him directly.

However, Xiao Bai didn't intend to stop like this. After coming down, Youra suddenly panicked after feeling Xiao Bai's impulse.


But Xiao Bai had no intention of stopping like this.

Soon Youla was turned into a little white sheep by Xiao Bai


Yola cursed, but she couldn't stop this bastard Xiao Bai from succeeding.


After finally cleaning up, Youla looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of annoyance in her eyes.

"You bastard!"

Facing Youla's anger, Xiao Bai just smiled and made a gesture:"It seems that you are still not convinced. In that case, then"

Suddenly Xiao Bai stopped, and then looked at a figure approaching in the distance. Looking at that figure, Xiao Bai narrowed his eyes slightly.

Shen He!

Youla also discovered the other party, and the other party also discovered Xiao Bai and Youla, and then there was a puzzled look on their face.

The other party couldn't figure out why Xiao Bai and Youlai appeared here. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Who are you and why are you here!"

Looking at Xiao Bai and Youla, Shen He asked

"Travelers, come here to see the sea of ​​clouds."

Shen He nodded without saying anything, and walked aside minding his own business.

Youla kicked Xiao Bai hard. This girl must have seen what just happened.

"Don't worry, I will definitely know if someone comes."

"It's best to look like this, otherwise it will look good on you."

Youra is not as shameless as Xiao Bai. If Shen He really sees it, then Youra will definitely kill Xiao Bai first and then find a place to kill herself.

Xiao Bai looked at Youra with some fun.

"Then let’s go!"

He took Youla's hand and was about to leave, but suddenly Xiao Bai felt a burst of murderous intent. He looked over along with the murderous intent and saw that the red rope on Shen He's 330 body had fallen off at some point.

A Comb the sad clouds to the tail. Two combs will show no joy or sadness. Three combs will show no regrets.

Xiao Bai knows about Shen He's past, and it is precisely because of this that Xiao Bai knows that the red rope is used to suppress Shen He, but now Case

"What happened to this girl?"

Youra glanced at Shen He and asked Xiao Bai worriedly. She always just shook her head.

"This girl has a bad fate. I plan to help this girl."

Xiao Bai appeared in front of Shen He in an instant, and the next moment Xiao Bai stuffed a pill directly into Shen He's mouth.

Shen He, who was still full of murderous intent, suddenly calmed down.

"I justThe red rope has fallen!"

Looking at the red rope that fell to the ground, I suddenly felt a little weird. I was able to stay calm and rational without the red rope.

"How is this going? red rope"

"Congratulations, you no longer need to tie a red string."

Shen He looked at Xiao Bai, with confusion in his rainbow-colored eyes.

"What did you just give me to eat?"

"You don’t need to worry about this anymore, you just need to know that from now on you don’t need to tie a red rope anymore"

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