Xiao Bai brought Artolis, Morgan and Leticia to the Xingyue World

"Is this the world where the basic body of the heroic spirit we use is located?"

"That's right, the heroic spirit base you use comes from this world!"

After hearing these words, Artolis and Morgan all looked at Xiao Bai:"Does this mean that it is possible for us to see the real King Arthur, Morgan and Joan of Arc?"

"Yes, they look like this, you may see the real ones playing with them!"

"So what are you waiting for, take action!"

Artolis was a little excited. He was about to see the King Arthur he admired. However, Xiao Bai looked at Artolis with a sympathetic face and said,"I'm afraid the King Arthur you are going to see will not be like this. The way you imagined it."

Thinking of King Arthur, Xiao Bai had a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"King Arthur in this world feels that he is not a qualified king because his country was destroyed, so the purpose of the other party's participation in the Holy Grail War is to return to the day when the sword was drawn and choose someone to pull out the sword from the stone!"


Morgan mocked on the side:"It's so stupid, it's like a child who doesn't want to admit defeat after losing in a game!"

"There is nothing wrong with your understanding of this. In a sense, this is what King Arthur looks like."

Xiao Bai spread his hands to express his helplessness. In a sense, isn't that what Artoria is like?

After losing, he was unwilling to admit defeat and wanted to find someone else to continue playing.

Artorias was immediately shocked. , the perfect king in his ideal would actually look like this.

As for Xiao Bai deceiving himself, it is completely unnecessary, so Artolis does not think it is false.

"No matter what, I still want to meet King Arthur in person!"

Laetitia on the other side was just a little worried and scared:"It's probably the same with Joan of Arc."

Xiao Bai looked at Leticia in front of him and said sympathetically:"In this parallel world, Joan of Arc did not appear, but in another parallel world, Joan of Arc was the referee of the Holy Grail War because she fell in love with an artificial human. various favoritisms."

Laeticia: You don't need to tell me this kind of thing!

With a speechless expression, Leticia was actually about to cry inside. Xiao Bai really doesn't need to tell himself this kind of thing, Leticia Ya said that she didn’t want to know.

How could Xiao Bai let Leticia go so easily like this? Xiao Bai with evil eyes looked at Leticia and laughed strangely.

"Leticia, you don’t want the name Joan of Arc’s love brain to spread, right?"

Laetitia's expression changed instantly!

Letitia naturally didn't want everyone to know that Joan of Arc turned out to be a love brain, and she didn't want other people to know that Joan of Arc was actually for an artificial human. You have done something that violates fairness!

"I want to stop this kind of thing!"

Laetitia's eyes were full of determination.

"You can't stop it because you can't go to the parallel world, but I can help, it just requires you to pay a small price. Leticia

's face turned red and she looked a little nervous:"It's up to you to do whatever you want. That's fine.""

Xiao Bai: I asked you why you and Joan of Arc are so compatible. It turns out that you two are both love brains!

"You misunderstood, I have no idea about you in that regard!"

"What did you say!!!"

Laetitia immediately stared at Xiao Bai fiercely, with an expression like I will kill you if you dare to say another word.

Xiao Bai:

Morgan asked Xiao Bai on the side:"Then what is the purpose of asking us to bring you here for this Holy Grail War? I don't believe that you are just bringing us to learn more.""

"Do you want to participate in the Holy Grail War?"

Morgan's eyes suddenly lit up as if he had understood Xiao Bai's purpose!

"Interesting, in that case I agree, what do you want us to do!"

Compared with Artolis and Leticia, Morgan has already guessed Xiao Bai's true purpose.

Xiao Bai just wants them to fight with the spiritual base body!

Looking at his stupid sister, Morgan also had a bad smile on his face.

Let his stupid sister have a good fight with his so-called idol and see who is better!

"The way you smile sinisterly tells me in my gut that you seem to be targeting me."

Although Artolis said he was a little too upright, he was not stupid, so after seeing the appearance of Xiao Bai and Morgan, he immediately realized that these two people had evil intentions! (For reading the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Just ask if you want to participate in the Holy Grail War. If you don’t want to participate, then forget it!"

"Participate, I must participate!"

In the 4th Holy Grail War, apart from the four irreplaceable ones 747: Kotomine Kirei, Tokiomi Tokiomi Tohsaka, Emiya Kiritsugu, and Matou Kariya, the remaining Kenneth, Webber and the murderer Usagi Ryunosuke is all replaceable, and Xiao Bai plans to win the quota of these three people to participate in the Holy Grail War.

So Kenneth, who just arrived in Fuyuki City, met Xiao Bai who came to visit him!

After a severe beating, Kenneth understood He handed over the cruel and honest command spell that destroyed the world, but unfortunately Kenneth had already summoned the man with two brushes.

After Xiao Bai promised to spare Kenneth and the others, Diarmuid agreed to Morgan As his new Master, he participated in this Holy Grail War.

Afterwards, Xiao Bai took Thoris and Letitia to find Weber who had smuggled over!

Under Xiao Bai's persuasion of theory and physics, Weber transferred his The Command Seal was handed over to Artolis.

Later, Xiao Bai took Leticia to find Ryunosuke Uyu, slapped him into pieces and then deprived him of the Command Seal.

"So let’s summon the heroic spirits now, and what heroic spirits are you going to summon next?"

Now that we have the tickets to participate in the Holy Grail War, what happens next depends on what heroic spirits they plan to summon.

"Didn’t you say that summoning heroic spirits requires holy relics? Do we have that?".

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