Xiao Bai handed the bones and memories brought back from the rock abyss to Ningguang. Ningguang looked at Xiao Bai and said:"Keqing, Ganyu, Yelan, I plan to ask them to help me, and I will give them to them." What do you think of the girl you're looking for as a roommate?"

"Don't worry about this kind of thing, I'm lustful, but I have to choose the right one!"

"I believe they will make the right choice!"

"You'd better manage your Liyue well. As for other things, you don't have to worry about me, especially this kind of thing. I have no shortage of women. If I don't believe you, go ask Youla."

Xiao Bai stretched after finishing speaking:"I plan to go to Daozhu from now on. As for your side, I will leave a magical beast to you. I think it should be enough for you to deal with some possible crises."

"I believe that"433" belief is not enough for anyone to be that stupid."

Ning Guang looked at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai really smiled and shook his head:"It's hard to say this kind of thing. Sometimes a person's stupidity can exceed your imagination, and I never want any accident to happen, so I I will do my best to prevent this from happening."

After hearing this, Ningguang sighed:"I don't want that kind of thing to happen."

Ningguang knew very well that if such a thing really happened, there would definitely be a big earthquake in Liyue, and the rivers of blood would be ordinary. Ningguang also got Xiao Bai's diary and knew what was in Xiao Bai's hands. How much blood.

So Ningguang knew very well that once something like that really happened, Liyue would definitely be bleeding like a river.

"Then if you go to Dao Wife, I won't be there to see you off."

Xiao Bai waved his hand and then looked at Youla:"Do you want to go to Dao Wife with me?"

"Don't go."

Yola refused directly, shrugged and Xiao Bai stopped forcing.

"Then I will go by myself, and Shen He will be taken care of by you."

Then Xiao Bai went to Daoqi alone. At this time, Daoqi was still in a state of seclusion.

Of course, this so-called seclusion was not a big deal to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai could come in if he wanted. Xiao Bai came to Kontian Village as soon as Inazuma. He had some difficulties while playing the game, so Xiao Bai didn't mind solving these difficulties. Just like how Xiao Bai originally solved the problems on Mandrill. It's a pity that the karma is the same

"I am separated from you, and I don’t know when I will return. I am like the dew in the morning."

Every time I think of this line, Xiaobai feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, so since he's already here, he helps him just to make himself feel more comfortable.

Xiaobai soon became acquainted with Kontian Village and the White Fox. I found Hua Sanli at the end of the well in the middle of the field.

"Then come to life!"

The white light instantly enveloped Hua Sanli, and then Hua Sanli changed from one group of light to two groups of light. Finally, the light disappeared and two figures appeared in front of Xiao Bai. The two of them were like twins..

It’s just that one of them has white hair and snow-white fox ears on the top of his head, and the other has black hair and no fox ears.

In the Huzhai Palace and Huashan, Xiao Bai separated the two of them.

From now on, they will have Foxzhai. The palace is Huzhai Palace, and Hua Sanli is Hua Sanli.

"who are you?"

"It’s not who the person is that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I am your savior. You can’t deny this, right?"

"Indeed, we cannot deny that you are our savior, but if you want me to do anything that threatens Inazuma, then it is absolutely impossible for me."

Hu Zhai Palace said firmly to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai was a little speechless. Could it be that he was so like a villain? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Xiao Bai felt that He has a bad personality and a bad temper, but Xiao Bai really doesn't think he is a bad person. At the very least, Xiao Bai will not kill innocent people randomly (black farm tools do not count) and will not let the dogs passing by get slapped twice. Such a habit

"Don't worry, I'm not that good at it. If you can do this kind of thing, the most I want is to have some relationship with you and leave some liquid in your body to make you glow!"

Huzhai Palace:

Flowers scattered in:

Huzhai Palace and Hua Sanli never imagined that Xiao Bai resurrected them for such a thing0....

"If it's just for this reason, then I'm fine with it."

Hu Zhai Palace took a deep breath and gave the answer. After all, Xiao Bai resurrected her. It's not a big deal for Hu Zhai Palace to agree to Xiao Bai.

"Then it's settled like this."

Xiao Bai looked at Huzhai Palace and Huasanli with a smile.

Although Huzhai Palace and Huasanli were sure that Xiao Bai was not just here for them, they could not deny Xiao Bai's life-saving grace.

Just if If Xiao Bai really wants to harm Dao's wife, then even if he is shattered to pieces, Fox Zhai Palace and Hua Sanli will not let Xiao Bai succeed.

"Don't be so wary of me. If I really want to do something to Ina Wife, I don't need any conspiracy at all."

Seeing that Hu Zhai Palace and Hua Sanli were still wary of him, Xiao Bai shrugged, so why can't people who say this have more trust in themselves?

Xiao Bai felt that they could have more trust in themselves. trust

"I feel a strong sense of threat from you, so I don’t think you are a good person"

"It's hard to define the boundaries between good guys and bad guys, and just from the smell, how can you be sure that I have a strong sense of threat?"

"There is a huge 0.1 difference between those who have killed someone and those who have not, and the more people you kill, the greater the difference. Do you know what I see in you?"


Xiao Bai was also quite curious about what Huzhai Palace saw in him!

"Millions of corpses were laid, and blood was shed for thousands of miles!"

Xiao Bai smiled strangely. After all, the situation is still too small. It's not just that millions of corpses were lying on the ground and bleeding for thousands of miles, but Xiao Bai would not take the initiative to expose himself.

"Okay, your guess is correct, but so what, does this mean I am a bad person?"

"Not necessarily, but what is certain is that you are not a kind person, and you are not a rice wife, so the purpose of your appearance here is very questionable."

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