After seeing Xiao Bai and Ying, Yukinoshita Yukino asked Xiao Bai and Ying:"About Miss Rosalia, I hope you can find Miss Rosalia as soon as possible. Miss Rosalia has disappeared. After so many days, I am a little worried that something will happen to Miss Rosalia."

Ying patted her chest and made a promise to Yukinoshita Yukino in front of her!

"Then I leave it to you, Traveler!"

Yukinoshita Yukino came and went in a hurry. Soon Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to be in front of Ying and Xiao Bai.

Amber took a look at Yukinoshita Yukino coming and going in a hurry and sighed. Said:"Miss Xueno has worked really hard, so I have to go and cheer up, Xiao Bai, you guys should cheer up too!"

After saying that, he waved to Ying and left in a hurry.

Looking at Amber leaving, Ying sighed:"The people in Mondstadt are really hard-working!"

After Xiao Bai heard Ying's words, he immediately showed a sneer:"I asked you, did you get into the water on the 24th? You actually feel thatAre Germans diligent?"

"What's the matter? Don't you see that Yukinoshita Yukino and Amber are working very hard?"

"Anyway, the previous Mondstadts were so lazy that almost no one could stand them!"

Xiao Bai's words obviously made Ying a little incomprehensible and unbelievable!

However, Xiao Bai believed Xiao Bai's words. Xiao Bai would not lie to him. If this is the case, then it means that there must be something wrong with Mond in the past.

"Don't think about this anymore, let's set off quickly to find Miss Rosalia. If Miss Rosalia encounters any danger, it will be in trouble!"

"makes sense!"

Xiao Bai shrugged and then left Mondstadt with Ying.

On the other side, Miss Rosalia, who was being searched by everyone at this moment, was looking for a way to leave in the abyss with a look of complaint.

Since then , After accidentally falling into the abyss, Rosalia tried every means to get out of the abyss, but after searching for so many days, Rosalia could not find any way out of the abyss.

And Rosalia discovered Not only had she not been hungry for so many days, but even these abyss had not been able to corrode her, which made Rosalia couldn't help but have an idea in her heart.

Then Rosalia began to After being destroyed, Rosalia knew that she would not be in any danger, and there was a high probability that she would not be able to get out.

However, Rosalia could not figure out why she was trapped here. Rosalia even doubted The reason why I ended up in this place is probably because of what that person did.

Suddenly, a crack opened above Rosalia's head, and the next person fell directly!

Watching the fall This person, Rosalia's eyes showed a look of astonishment

"How will you be here?"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, Rosalia's eyes were full of shock. She couldn't understand why Xiao Bai appeared here and what the situation was.

Xiao Bai looked at Rosalia with some expressions on his face. Embarrassing.

As for why Xiao Bai appeared here, the time has to go back to 10 minutes ago.

10 minutes ago, Xiao Bai and Ying came to Benlang Territory.

"We have already searched here before but there were no clues. This time we have to search carefully!"

Ying looked at the running wolf leader:"This time, even if I have to turn over the whole place, I still have to find out the whereabouts of Rosalia. Did you hear me?"

"I heard it, I heard it, I heard it with both ears, really, you said it several times!"

"It must have been because we didn't search carefully enough before that we didn't find any clues about Miss Rosalia. This time we have to search carefully!"

"Yes, yes, I understand, take it seriously, definitely take it seriously!"

Xiao Bai sighed and said helplessly, Ying, Ying, if you can find it, you will be great today, but Rosalia has fallen into the abyss. You are here to find a ghost, unless you come here. Once again, an unstable space crack appears and throws people into the abyss. Otherwise, you will never find the whereabouts of Rosalia in your life.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Bai continued to search!

However, it took a long time to search. There was no clue that Xiao Bai and Ying knew each other. Ying was almost depressed. Is there something wrong?

"Xiao Bai, did you find anything over there? I didn’t find anything at all. There must be something wrong. Why is a big living person missing?"

Ying swore that he had searched very carefully, but there were no clues at all. This was so unreasonable!

Just after Xiao Bai turned his head, he found that Xiao Bai, who had been behind him, was missing!

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai, where are you? Xiao Bai, come out quickly. Xiao Bai, don’t scare me!"

When I saw Xiao Bai missing, I immediately panicked!

"Paimon, have you seen Xiao Bai!"

Yinglian 457 hurriedly asked Paimeng, but Paimeng shook his head:"I didn't see Xiao Bai."

As for where Xiao Bai went?

Xiao Bai was naturally sent into the abyss by an unstable space crack that suddenly appeared under his feet.

Xiao Bai never expected that the feet under his feet were so... I was so unlucky that a space crack appeared, and then I fell directly into the abyss. Is there any natural reason for this tnd? Is my luck so bad? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that his luck was so bad that he fell on top of Rosalia's head!

Then Xiao Bai and Rosalia stared at Xiao Bai in front of them. Bai, the subordinate also looked at Rosalia in front of him.

In the end, it was Rosalia who spoke first:"You don't seem to have come in on your own initiative? Xiao

Bai nodded repeatedly:"Yes, yes, I just fell in accidentally!"

A smile appeared on Rosalia's lips:"Do you think I will believe you?" Also, I have been trapped here for so many days. Not only have I not felt hungry, but I have also been hungry. The spiritual meaning and even the strange power here have not been able to corrode me. Do you think I should or should not believe you?".

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