After reading the information, Keqing raised her head and looked at Leidenzhen:"Is all this true?"

Leidenzhen nodded bitterly:"It's true, Ina Wife is already rotten and can't be rotten anymore, so you It doesn't matter if the reform fails. No matter how bad it is, it won't get any worse."

Ke Qing didn't know what to say for a moment, but it was a good thing for Ke Qing that Ina's wife had become like this.

"The first thing is point 1, Inazuma’s economy"

"Nowadays, the economy of Dao Wife has caused countries all over the world to lose confidence in Dao Wife because of Tianling's pursuit. Nowadays, if you want to restore Dao Wife's reputation, you must take heavy medicine."

After reading the information in her hand, Keqing had a headache expression on her face, and Raiden Zhenzhen had an embarrassed smile on her face. Obviously, Raiden Zhen also knew how unwelcome his current rice wife was.

Since Inazuma lifted its seclusion, businessmen from all over the world have been running away like crazy, so that there is no foreign businessman among Inazuma today.

Those merchants who just rely on Inazuma themselves are simply unable to Stimulate the domestic demand of Dao Wife.

So Leiden Zhen also knows, so Leidenzhen has come all the way. You also find professionals from Liyue to help restore the economy.

"If we want to restore the economy now, we must make those foreign businessmen profitable. Only those three people feel that Daozu is profitable, then those businessmen will return to Daozu."

Keqing quickly formulated a series of plans. Although the area on Inaozu's side is small, there are indeed a lot of minerals on this side, and Inaozu's forging skills are also the best among all countries. The weapons forged are among the best in other countries. The country is also very popular.

So as long as those businessmen can see the benefits, naturally many people will be willing to come.

"Then, give me a day and I will make a detailed plan, and then everyone in Inazuma will do what is on the plan."

Ke Qing looked at Lei Deng and said seriously.

"Please rest assured that Inazuma will fully cooperate!"(aefi)

Lei Dianzhen looked at Ke Qing with a hint of joy in his eyes. For other people, Ke Qing's vigorous and resolute appearance would be a little uncomfortable, but for the current rice wife, the more vigorous and resolute Ke Qing is, the more resolute and resolute Ke Qing is. The faster Dao's wife can recover, the sooner she can.

Lei Dian really sees hope in Ke Qing!

The original reason for inviting Ke Qing to come over was not only because he heard that Ke Qing, a Yu Heng star, was a Liver Emperor, but also because Ke Qing was a Jade Emperor. Hengxing uses Liyue's resources.

Leidenzhen and the others want to use Liyue's economic strength to help Daoqi recover.

Of course, Daoqi has not paid nothing. For example, they use Daoqi as a reform test site, a slightly different Shun may be an earth-shaking change.

By then, the current Inazuma is rotten to the core and must make changes.

Therefore, even though Raiden Shin and the others know that reform may not necessarily make Inazuma better, they are no longer able to change it. Damn, it would be worse to take the rice wife to Liyue, a rich man, for an experiment, and at the same time ask him to help him.

If the experiment succeeds, he will make a lot of money, even if it fails, at least Liyue, a rich man, will He would also give himself a try so that Dao Wife would definitely make a profit.

Ke Qing didn’t waste any time and started getting into the work directly.

Finally, because Ke Qing, the resolute Liyue God of Thunder, was around, Dao Wife’s entire work The efficiency has become higher.

However, it has also caused many people to complain. Obviously not everyone is a liver emperor like Ke Qing. Ke Qing has no mercy for these complainers. Capable Just do it, if you can't do it, get out. If you don't do it, others will do it!

According to Ke Qing's understanding of the Inazuma shogunate, it is simply a strange flower.

And after seeing the punishment that General Leiden had imposed on Yu Tianling and the determined implementation, Ke Qing Qing only felt a moment of silence. Is there something wrong with these people's brains, or is there something wrong with General Leiden's brain?

For this kind of sinner, he could forgive the other person so easily?

What's more, what Qing Qing can't understand is that Why didn't the other party confiscate the money that had been embezzled by the investigation, but instead left it for the investigation?

When Keqing approached Raiden Zhen with this question for questioning, Raiden Zhen had an awkward smile on his face.

Looking at it , Keqing couldn't help but cover her forehead because of Raiden Zhen's appearance. After working with Raiden Zhen for a while, she knew that Raiden Zhen was a gentle god, but the gentleness of a god should not be gentle in this kind of place. Keqing spoke frankly to Raiden Zhen. He proposed that he would re-examine the practice of Tianling and the implementation of Tianling.

Lei Dianzhen expressed his understanding and support for this. If you need help, you can always come to him for help.

Keqing then directly found an excuse and dismissed the implementation of assessment and implementation of Tianling. Two families ransacked their homes.

The Mora they copied directly silenced Keqing and Leidenzhen. Leidenzhen knew that Tianling Fengxing and Jingding Fengxing were sure that I would be corrupt, but he didn't expect it.

He is actually richer than the entire Dao Wife.

The practice of Tianling was a little better, and the practice of determination was really shocking. Leiden really even felt that those molas were stained with the blood and tears of the people of Daozhu.

After seeing this scene, Thunderbolt Shinya finally determined that he was too kind to the Determined Implementation and the Tianling Implementation.

Thinking of the resentment of those people who had expired before, Leidenzhen seemed to understand for a moment.

"I am really not fit to be a ruler!"

Lei Denzhen understood at this moment that neither Lei Qiang nor himself were suitable to be a ruler.

Lei Qiang's character was too strong, and his own was too soft.

Unless they could neutralize their two personalities, otherwise Otherwise, he would not be able to become a qualified ruler.

Unfortunately, it was too late when Raiden really understood this matter, so now Raiden can only put all his hopes on Keqing, hoping that Keqing can change Inazuma's current situation. The current situation.

Originally, Ke Qing thought that Da Wife was poor, but now Ke Qing knows that Da Wife is not poor, but that all her money was taken away by those powerful people.

Reform, Reform is necessary!.

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