Yae Shenzi, who became a hand warmer, felt aggrieved, but Yae Shenzi didn't say anything, because Yae Shenzi knew very well that if he wanted to eat fried tofu, he had to please Xiao Bai. If he didn't please Xiao Bai, he wouldn't be able to eat fried tofu. In order to be able to eat that bite of fried tofu that makes his soul tremble, Yae Shenzi will pay any price.

Even if he tortured Yae Shenzi behind the back of the Fox Sai Palace, he would just silently endure it and then find an opportunity to take revenge later.

Xiao Bai held the Yae Shenzi in the form of a little fox and said to the Fox Palace:"It seems that you, the Lord of Baichen, are extremely dissatisfied with this little fox."

"I don’t care, as long as I can eat Rutofu, I can do whatever I want!"

The moment Yae Shenzi finished speaking, Hu Zhai Palace felt the urge to kill the fox. This Yae Shenzi is so arrogant. He really sold everything for a mouthful of fried tofu. He was obviously a child. Fortunately, now that he has grown up, the eighth-level divine son has completely degenerated.

Xiao Bai said to Huzhai Palace:"As long as this little fox is obedient, why does it matter so much?"

Xiao Bai stroked the shiny and moist fur of the Eighth Level God Son and said lightly, Hu Zhai Palace snorted coldly:"You just continue to corrupt this good-for-nothing fox, the Eighth Level God Son, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. What, all you are thinking about is turning this little fox into a loser who can't live without you."

"I have never concealed my thoughts. I didn’t want to take Yae Shenzi with me when I went to Xumi this time. But in the end, this fox actually chose to follow me for a bite of fried tofu. I was also very surprised and surprised. Shock"

"It’s not because the fried tofu you made is so delicious!"

Yae Shenzi defended himself. Obviously, Yae Shenzi didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. He likes to eat fried tofu. What's wrong with him going to Xumi with Xiao Bai just to have a bite of fried tofu?

Isn't it okay at all? As long as you follow Xiao Bai, you can eat that delicious fried tofu at any time, but the prerequisite is to please Xiao Bai and make Xiao Bai willing to make fried tofu for you.

But thinking about it, there should be no problem. After all, Yae Shenzi is planning to sell his virginity. Is it possible for Xiao Bai to reject a palace minister like himself who has both beauty and wisdom? It doesn't exist, okay!

This There is no man in the world who can reject him.

Yae Shenzi is very confident.

Xiao Bai stroked the Yae Shenzi's shiny and moist fur with a smile on his face but did not say anything. Yae Shenzi's feeling That's right, the heart can reject a vixen who can talk coquettishly.

But Xiao Bai knows very well that this vixen has bad intentions and intends to use its charm to seduce Xiao Bai, so Xiao Bai must be firm in his true intentions. We can't let this vixen succeed.

A mere vixen wants to mess with my heart?

Xiao Bai has only one thing to say about this kind of innocent vixen, that is stupidity.

If only a vixen could confuse me If so, then Xiao Bai would have been deceived and no longer have any pants left.

"Speaking of what the situation is on Sumeru's side, you have some reservations about what you said before, right?"

Huzhai Palace asked Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai had not introduced the situation of Xumi in detail before. Now that he thought about it carefully, Xiao Bai must have concealed something.

On the contrary, he just said that the little Ji Xiangcao King was imprisoned and needed them. Help bring things right, but Xiao Bai didn’t say a word about anything else.

"What to hide?"

"Concealing why you want to help the Little Lucky Grass King, what you concealed about is not taking us directly to Xumi, but taking us slowly by like this. What on earth are you planning!"

Hu Zhai Gong stared at Xiao Bai and wanted to know what Xiao Bai was planning, but Xiao Bai just smiled and did not answer this question. After sighing, Hu Zhai Gong changed the question:"It's not harmful to Dao's wife, right?!"

"Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts about Dao Wife. As long as Dao Wife's people don't make me stupid, then I won't bother to care about their affairs."

"As long as there is no harm to Ina Wife, then anything will do!"(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If you're not in the palace, you won't have to worry about this issue anymore. As long as it doesn't harm Dao Wife, how about other loves?

"It doesn't matter if I tell you some of the situation. In the end, there's a high probability that you won't have anything to do with it."

Xiao Bai told Huzhai Palace about King Dacishu.

"`So the Little Lucky Grass King is the reincarnation of the Great Mercy Tree King. Then those stupid great sages felt that the Little Lucky Grass King was not worthy of the name of the God of Wisdom, so they thought of overthrowing the Little Lucky Grass King and then create one by themselves. New gods?"

"That's right, that's what he looks like, a stupid fool! There was a trace of ridicule on Xiao

Bai's face:"The Lord of Wisdom probably wouldn't have thought that the great sage under him would do such a stupid thing.""

"Humans are really amazing creatures!"

Huzhai Palace had to admit that human beings are really magical creatures. They actually have the courage to act like gods, and they actually succeeded in imprisoning gods.

Although it was only possible to imprison the little one by relying on the device left by the Great Ci Tree King. Lucky Grass King, but being able to do this is already very rare and valuable.

"So the reason why you saved Little Lucky Grass King (Hello King Nuo), I don’t believe that you just want to take away a group of sages for Rice Wife!"

"Playing a strategy game!"

Xiao Bai didn't hide anything and directly told what happened between him and Nilu.

"You are really a beast."

After knowing this, Hu Zhai Palace directly commented on Xiao Bai. What kind of beast could do such a thing? He deceived the innocence of the girl and deserved death.

"This is not deception, I just concealed my strength, but there is no lie in any of the rest."


Hu Zhai Palace said,"Haha, Xiao Bai, if this is not deception, then what is deception?

"So remember to cooperate with me when the time comes."

Xiao Bai said to Huzhai Palace and Jilei Movie. As for the Eightfold God Son, don't even think about talking. Xiao Bai will not let the Eightfold Rope mess up for him.

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