When Hutao went out, he went out happily, but when Hutao came back, he came back with a curse:"The world is getting worse and people are not as old as they used to be. Do people in this world have any respect for the dead? They actually cremate the body of the deceased." , What difference does it make if people die without their bodies intact!"

Hutao, who came to this world from Teyvat, obviously couldn't understand why the lost people should be cremated.

"The reason is very simple. The world is too densely populated, and some diseases will spread due to the decomposition of corpses after death. Cremating people can save burial space to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it can also avoid the spread of some infectious diseases.! Hu

Tao had a depressed expression on his face:"I also want to open a branch of Shengshengtang in this world."~hateful!"

Xiao Bai looked at Hutao with a headache, but then he comforted him:"If this world doesn't work, I will allow you to open branches in Shengtang branches in those ancient worlds in the future, and open them all over the world. It's okay like this. Hu

Tao's eyes lit up instantly, and she looked at Xiao Bai in front of her:"You can't lie to me, otherwise I won't be done with you!""

"Don’t worry, this kind of thing won’t lie to you!"

Looking at Hu Tao in front of him, Xiao Bai also felt a little funny. Xiao Bai couldn't understand Hu Tao's obsession. However, he couldn't understand and couldn't understand. Xiao Bai still agreed to Hu Tao and let Hu Tao's Rebirth Hall drive to Zhu. Ten Thousand Worlds!

Yukinoshita Yukino and Lisa are back. After returning, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Xiao Bai and said:"I finally understand why you have such a big opinion against Mondstadt. I really It’s hard to imagine that under current circumstances, those Mondstadt people are still fighting for power!"

Lisa looked at Qin's eyes and said with a hint of helplessness:"Barbara and Rosalia, without the support of you and us, now they have no rights at all. The old nobles of Mondstadt Resurrection, or in other words, those old nobles have never really declined, they have just been hiding in the dark and waiting for the opportunity."

Qin's body felt like it was struck by lightning. Qin could almost imagine what kind of treatment her sister Barbara suffered in Mondstadt.

Her body was shaky and about to faint. Amber who was next to her quickly supported her. Then Qin suddenly said:"Your Excellency Xiao Bai, I hope to go back to Mondstadt once, and I want to take Barbara away!" Xiao

Bai scratched his face, and then said helplessly:"You can go if you want. How can I not be satisfied with such a small thing?" I'm not some kind of devil."

Xiao Bai felt that he was not willing to reject Captain Qin even for such a small matter.

"You are much more hateful than the devil!"

Yola on the side snorted, and then pulled Captain Qin and Amber towards any door.

Xiao Bai looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and said:"Mond feels like those in Britain. Just like the old aristocrats, they are disgustingly stupid."

Artolis on the side suddenly became dissatisfied after hearing this:"You just want to involve Britain for whatever reason, Britain is inviting you to mess with you!"

"Now Britain doesn't mess with me, but you know what Britain was like before, so I won't tell you."

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes. What kind of bird was Britain in the past? Didn't Artolis have any idea?

Artolis glared at Xiao Bai fiercely and then didn't say anything more. In the past, What kind of bird is Britain? Artolis himself feels embarrassed.

"I think changing Mondstadt is a good idea!"

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Xiao Bai.

Frowning slightly, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Xiao Bai:"You don't seem to agree!"

"It’s not that I disagree but it’s unnecessary. Yukino, you don’t understand anything. Let me tell you this, if the world of Teyvat had not intervened, the world of Teyvat would most likely be destroyed one day in the future!"

The pupils in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes shrank slightly, Xiao Bai snapped his fingers, and a picture suddenly appeared in the air! In the picture was a world, to be precise, a continent floating in the sea of ​​chaos.

The waves of the Sea of ​​Chaos are undulating, and that continent is like a small boat that may be overturned by the waves at any time.

Please give me flowers.

"That continent is Teyvat, and what lies outside is the sea of ​​imaginary numbers. This is the truth about Teyvat!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why is this happening!"

The Daci Tree King looked a little pale. His world is actually in such a crisis. How can the Daci Tree King accept such a setting!

"Because Teyvat is not a real world, it can only be said to be a small world!"

Xiao Bai knows that Teyvat is just a game world under Mi Huyou, and the world view is not as good as Honkai Impact and Star Iron, so it can only be a small world.

"So is there a way to save Teyvat?"

The Daci Tree King asked Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai had no intention of answering this question.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Xiao Bai:"Is there any problem?"

"If it's not too much trouble, please help me!"

Other people also started to persuade, but Xiao Bai really sighed helplessly:"I can't help, Teyvat is destined to be destroyed. If I want to help Teyvat, I will have to reach the strength of the multiverse. This is true. There is a way, otherwise it would be impossible."

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, the Daci Tree King already knew what level the multiverse was, and a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on his face.

"When the time comes, save those who are worth saving, and let those who are not worth saving perish along with Teyvat!"

The body stiffened slightly. The people present knew very well that this casual sentence from Xiao Bai's mouth determined the life and death of many people!

"Save what is worth saving, and give up what is not worth saving!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he stopped talking.

"But before Teyvat is destroyed, you can try to change as many people as possible, so that people who are not worthy of being saved are worthy of being saved. I think this should be very fulfilling for you!"

Xiao Bai looked at these people with meaningful eyes...

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