Everyone on this side of Mondstadt City also heard the roar of the Dragon of the East Wind. Along with the rolling gray-black tornado, the expressions on the faces of everyone in Mondstadt became ugly.

They couldn't figure out why things turned out like this, and they couldn't figure out why Mondstadt encountered such disasters one after another.


Tevarin's roar was filled with deep anger and sadness, and the sweeping wind blew those individuals into the sky.

If it weren't for the Wings of Wind, the people of Bomond City alone would have to After the group was wiped out, Barbatos, who had turned into a wind elf, obviously felt bad when he saw Tevarin.

Barbatos knew that Tevarin was corroded by the poisonous blood of the dragon. The same Barbatos knew Toss also tried to save Tevalin in"March 17", but the result was obviously fruitless, because before Barbatos could go to find the yellow-haired traveler, Xiao Bai had already arrived.

"Lord Barbatos, is this Lord Tevalin, the Dragon of the East?"

Captain Qin finally stabilized his body and looked at the Eastern Dragon Tvarin who was raging above Mondstadt with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yes, this is Tevarin, but now Tevarin is suffering from the poisonous dragon's blood because he swallowed it."

Barbatos, who has turned into a wind elf, can only watch Tevalin wreaking havoc without being able to stop it. Barbatos has exhausted all his strength in order to defeat Rosalind.

"Mond, is it true?"

Commander Qin's eyes showed a look of despair. Is Mond really helpless?

"Now that you are the backbone of everyone, can't you look desperate?"

Lisa patted Captain Qin's shoulder and comforted him. Anyone can be depressed now, but not Captain Duqin. As the backbone of everyone now, if even Captain Qin looks like this The desperate look was really over.

Lisa's reminder made Captain Qin cheer up again.

After cheering up, Captain Qin looked at the companions in front of him and said:"In the name of Gunnhild, I, Qin, Gunnhild will protect Mondstadt until the end"

"Protect Mondstad forever!"

The Wind Eagle Sword is entangled with cyan wind. This cyan wind sweeps over everyone to heal their fatigue and injuries.


Tevalin, the dragon of the east wind, roared and wailed this time.

The poisonous blood on his body caused this elemental dragon to endure unimaginable torture all the time. The pain and anger completely destroyed Tevalin's sanity.


Bartos looked at Tevalin in the sky worriedly. Barbatos could feel the pain and anger in Tevalin's heart, but now Barbatos doesn't even have the power to maintain a human form. able to help tevalin

"This thing is very strange. First, the lady of fools, and then Tevalin, the Eastern Dragon, seemed like someone was deliberately targeting us."

Lisa looked at Tevarin in the sky, the calm analyst.

That is to say, Tevarin still has a trace of reason now, otherwise there would be no time for Lisa to analyze.

"If nothing else, I'm afraid it's that person's fault."

"Damn it, that guy not only kidnapped Yora but also targeted Mondstadt like this!"

"Now is not the time to discuss this. What we want to think about now is how to save Mondstadt from Tevarin. There is no need to worry about why Tevarin appeared.

However, what Mondstadt didn't expect was that it wasn't just Tvarin, but even the dragon Dulin, who was supposed to be dead, was resurrected.

The two dragons were flying in the sky. At this moment, the people of Mondstadt only felt a coldness in their hands and feet. Even though Captain Qin knew that he should not show a desperate look now, he still couldn't control his expression. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why is the demon dragon Dulin resurrected?"

However, the next moment, after seeing the Demon Dragon Dulin, the Eastern Dragon Tevarin could no longer control the anger in his heart and launched an attack on the Demon Dragon, because the opponent himself had suffered hundreds of years of torture. The two dragons Just like that, they started fighting in the sky.........

"Lord Barbatos!"

Everyone in Mondstadt looked at Barbatos

"Please help Tevalin defeat the dragon!"

"Please feel free to leave it to us"

"It would be great if you had the heart of God at this time!"

Barbatos never thought that he wanted the Heart of God so much the moment he came in.

The Heart of God can absorb the power of faith and transform it into elemental power. This is equivalent to the fact that as long as there is the power of faith, Barbatos' elemental power can be used no matter what. It will not be exhausted.

Unfortunately, Barbatos' Heart of God has been taken away by Xiao Bai. Now Barbatos can't do anything!

Barbatos once again felt what it means to be powerless. The last time he felt like this It was when his friend died in front of him.

Can he just continue to watch now?

Just when Barbatos was despairing, a voice sounded:"Interesting, not only did Rosalin die in this place, Now even the dead dragon has been resurrected? It's really interesting"


Seeing the person coming, Diluc's eyes instantly burst into flames of hatred!

"Haha, it looks like you guys need a little help."

I took out a few evil eyes from my body, and then the doctor threw the evil eyes to Diluc 2.9 and the others:"You should know what these are and how to use them. It's up to you whether to use them or not."

A trace of anger flashed in Diluc's eyes.

His father died because of this thing, but Diluc knew very well that he needed strength now, so he had to protect Mondstadt even if he used this thing.

Diluc Ke held the evil eye, and then the next moment black smoke instantly enveloped Diluc's body, and Diluc's painful groans came from the smoke.

The next moment the black smoke dispersed, and Diluc Mountain Exudes an evil atmosphere

"Senior Diluc!"

Looking at Diluc, Qin's face showed a determined look, and she also used the evil eye.

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