Everyone looked at Rosalia with disbelief in their eyes

"Did Xiao Bai force Miss Rosalia on you?"

Qin looked at Rosalia in front of her and said with some gritted teeth. On one side, Yukinoshita Yukino really glanced at Qin and then retorted:"It is impossible for Xiao Bai to do such a thing, so it should be Rosa. Miss Leah took the initiative herself."

Qin was equally unbelievable:"How could Miss Rosalia do such a thing? There is no intersection between Miss Rosalia and Xiao Bai at all, so how could she possibly do such a thing on her own?"

When Qin said this, she gritted her teeth.

Seeing Qin's appearance, Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a moment and then said to Qin:"Don't be influenced by your own emotions, Miss Rosalia. The reason for doing this is probably because Miss Rosalia wants to insure Mondstadt!"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Rosalia in front of her with a trace of helplessness in her eyes.

"Although I can understand it, to be honest, I don’t quite agree with Miss Rosalia doing such a thing. 24

Rosalia doesn't care about what Yukinoshita Yukino said:"I only do what I think is right. I will protect Mondstadt in my own way. If nothing happens, I will go back first. Come on, give me two days off, I really need a good rest."

After finishing speaking, Rosalia left, but she walked with a slight limp and her pace was slow, as if If you walk too fast, you will touch some wounds.

Looking at Rosalia leaving, Qin bit her lower lip:"Damn it!"

"This is Miss Rosalia's own choice and we should bless her. Moreover, for Miss Rosalia, she has found a home for herself, which is a good thing! Lisa looked at her best friend and couldn't help but shook her head and said.

"I think you should know about Miss Rosalia’s past. For Miss Rosalia, Mondstadt is her only destination, so there is nothing we can say about Rosalia protecting Mondstadt in her own way. , and from now on, Mondstadt is no longer Miss Rosalia’s only destination. I think this is actually a good thing for Miss Rosa! Amber was silent on the side. Lisa glanced at Amber and said,"Amber, if you like someone, you have to fight for it yourself. It's not okay to be coy like you." Lisa

's words immediately broke Amber's guard. Amber hurriedly explained:"Miss Lisa, don't talk nonsense. I'm just thinking about the monsters I need to clean up next!""


Lisa chuckled. She didn't believe a word of what Amber said.

Amber couldn't help but feel guilty when she saw Miss Lisa's appearance. It was obvious that someone had seen through her thoughts. appearance

"I'm leaving first, there are still monsters to clean up."

After Amber finished speaking, he ran away in panic. Looking at Amber running away, Lisa had a playful smile on her face. Qin on the other side looked at Lisa and said speechlessly:"Li Sarah, stop causing trouble!

Lisa looked at Qin in front of her with a smile:"Yes, yes, I understand.""

Although she said that, Lisa obviously didn't listen. Qin also naturally understood Lisa's character!

"It's really cute."

Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and said nothing, and then said to the others:"Okay, now that Miss Rosalia is back, it's time for us to start our work."

"makes sense! After saying that , several people threw themselves into the work at once.

Half a day later, someone on the street cursed Xiao Bai:"You are a beast. This is my first time. You are a beast and you don't know how to cherish the beauty."."

Xiao Bai followed Ying with a smile and turned a deaf ear to Ying's scolding, as if he didn't hear it.

When he saw him scolding Xiao Bai, instead of being angry, Ying's lungs almost exploded with a smile on his face. Okay, I actually agreed to this bastard to use other places

I had to rinse my mouth for a long time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai looked at Ying in front of him with a hint of ridicule in his eyes:"You can't do it, Ying!"

After hearing this sentence, Ying's face showed an obvious expression. Directly entered the red temperature

"Bastard, just wait for me, I'm just not proficient for the first time. In the future, after I have experienced many battles, I will make you kneel down and call mother!"

"Have you forgotten what you called me?"

Ying's face turned dark. Before, she begged for mercy from Xiao Bai, but ended up calling Xiao Bai's father.

Before, she wanted to beg for mercy, so she didn't think much about it. Now that she thinks about the dark history, Ying now wants to kill someone and silence her. Looking at her eyes There were wisps of murderous intent in Xiao Baiying's eyes.

This matter must not be known to other people, so Xiao Bai must be killed!

"I recorded the scene and voice of you calling me dad, so now I advise you to think carefully about how you should treat me as a dad! Ying instantly looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief:"You are such a pervert and you actually recorded 853, I'm going to kill you!""

Thinking that Xiao Bai even recorded such a thing, Ying's face suddenly turned green. Looking at Xiao Bai in front of her, she even wanted to kill someone.

Xiao Bai looked at Ying with a smile.

"So now I give you another chance, how should you treat me as a father!"

The expression on Ying's face changed a bit. Xiao Bai took out a recording pen and pressed the play button in front of Ying. Then a voice came out that made Ying almost die of shame.

"Dad, good dad, please let me go. I can't do it anymore. I'm going to die. If I continue, I will definitely die."

When Ying heard this voice, he just wanted to find a crack in the ground and bury himself!

"Delete it for me, delete these recordings for me!"

"Ying, you don’t want these voices to be heard by other people, right? Xiao Bai stared at him

:"You are such a pervert, you actually want to tell these things to other people!""

"What would it look like if I gave these tips to Amber, Yula, and other girls? I'm looking forward to it."

Ying's face suddenly turned pale...

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