Tohsaka Rin looked at Matou Sakura in disbelief. This was his sister. Her sister actually wanted her father to die. Tohsaka Rin now felt that her CPU was about to be burned out.

"Tokiomi Tosaka is not my father, and now my name is Sakura Matou, so even if I have to kill Tokiomi Tokiomi, it is nothing to me!"

Listening to what Sakura Tohsaka said, Rin Tosaka had a complicated expression on her face. She was obviously just a junior, but she had such a complicated expression on her face.

Joan of Arc didn't know what happened. Looking at Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura, they wanted to speak but didn't know what to say.

"You'd better say nothing!"

Seeing that Joan of Arc wanted to speak, Xiao Bai directly interrupted what Joan of Arc wanted to say"four ninety-seven"

"If you don’t know what’s going on inside, it’s best not to speak casually!"

Xiao Bai then told Joan of Arc what Tokiomi Tohsaka had done in a simple way. After listening to it, Joan also showed an angry look on her face:"Tōsaka Tokiomi is not worthy of being called a Tokiomi. A father actually pushed his daughter into a pit of fire!"

Would Tokiomi Tosaka not know about the situation of the Matou family?

It is obviously impossible. As the lord of Fuyuki City, how could Tokiomi Tokiomi not know about the changes that had taken place in the Matou family? However, Tokiomi Tokiomi would care about it. Is this all?

Tokiomi Tosaka would think that Tomoyo's small sacrifices in this situation are not worth caring about.

To put it mildly, in Tokiomi's eyes, Sakura Tohsaka was swallowed by the sea of ​​insects. , even if Tohsaka Tokiomi most likely turns out to be like in the original plot, he won't care.

Because Tosaka Tokiomi is a real magician, and there is a difference between a magician and a normal person. For a magician, as long as he can achieve his goal, what happened to Sakura Tohsaka was nothing more than trivial things.

Looking at Rin Tosaka in front of him, Xiao Bai suddenly felt that Rin Tosaka was quite pitiful. He didn't even know about his father. He thought that his father was so kind and kind, which made him laugh to death!

Xiao Bai suddenly had the idea of ​​letting Tohsaka Rin take a good look at his father's true face.

Tohsaka Shitoshi He is a magician, and Tosaka Tokiomi will not hesitate to abandon Tohsaka Rin when necessary, so Xiao Bai wants to let Tohsaka Rin know that for Tosaka Tokiomi, even his daughter is very important when necessary. It can be discarded.

Xiao Bai summoned a pigeon, and then asked the pigeon to tell Tohsaka Tokiomi about Tohsaka Rin being caught by him. Xiao Bai wanted to take a look at Tohsaka Tokiomi. What choice will he make?

Looking at Tosaka Rin and Xiao Bai with a trace of sympathy and pity in his eyes, it is obvious that Xiao Bai is basically certain that Tohsaka Rin will be abandoned by Tokiomi Tosaka. After all, Xiao Bai There are three heroic spirits on Shiro's side.

The Tosaka family.

Tokiomi Tosaka, who was looking for Tosaka Rin because of his disappearance, had an unpleasant look on his face after receiving the notice from Xiao Bai.

Tokiomi Tosaka was actually given to someone He was caught and now the other party is threatening him to hand over the Command Seal and order the heroic spirit to commit suicide. Otherwise, Tohsaka Rin will have his head removed. How could Tohsaka Tokiomi agree to such a thing?

This time, Tohsaka Tokiomi will The Holy Grail is regarded as his own. How could Tokiomi give up the Holy Grail now? It's just a daughter. As long as he gets the Holy Grail, it doesn't matter what a daughter is. As long as he reaches the source, Tohsaka Tokiomi will never need an heir.

Tokiomi Tokiomi is naturally indifferent to Xiao Bai's threat, but Aoi Tokiomi obviously cannot be indifferent to this matter. Tokiomi Tokiomi can not have a daughter, but Tokiomi Tokiomi Aoi can't do it!

Tohsaka Aoi asked Tohsaka Tokiomi to save Tohsaka Rin, but what she got was Tohsaka Tokiomi's indifferent rejection. Tohsaka

Tokiomi would not reveal his trump card for a daughter, even if Tosaka Tokiomi thought that he The summoned Gilgamesh can wear three in one, but he will never take risks for Tohsaka Rin!

Tohsaka Aoi looked at her husband with eyes full of disbelief, unable to understand her husband Why was she so cold-blooded? Aoi Tosaka didn't say anything when Sakura Tosaka was sent to Matou's house....

This time, after Tohsaka Rin encountered life-threatening danger, Tohsaka Aoi could not remain silent immediately!

Since Tokiomi Tosaka is unwilling to save Rin Tosaka, Aoi Tosaka will go by herself. No matter what, Aoi Tosaka will bring Rin Tosaka back. This is Aoi Tosaka's realization as a mother!

If Tohsaka Sakura knew Tohsaka Aoi's consciousness, she would most likely hate these parents even more. Tohsaka Aoi didn't stop her when she was sent to Matou's house.

Now it's Tohsaka Rin's turn. Tohsaka Aoi's realization of being a mother is really too ridiculous. Isn't Tohsaka Sakura her daughter?

Tohsaka Aoi came to the address given by Xiao Bai

"Xiao Lin!"

After meeting Rin Tohsaka, Tohsaka Aoi breathed a sigh of relief, but Tohsaka Aoi, who followed closely behind, looked at Xiao Bai!

"You're not the one I invited. Tokiomi Tosaka doesn't want to come, why should a woman come? Or does it mean that Tokiomi Tohsaka doesn't care about his daughter at all?"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Tohsaka Aoi's body stiffened slightly.

Then Tohsaka Aoi said harshly:"That's because there is no need for Shi Chen to come in person!"

Xiao Bai looked at Tohsaka Aoi with a sneer on her face.

"Stop being ridiculous, what can you do here? 0.6? Don't you think that you can save your daughter by relying on your own strength?"

Hearing this sentence, Tohakui suddenly fell silent.

Without Tokiomi Tokiomi, no heroic spirit, just an ordinary housewife, Tohsaka Aoi has no possibility of saving Tohsaka Rin from Xiao Bai's hands, or even just Even Tohsaka Aoi wanted to come in.

Looking at Tosaka Aoi in front of him, Xiao Bai suddenly laughed:"Then the question is, since you came to save Tohsaka Rin, do you also want Tohsaka Sakura?" save?"

Tohsaka Aoi's face turned dull for a moment.

"So which daughter do you want to save, madam?"

After hearing this sentence, Tosaka Aoi looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief. Did even Sakura fall into the hands of this man?.

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