The ruler of time, Istaro Xiaobai, has never really met him. He is only aware of his existence in the background story of the original god.

But now the opponent is interfering with Xiao Bai to destroy Mond, which makes Xiao Bai have to become interested in the opponent.

But as long as the other party didn't show up in person, Xiao Bai didn't think Mond could defeat this dragon.

Even the yellow-haired traveler is the same, unless the yellow-haired traveler's strength has not been blocked.

"I am!"

What did Xiao Bai see? Six pairs of golden wings appeared behind the yellow-haired traveler. What does this represent? This represents the state of the traveler when he was fighting Tianli. The opponent's strength was not sealed. The Demonic Dragon is going to die!

Xiao Bai's eyes are gloomy and uncertain. The Demonic Dragon is Xiao Bai's back-up man. Basically, Xiao Bai doesn't think Mond can destroy the Demonic Dragon, but once the Demonic Dragon is eliminated, Xiao Bai has nothing else to do. Means.

Now if Xiao Bai doesn't want the demon dragon to be destroyed, there is only one way to give this demon dragon some small help. However, this will make Xiao Bai a bit unable to lose.

Lisa looked at the look on Xiao Bai's face There was a change, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. It seemed that things had taken a turn for the better. What happened was hard for Xiao Bai to accept.

Lisa followed Xiao Bai's gaze and then saw the yellow-haired traveler. With 6 shining golden wings behind him, he immediately understood why Xiao Bai's face suddenly turned ugly - it seemed.

Mond was saved!

A smile appeared on Lisa's face. As long as Xiao Bai didn't take action himself, he would be so confused. Germany will no longer be in danger. Now it just depends on whether Xiao Bai will take action.

If Xiao Bai takes action, the result may not change. Mondstadt is still going to be finished. Now we can only hope that Xiao Bai will take action. Bai will not take action personally.

Lisa's guess is not wrong. Xiao Bai does not intend to take action personally, but Xiao Bai's failure to take action does not mean that Xiao Bai will let Mond go.

Xiao Bai raised his hand and snapped his fingers..The next moment, the power of faith fell on the demon dragon instantly. The body shape of the demon dragon Dulin changed drastically in an instant. The scars on his body were also quickly repaired, and then the scales became darker, deeper and even... Sharp bone spurs grew out of her back.

Yola was so angry that she stamped her feet and turned to look at Xiao Bai. Her eyes made her want to bite Xiao Bai to death.

"Xiao Bai, you bastard!"

Yola cursed angrily at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai replied calmly:"Someone can actually find reinforcements for you, so naturally, isn't it normal for me to trick the Demon Dragon Dulin? The game is meant to be fair."

Fair enough!

Youla cursed fiercely in her heart. This game played by Xiao Bai was not fair at all. It was completely because Xiao Bai bullied Mond in various ways and was simply unbecoming of a human being. Now he is actually still How is it fair to say that the game is fair to herself? Where is the fairness?

Youla can't wait to take off her boots and smash them on Xiao Bai's face to let Xiao Bai, a big bastard, know what fairness is.

Regarding Youla's behavior, Xiao Bai said it didn't matter, he was one of his own anyway, and even if he was scolded, he wouldn't lose a piece of flesh.


The yellow-haired traveler was also very angry at this time. Seeing that he wanted to kill the demon dragon Dulin, but now

"Bastard, I've recorded this grudge!"

The yellow-haired traveler shouted to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai looked at Huangmao in front of him with a little surprise!

But he ignored him. Seeing Xiao Bai like this, the yellow-haired traveler seemed like he couldn't bear it anymore.

"You forced me to do this!"

A door appeared in front of the yellow-haired traveler, and a hand suddenly appeared inside the door. In an instant, this hand pulled Xiao Bai into the door, and then Xiao Bai disappeared.

"Get rid of this demon dragon Dulin quickly before that guy comes back, otherwise we will really be helpless when that guy comes back."

After the traveler finished speaking, he looked at Barbatos aside.

"Barbatos, don't try to fish."

As soon as the traveler waved her hand, a ball of cyan wind appeared in her hand, and then this ball of wind was directly stuffed into Barbatos' body.

The next moment, the shape of Barbatos's wind elf began to change. , in the blink of an eye it changed back into a problem

"It can only last for 10 minutes. You are best suited for us to deal with the Demon Dragon Dulin within 10 minutes. Otherwise, Mond, you will really be waiting to be destroyed."

"Got it, bet everything to definitely kill the Demon Dragon Dulin within 10 minutes."

The yellow-haired travelers knew very well that once Xiao Bai came back, what awaited them would be despair, so they had to get rid of the Demon Dragon Dulin before Xiao Bai came back. As long as the Demon Dragon Dulin was killed, even if Xiao Bai was When I came back, I had no chess pieces, so I had to give up.

Xiao Bai on the other side seemed to be in the river of time, no, more accurately, in the sea of ​​memory of Teyvat. Teyvat was in Xiao Bai There was no secret in his eyes.

I don’t know how much time passed before Xiao Bai came back to his senses, and then took a step out of the sea of ​​memory, and then Xiao Bai returned to reality.

However, when he came back Xiao Bai's face suddenly darkened, and the Demon Dragon Dulin was killed.

This time, he really had no other chess pieces to use unless he did it himself.

He looked at him with his hands on his hips, looking proud. Holding his yellow-haired traveler, Xiao Bai felt that his fist was hardened. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at Xiao Bai with his hands on his hips, he said:"We won, the Demon Dragon Dulin has already We were killed"

"It is true that the demon dragon Dulin is dead, but things will not end like this! Seeing that

Xiao Bai still wanted to cheat, Youla stepped forward directly:"Xiao Bai, cheating is not good. If you cheat, I won't believe what you say in the future.""

Xiao Bai hesitated for a moment, but did not continue to take action. Xiao Bai stared at Youla, who held her head high and chest high.

"Even if I don't take action, do you think this matter will just go away?"

Xiao Bai clapped his hands, and then everyone sent a letter. The blood of Demon Dragon Dulin was flowing everywhere.

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