Tokiomi Tohsaka is in a bad mood now because Tokiomi heard bad news.

Kenneth, who was originally scheduled to participate in the Holy Grail War, actually ran away and returned to the Clock Tower. Instead, he handed over the Command Seal to others, especially his people, who participated in the Holy Grail War on his behalf. This caused Tokiomi Tosaka a headache.

Tokiomi Tohsaka couldn't understand why Kenneth would suddenly give up participating in the Holy Grail War. Originally, Tokiomi Tokiomi was already prepared to kill Kenneth, but who knew that Kenneth actually ran away midway and Tokiomi is now Tokiomi didn't know the details of the new Holy Grail War participants at all.

For this reason, Tokiomi Tohsaka has tried every means to investigate the new Holy Grail contestant, but Tokiomi Tohsaka has never found any clues about the opponent.

They even searched the entire Fuyuki City but still found no results, which made Tokiomi Tosaka wonder if this person did not exist at all.


Tohsaka Aoi looked at her husband and called softly. Tohsaka Tokiomi looked at his wife with an expressionless face. He was not dissatisfied with his wife Ren Tosaka Tokiomi090, but the same Tosaka Tokiomi was just He just regards his wife as a fertility tool

"You will take Rin out of Fuyuki City today and come back after the Holy Grail War is over. Tohsaka Aoi nodded:"

I understand!""

Tohsaka Rin, who was secretly eavesdropping on his parents' conversation, immediately tensed up and left the house quietly.

Tohsaka Rin didn't want to leave just like that. Tohsaka Rin wanted to find his sister and wanted to leave. Bring his sister back.

Tohsaka Rin doesn’t know about so-called magicians and magic inheritance. Tohsaka Rin only knows that his sister must be brought back. He doesn’t want to be separated from his sister.

Take Artoli with him Si and Morgan were drinking coffee on the street. Xiao Bai suddenly saw Tohsaka Rin, and then Xiao Bai’s eyes became weird.

"Shouldn't it be"

Xiao Bai remembers that there is a grown-up version of Tohsaka Rin on the other side of his world, maybe this is the time!

After thinking for a while, Xiao Bai said to the others:"Then you stay (bcaa), I will go over and take a look"

"up to you."

Morgan also saw Tohsaka Rin, but he just smiled and said nothing.

Artolis on the other side said to Xiao Bai very solemnly:"That's still a minor, you have to control yourself."

Xiao Bai looked at Artolis with a speechless expression. What does Artolis mean by this? Do you think he would attack this kind of lolita?

This is a slander against himself. Xiao Bai said that he Can't accept it

"Just wait for me!"

He gave Artolis a fierce look of contempt, and then Xiao Bai followed Tohsaka Rin. Finally, Xiao Bai watched Tohsaka Rin walk into Matou's house. Only at this moment did Xiao Bai understand Tohsaka. What did Rin want to do? The emotional one was to go to Matou's house and take away Matou Sakura.

But could Rin Tohsaka be a little too brave? He just rushed in like this without even thinking about where the Matou house was. , does he dislike his sister Tohsaka Sakura, who is not enough to fill the gap between the other party's teeth, so is he planning to get himself involved?

Xiao Bai looked at the original silent complaint in your heart, but he did not stop Tosaka Rin. The current situation is still To let Tohsaka Rin do what he wants to do.

When the time comes, Xiao Bai will be the hero to save the beauty.

Tohsaka Rin, who thought he had sneaked into the Matou family quietly, was thinking of taking his sister away and then Leave.

However, what Tohsaka Rin didn't know was that there was an insect behind Tosaka Rin looking at Tosaka Rin. Xiao Bai glanced at the insect with a sneer on his face.

Matou Zangyan That old guy is really brave. He actually doesn't even intend to let Tohsaka Rin go. But no matter what he looks like, Xiao Bai will have a chance to be a hero and save Loli.

"Sakura, where are you!"

Tohsaka Rin quietly looked for his sister, but when he opened a room, he saw countless bugs.

Tohsaka Rin was frightened when he saw this scene.

Tohsaka Rin When had he ever seen such a scene? Facing the overwhelming sea of ​​insects, Tohsaka Rin was completely dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, a white light appeared on Tohsaka Rin's body. After those bugs touched the white light, they melted directly like snow meeting the sun.

What is this?

Tohsaka Rin looked confused and couldn't figure out what the white light on his body was.

"This damn light again, this damn light again!"

A sad and angry voice sounded and then disappeared completely.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Tohsaka Rin

"elder sister!"

Tohsaka Sakura looked at Tohsaka Rin and shouted!

Tohsaka Rin immediately grabbed Tohsaka Sakura's hand:"Sakura, leave this place with me immediately!"

"Wait a moment!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tohsaka Sakura shook her head and rejected Tohsaka Rin's subsequent words:"You are here!"

"What is it, Sakura!"

Tohsaka Rin looked at his sister

"I know you are there, I can feel your presence, so can you come out? I want to meet you!"

Xiao Bai was a little surprised and a little curious. How did the other party discover him?

To put it bluntly, it would have been impossible for the original voice to be discovered. But in the end, he was still discovered.

"That's interesting, how did you find me?"

Xiao Bai appeared in front of Tohsaka Sakura and Tohsaka Rin.

"Who are you!"

Tohsaka Rin looked at Xiao Bai with vigilance in his eyes, but Xiao Bai did look at Tohsaka Rin:"Do you understand that you should have a better attitude towards your savior? If I hadn't saved you, you would have been surrounded by those bugs now!"

Hearing Xiao Bai's painting, Tosaka Rin snorted arrogantly:"I don't need your help, even if I can just deal with those bugs myself."

Tohsaka Rin's arrogant words made Tohsaka Sakura on the side directly slap in the face:"Sister, if it's just you, you can't do it, so you'd better express your gratitude to the other party honestly."

After hearing this sentence, Tohsaka Rin was furious!.

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