Looking at Hu Tao grabbing his arm, Xiao Bai turned to look at Hu Tao and asked,"Is something wrong?"

Xiao Bai stopped and turned to look at Hu Tao.

"Can I let Zhongli go?"

Xiao Bai didn't answer when he heard Hu Tao's request. He just looked at Hu Tao with half-smiling eyes.

"Hutao, what kind of conditions can you come up with if you want me to let Zhongli go?"

What kind of conditions are there?

Hutao really never thought about this. Then Hutao looked at Xiao Bai and couldn't help but wonder if Xiao Bai had any evil intentions towards him.

"Look, there is never a free lunch in this world. If you want me to let Morax go, you have to at least give me a price that satisfies me, right?"

"Decide what price you want first. If it's too much, I won't agree."

Hu Tao crossed his arms and looked wary.

"If you don't agree, don't agree. I won't lose anything."

Looking at Hu Tao with sympathetic eyes, Xiao Bai then said bluntly to Hu Tao:"Your biggest advantage is that you have two legs. I can play with these legs all night, so if you are willing to exchange yourself, then I On the contrary, Zhongli can be spared to lift the opponent's seal once.

Hu Tao was speechless:"You guys are really plotting against me!""

"It’s a joke, you don’t really think there is any friendship between men and women, but every man definitely has the same astringent thoughts in his heart!"

There was absolutely no way to refute, but Hu Tao looked at Xiao Bai:"If I don't agree,"

"If you don't agree, just agree. If you don't agree, I will suffer no loss. It's not that I am sealed!"

"You're such a despicable guy."

Hu Tao complained angrily to Xiao Bai. In Hu Tao's view, Xiao Bai's method was too despicable. Xiao Bai, as long as he had any humanity at all, should not threaten himself with such a thing.

"And you can actually make such a request so shamelessly, don't you have no shame at all? He actually made such a request directly."

Hu Tao was also shocked by Xiao Bai's shamelessness, and actually made such a request blatantly like this.

"Do you understand the nature of a man? I'm not used to being verbose, so if you agree or refuse, tell me quickly. Let's not talk nonsense. Hu

Tao looked at Xiao Bai and nodded:"Okay, I agree. Anyway, sooner or later, I need to find a man. I might as well give you an advantage. At least you look like a dog.""

Although Hu Tao pretended to be relaxed, Xiao Bai still heard the gritted teeth in Hu Tao's words.

"Then I won't be polite!

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he hugged Hu Tao directly:"Where is your boudoir!""

"You bastard, it's still daytime"

"Don’t you know there is a word called daytime prostitution?"

Hu Tao obviously couldn't defeat Xiao Bai, so naturally Xiao Bai succeeded easily.

"Now that you are done, you should fulfill your promise and let Zhongli go!"

"Don't worry, I still keep my promise. Morax's seal has been lifted."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Bai looked at the expressionless Hu Tao.

"By the way, you will be mine from now on, you know it?"

"This is just a transaction. Who is yours?"

"I don't care about that. After breaking my brand, you are now mine. Xiao

Bai said and kissed Hu Tao


Hu Tao stretched out her hand and punched Xiao Bai hard twice, but her heart felt a little more relaxed. After all, this is not just a transaction, it is a matter of getting on the bus first, paying for the ticket, and then cultivating the relationship. So maybe

Just when Hu Tao was thinking wildly, Xiao Bai squeezed Hu Tao's little red bean:"Remember to eat more papaya, otherwise the child will be hungry in the future."

Hu Tao: I will kill you!

After playing with Hu Tao for a while, Hu Tao's mood improved, Xiao Bai left. After all, he had deceived Hu Tao anyway.

Not long after Xiao Bai left, Morax, also known as Zhongli, came back.

Looking at Hu Tao, Zhong Li sighed and said,"Thank you, Hall Master, for saving me this time."

Hu Tao waved his hand,"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Next, we have to collect the corpses of those other demon gods, but in Before that, come with me to Qunyu Pavilion. I can’t accept it in my heart if I don’t give Mingguang a hard blow this time." He transferred his resentment towards Xiao Bai to Ningguang, unable to protect Xiao Bai. Then blackmail Ningguang severely.

Arriving at the Qun Jade Pavilion, he looked at Zhongli with a condensed light:"Congratulations to the emperor on his escape." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhongli just nodded slightly and then shook his head facing Lingguang. Said:"Morax is dead, and now there is only Zhongli wandering around in the world." Zhongli has no resentment about his own experience, just as Xiao Bai said, Xiao Bai did not do anything extraordinary in Liyue. , on the contrary, Zhongli intervened in Xiao Bai's matter.

So in the end, it was just his own fault, the reason why Zhongli resented Xiao Bai.

Hearing Zhong Li's explanation, Guang Guang nodded and then looked at Hu Tao:"Then what do you want to do here this time?"

"That guy Xiao Bai asked Shengshengtang to clean up the remains of those demon gods. It is natural that he should be paid for it, and he asked me to come to Qunyu Pavilion to talk to you."

"I see, then I don’t know how much you want (good Li) Hall Master Hu!"

"10 million for a demon!"

Ningguang nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

"Just agreed like this?"

Hu Tao looked at Ning Guang with some surprise, and Ning Guang looked at Hu Tao with a half-smile but not a smile.

"If you are willing, Xiao Bai would not even mind giving the entire Liyue to you, so what does a mere Moura mean?"

"I do not want it."

Hu Tao had a look of disgust on his face. Ningguang just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Then I leave those worn-out remains to you."

"Don't worry, the Rebirth Hall is professional in collecting corpses."

As for collecting corpses, Hutao is absolutely confident that other people will never be able to steal them.

Those fools must have this ability if they want to steal corpses from him.

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