When Ying heard Xiao Bai's words, he immediately became furious. He looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and rebuked angrily:"That's nonsense, it's just nonsense. How could I shed tears because I can't find you!"

Xiao Bai Looking at Ying in front of him with a smile, and facing Ying's tough-talking behavior, Xiao Bai asked:"What will happen to you if I really disappear from your side one day?"

Ying's body trembled. He tensed up, then looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and clenched his fists tightly:"Absolutely not, I will never let you disappear!"

"It seems like you still care about me, right? Hearing Xiao

Bai's words, his face darkened:"Stop being so sentimental!""

Although he is still arrogant, he actually knows very well that he may really not be able to leave Xiao Bai in front of him now. This bastard has made himself completely accustomed to the other person's existence.

Even the other party has done this to him. After hearing so many things, Ying also recognized Xiao Bai as a bastard in her heart. Otherwise, how could Ying be really indifferent and didn't show any expression to Xiao Bai, a man who took advantage of her. Ying was still a girl after all. Having been kissed, hugged and kissed by Xiao Bai so many times, I have already regarded Xiao Bai as a close person to me. At this time, how can my heart bear it if Xiao Bai disappears.

So at this time At this moment, Ying completely regarded Xiao Bai as an extremely important person in her life. Once Xiao Bai disappeared, it would be a huge blow to Ying.

Looking at Ying holding her hand, Xiao Bai smiled and said nothing. , but his face was full of amusement. Even if he was Ying, wouldn't he still be honest?

Soon Paimon and Amber also came over. When they saw Xiao Bai, they thought they were holding hands. An aunt's smile appeared on Amber's face!

Xiao Bai looked at Amber on the side and couldn't help complaining:"Don't knock everything, it will only hurt you."

Amber's smile froze on her face and she looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of speechlessness!

Ying on the side heard that Xiao Bai actually dared to say that he had Miss Amber, and she was suddenly dissatisfied. His foot stepped hard on Xiao Bai's instep, and his eyes were almost murderous at Xiao Bai, as if he was warning.

Xiao Bai's face was expressionless, and he was indeed a scumbag.

Looking at Xiao Bai, he couldn't help but With a convinced look, Ying followed with her hands on her hips:"Are you dissatisfied?"

Xiao Bai directly pulled his father-in-law into his arms and kissed her. Amber looked at Xiao Bai and her father-in-law with a blushing face, and her aunt's smile suddenly appeared on her face.

If Amber knew that the Xiao Bai in front of her was his Xiao Bai, whom I knew, didn't know what it would feel like.

Xiao Bai pushed away, and stepped hard on Xiao Bai's instep with one foot!

Xiao Bai looked at Ying and said:" Are you good at fighting? Being able to spank is of no use. You need a background and power to hang out. What's your name? Ying, never heard of it, turns out to be a little loser!"

At this moment, Ying was completely furious.

Looking at Xiao Bai and Ying Anbo who were fighting, Paimon smiled. Paimon on the other side really looked at Xiao Bai and Ying and muttered:"What a disgusting couple of bitches, every day. Give Paimon these pieces of dog food and he will feel full. Paimon is not a dog, so he doesn’t want to eat dog food!"

However, Paimon didn't expect that Xiao Bai and Ying heard this sentence directly. Suddenly, Ying and Xiao Bai looked at Paimon with stern eyes!

Very good, let's call you Paimon, right? You're dead!

It's just a flying emergency food. How dare you talk to me like this? You're so tired of living that you don't know whether to live or die! He grabbed Peimeng with one hand, and then Looking at the weak and pitiful Paimon in front of him, he smiled like an ogre.

"Whether you want it braised, steamed, or boiled is fine!"

Xiao Bai smiled and looked at Paimeng in front of him. In the eyes of Xiao Bai and Ying, Paimeng was frightened and cried. He broke away from Ying's hand and hid directly next to Amber!

Xiao Bai and Ying Ying just wanted to scare Paimon. If he really wanted to eat Paimon, Paimon would have been cold by now. How could he still be standing here!

Subsequently, under the leadership of Amber, Xiao Bai and Ying entered the city of New Mondstadt, but they didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Xiao Bai and the others did not pass by the statue of Fengshen, which means that Ying is not able to master the elemental power now. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai also deliberately did not remind him, just wanting to see when he would discover this thing!

And Paimon seemed to have completely forgotten it This was the same thing, and he didn't want to guide Ying to the direction of Fengshen at all.

Xiao Bai glanced at Paimon meaningfully, and then Xiao Bai said to Ying:"~I heard that Mond's wine is good. How about we go drinking and have sex while drunk?"

Ying put her hands on her hips and showed a disdainful expression.

"Don't even think about it, I will never let you break through to the last step before you find my brother!"

"In other words, as long as there is no breakthrough to the last step, everything else is fine?"

Xiao Bai looked at Ying with amusement in his eyes, and Ying's face suddenly turned red.

"You perverted pervert, go to hell!"

He stepped on the instep one after another.

Paimon had no expression on his face, while Amber said that she liked to watch this kind of thing. Come more, Amber didn't care whether she ate dog food or not. For Amber, It is also a good thing (Wang's good thing) to be able to see other people's happiness.

Life is full of ups and downs. Occasionally there will be some unhappy things, so why don't we think more about happy things?

Amber is such a girl. Seeing the happiness of others, Amber will feel happy in her heart in the future. There is no doubt that Amber is a good girl, but Xiao Bai is not a good person. A good man will not let The good girl is so sad!

Looking at Amber in front of him, Xiao Bai said to Amber:"It's not good to always look at other people's words. When you integrate yourself into it, you can better understand what happiness feels like."."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Amber showed a dazed look on his face. A figure appeared in his mind, but then he was startled. Amber quickly shook his head, and then That sound goes out of my mind...

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