After thinking for a long time, Xiao Bai looked at Zhongli in front of him:"Forget it, originally I wanted to refuse, but for the sake of Ningguang, I can resurrect the dead immortals and demons in Liyuan, but as a price I have to You guarantee that Ningguang will secure her position as Empress Liyue!"


Morax agreed to what Xiao Bai said without any hesitation.

He threw a ball of light to Zhongli and said,"I don't know how many of those immortals and demons you have resurrected yourself." Go for it!

Zhong Li took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Bai:"Thank you!""

Although there was some unpleasantness between Zhongli and Xiao Bai before, Zhongli now feels grateful to Xiao Bai!

"Just for Ningguang's sake, you must complete what you promised me, otherwise you won't want to know the consequences!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Zhongli nodded affirmatively, and said extremely seriously:"Even if the sky falls, the contract will definitely be completed!"

Xiao Bai nodded and ignored Zhong Li and went out on his own. Zhongli 613 took the light ball given by Xiao Bai to resurrect the dead immortals and demons!

After leaving the Rebirth Hall, Xiao Bai came to Liyue On the street, but before he even took two steps, someone immediately stopped Xiao Bai!

Looking at Ye Lan who was blocking him, Xiao Bai asked jokingly:"What do you want, Miss Ye Lan?" Is it possible that he still wants to rob a good family man?

Ye Lan looked at Xiao Bai expressionlessly:"Ning Guang is looking for you!""

After saying that, Ye Lan ran away directly. After staying with Xiao Bai for a while, Ye Lan even doubted whether he would be beaten by Xiao Bai!

He looked like he was being chased by some prehistoric beast. Yelan, the corner of Xiao Bai's mouth couldn't help but twitch. I'm so scary. How can I, the Queen of Yelan, be so frightened?

Xiao Bai complained in his heart and came to Qunyu Pavilion..When he saw Ningguang again, Ningguang was still wearing the same cheongsam!

"Why did you ask Yelan to come to me?"

Ningguang looked at Xiao Bai and sighed and said:"After becoming the Empress of Liyue, I realized that talents are needed in all aspects. I can't handle Liyue's affairs by myself, even if I am exhausted. complete!"

Xiao Bai understood that Ningguang came to ask for someone from him!"

"I heard that you had quite a lot of power there at other times, so"

"Let me ask this for you. As for whether it is okay or not, I can only say"

Before Xiao Bai could finish speaking, Ning Guang came in front of Xiao Bai and blocked Xiao Bai's mouth.

"Men can’t say no!"

Xiao Bai: Are all the female Bodhisattvas in this tnd so good at seducing people?

Although he cursed in his heart, Xiao Bai was still very honest!

In order to get some talents from Xiao Bai's hands, Ning Guang also He fought hard for a whole day and night until his mother was exhausted and turned into a puddle of mud. This battle ended.

Looking at Ningguang who passed out and had a smile on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Bai couldn't help but The corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Ning Guang really fought hard. He could be said to have risked his life for this battle.

In the end, Xiao Bai reluctantly agreed to help when he saw that Ning Guang could no longer hold on. Ningguang tried to solve this problem, and Ningguang passed out.

Xiao Bai could only say that Ningguang was really hardworking enough to achieve his goal at all costs. If so, Ning Guang might even die of exhaustion on the bed now.

Xiao (cecc) Bai did not expect that Ning Guang would be so crazy. Of course, it is also possible that Ning Guang knew that Xiao Bai would never do it. He wanted her to die, so he acted like this!

It can only be said that this woman really has too many calculations. As for Xiao Bai, he doesn’t even know what to say! (Read Baoshuang novels, go to Feixiang Lu Novel Network!)

But thinking about Ningguang’s childhood, Xiao Bai can also understand Ningguang’s behavior, but he still has some helplessness in his heart. If Ningguang was pleading, Xiao Bai would also I agreed, so it wouldn’t be like this.

Xiao Bai returned to the Ming Dynasty through the Any Gate, and then Xiao Bai asked 10 women from each family in the Ming Dynasty. Xiao Bai planned to take them to Liyue, and then get Let them help Ningguang.

Of course, Xiao Bai does not intend to let them stay in Liyue forever. Xiao Bai will set a time for these individuals to gradually rotate!

Of course, if someone is willing to stay in Liyue, Xiao Bai doesn't mind Yue's words. After all, the world of Teyvat will be destroyed sooner or later. At that time, Xiao Bai will transfer Liyue to his own world. At that time, these people can be Liyue's meritorious elders. Liyue will still need them to manage it!

After leaving Qunyu Pavilion, Xiao Bai walked towards Wanmin Hall.

After arriving at Wanmin Hall, Xiao Bai waved to Nilu who was working as a waiter, but Nilu ignored her. Xiao Bai, or in other words, had no time to respond to Xiao Bai.

Looking at the crowds of people in Wanmin Hall, Xiao Bai couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth!

Xiao Bai sat aside without disturbing them, looking at the people in Wanmin Hall. The expression on the face of Nilu, a waiter, gradually became weird.

How stingy is this person that he is not even willing to hire a waiter?

It seems that in the game before, the only person who delivered food was rice dumplings!


Isn't this a bit stingy?

How much more can you get by hiring a waiter per month? And more importantly, it doesn't matter if the salary is lower. As long as working meals are provided, Xiao Bai believes that there will be more people willing to work.

Nilu on the side saw Xiao Bai sitting there and immediately shouted to Xiao Bai:"Let's help!"

Xiao Bai could only point to himself:"You want me to be a waiter for these people?"

"Come on, I'm almost overwhelmed!"

Xiao Bai sighed helplessly and could only step forward to help, but he had already decided in his heart that he would definitely let the other party find a few waiters.

As for going to the waiter by himself, it was obviously impossible. He had to fight one She snapped her fingers, and elemental elves appeared one after another and started running around.

With these elemental elves, Nilu finally recovered.

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