"If you find it troublesome, you can choose to refuse. You really don’t have to worry about it. At worst, I will kill all the sages myself when the time comes."

"No, just leave this matter to Ying. Hu Zhai Palace, you, Ying and Xiao Bai go to Xumi and bring all those sages back to me!"

Lei Dianzhen said decisively. Nowadays, nothing is more important than talents. Although there are some people brought back by Keqing from Liyue on Daozu's side, they are just a drop in the bucket for Daozu as a whole, so the teaching order The courtyard side now has a rare opportunity for Inazuma's side to take away the sage.

Not to mention that this opportunity was legitimately requested by Xumi himself, so Inazuma's side cannot be polite. If it is missed because of politeness Then Raiden can really cry with anger.

If this kind of opportunity is missed, it is estimated that it will never happen again next time. Therefore, Raiden really sent out Raiden and he didn't feel confident and sent Foxuzhai Palace out as well.

Foxuzhai Palace He also knew the importance of this matter to Inazuma, so Huzhai Palace nodded and said:"Don't worry, I know the importance of this matter, and I promise to bring back the sages from the Order Academy."

Thunderbolt is really relieved about the dependent fox Zaigong. After all, compared to Yae Shenzi, a pink-furred fox, Kossai Palace is completely qualified as his dependent. That is to say,

Yae Shenzi, a fox with a rat excrement. A pot of soup would be ruined. Otherwise, the original Inazuma family group, each one of whom was conscientious and conscientious, would not be like today!

"Then wait, calculate the time and you can leave for Xumi in 10 days and half a month"

"Why is it taking so long? Let's go now - can't we?"

"Why are you so anxious? You should take care of the other party at this moment, you know? At this time, the less anxious you are, the more anxious the other party will be. Later, you can slowly bargain bit by bit and figure out the other party's psychology and price."

Everyone present always felt that Xiao Bai was hiding something, but it happened that Xiao Bai seemed to be right, which is very confusing!

"So, let’s play music and dance!"

Lei Dianzhen looked at Xiao Bai with a wry smile and shook his head without saying anything. He turned around and left calmly. He had other things to deal with. Since this matter has been finalized, there is no need to worry about it.

On the second day, Xiao Bai met an unexpected visitor, Kamisato Ayaka, who came to see Xiao Bai.

"As your wife, isn't it normal for me to come to you? And couples should also cultivate feelings for each other."

Listening to what Kamisato Ayaka said, Xiao Bai really didn't believe it. If Kamisato Ayaka had nothing to do, although she would avoid Xiao Bai, she wouldn't take the initiative to look for Xiao Bai.

"Let me tell you directly, why are you looking for me? As for cultivating the relationship between husband and wife, I don't believe this sentence. Although you say you don't hate me, you will be very embarrassed when you see me."

Kamizato Ayaka was suddenly exposed by Xiao Bai's thoughts, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Then Kamisato Ayaka looked at Xiao Bai with an embarrassed look and said:"In fact, this is what happened."

With Kamisato Ayaka's narration, Xiao Bai finally knew the reason why Kamisato Ayaka came to find him!

Maplehara Manyo, the legendary Ye Tiandi.

Xiao Bai didn't expect that Ayaka Kamisato would come to him because of this person.

Maplehara Manyo is currently wanted by Inazuma, so Kamisato Ayaka hopes to use Xiao Bai's relationship with someone else to lift Maplehara Manyo's wanted order.

Xiao Bai looked at Kamisato Ayaka:"I guess you must have made your own decision in this matter, right? Your brother Kamisato Ayato probably doesn't agree with you coming to me to talk about this kind of thing!"

Kamisato Ayaka was a little confused. Looking at Xiao Bai in surprise, it is true that Ayato Kamisato does not agree with Ayaka Kamisato coming to Xiao Bai to say such a thing

"Do you know what the woman's husband thinks when a woman pleads with her husband for another man?"

Kamizato Ayaka's expression changed!

"I don't know about others, at least if it were me, I would never have such a thing happen. My first thought was to kill that man."

Kamizato Ayaka. Kamisato Ayaka looked at Xiao Bai with a pale face and panicked eyes.

Kamisato Ayaka never imagined that her words would directly lead to the fate of Maplehara Manyo being killed!

"Just this once, never happen again!"

Looking at Kamisato Ayaka, Xiao Bai shook his head and didn't care about this matter anymore.

"I can remove Maplehara Manyo's wanted order, but now Maplehara Manyo is no longer an Inazuma wife. Maplehara Manyo is now more willing to wander around Teyvat and be a wandering samurai."

Xiao Bai has no idea about Maplehara Manyo telling the truth. After all, he is an insignificant person, and he has no feelings of appreciation for the other person. Xiao Bai is not willing to go to war for Maplehara Manyo.

Kamisato Ayaka points out Nodding, it is true that Maplehara Manyo is basically not walking among Inazuma now. Even if Maplehara Manyo's arrest warrant is not lifted, it doesn't matter.

But in Kamisato Ayaka's heart, the Kamisato family has no regard for Kaede. The original Manyo family owed something. As a result, as the leader of the Maplehara Manyo family, it was true that he was not able to protect the Maplehara Manyo family.

Therefore, Kamisato Ayaka felt a little guilty for Maplehara Manyo. Therefore, I hope that the wanted order of Maplehara Manyo can be lifted.

But I didn't expect that something like this would happen when I came to Xiao Bai.

Kamisato Ayaka looked at Xiao Bai in front of me and said what I was thinking.

Xiao Bai finished listening After that, he didn’t say anything, he just looked at Kamisato Ayaka calmly:"So do you think I should help you?"

"For me, this matter is just a matter of one sentence. You don’t even need to come to me at all. You can go to Raiden Shin by yourself. Raiden Shin can also cancel the wanted order for Maplehara Manyo, but you come to me instead.."

The expression on Kamisato Ayaka's face changed. It was obvious that Kamisato Ayaka had not thought of this.

Xiao Bai shook his head and looked at Kamisato Ayaka, not knowing what to say about this girl.

After all, it's better for me not to do anything. If you are too protective, you don’t know how evil people are.

If Xiao Bai is a little more cautious, then Emperor Ye Tian is really dead this time.

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